Chapter 9

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Thanks for the reads I got so far!! I am really enjoying in writing this story, if you are too, please comment or vote! :D. 

Dacian POV

I don't know why I did what I did. I just accepted everything, I guess. The feeling of rage and betrayal I got from Severus was so big, that I'd just... I don't know. It's too much. And to be honest, maybe it's best to just live in the safe muggle world. I cannot hurt anyone, they cannot hurt me... It looks a lot easier.

The week passes pretty quickly. Severus tries to talk to me a lot, but about nothing special. He did tell me that he's going to miss me. Perhaps I will miss him too, I think yes, but I hope not. He got into my mind twice, and it did hurt the time in the bathroom. He had pinned me against the wall, and I'd disarmed him, then he looked at me and with force got into my mind. It hurt. A lot.

Tomorrow, I am going to leave. Severus's going to bring me to the orphanage in London. I kind of look forward to it, but also not. He told me I can have a piano in my room, but not a grand piano. It's better than nothing. I also will have to go to muggle school.

Now, I just hanged out with Draco for the last time, and I'm on my way downstairs, until I bump into a great figure. It's Professor Moody. Oh no.

'Dacian.' He smiles, 'I heard you are leaving?'

I nod.

'Why don't you follow me, I need to talk.'

'Actually, I am kind of busy...' I object, but he grabs my collar suddenly and drags me to his office. He throws me into the room, and I falter, whilst hearing him lock the door behind him. What the hell...?!

'What do you...' But he turns around and looks at me menacingly.

'Shut it, you little rebel.' He goes over a table and takes out some potions, but I don't really look at what he's doing. I'm thinking about what he said. You little rebel. That's one of the name's the Death Eaters would give me.

'Who... who are you?' I stammer, but he's drinking some kind of potion and I see his hair changing. He turns his back to me, and for a while, I have no clue what's going on.

But he turns back to me, and this is not Moody. It is Barty Crouch Jr.

Barty Crouch Jr.

The one man I fear most.

I back away against the wall, he grins, and I clench my fists tightly, preparing for a fight. I won't let him hurt me again without trying to escape. His hand goes to his coat and he takes out a dark wand, points it at me.

'You are coming with me.' The Death Eater sneered.

It goes just as quickly as when I did it to Severus, only this time his wand doesn't go flying away, now it flies to my hand. I point it at him, stepping forward with fake confidence.

The guy frowns, 'Good.' He steps to me now, and I can't help but walk back again, away from the menacing man against the wall.

'Get back, or I'll hurt you.' I snap with a shaky voice.

'How? You've never held a wand before. You don't know any spells.' He smirks.

'Oh, no? I know some. Some you used on me.'

Now he does seem to be scared a little, but he recovers quickly. He charges forwards and tries to grab my wand, but I don't let him. 'Crucio!' I yell the spell he'd used on me countless times before. The spell that causes so much pain. It is one of the only spells I know. Even in all the Defence Against the Dark arts books I had read, there were no spells said. Severus didn't want me to know any.

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