Chapter 16

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Severus Snape POV

It took us two full on hours before we finally caught the creature. And after those hours, everything on the seventh floor is ruined: the tables, doors, classrooms, offices, everything.

Dacian, of course, bolted.

'Severus, you need to find him.' Albus says, his voice one and all concern. 'He's in grave danger, you understand that.'

I nod slowly, 'But if he doesn't want to be found, it'll be difficult.'

'I'll ask some more members of the Order to look out for him.' Albus adds.

He did plan everything out. Dacian took Muggle money from my office, his clothes and books... even food from the kitchen!

'Oh, Severus.' Albus stands up and stops me just before I want to leave. 'He is a clever boy. Don't underestimate him.'

'I won't.' I answer grumpily. Never again.

In my search, I first go to my own house in Spinner's End. Dacian might've gone there because we've already been there a few times, and it's a nice place. He's nowhere to be seen in the building though.

The next place I go to is a small village close to my house. I ask several Muggles if they've seen the boy, but no one has heard of him. So I decide to walk around in the neighbourhood. He couldn't have gone far; he doesn't know many places to go to with the Floo Network. Or did he travel with something else?

I, being powerful enough to produce the charm unlike many wizards, produce a Patronus Charm and send it straight to Dacian. Telling him to return.

Dacian POV

After I travelled to Diagon Alley, with the Floo Network, I went on to the Muggle streets of London, and I am now sitting on a bench in a park, other children and muggles around me.

I take the sandwiches and enjoy them, finally eating in peace. For the first time in a while, I feel safe. It doesn't take long though, I startle from a sudden white light appearing in front of me. It takes the shape of a doe. Then a voice sounds.

Snape's voice.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Nothing, I'm surviving, I think in myself.

"It's dangerous, wherever you are. Just return to Hogwarts, the Professors might not expel you for the prank you laid off."

I don't answer. I don't think I can.

"You can say something."

I shake my head.

"If you return, I might tell you something."

I frown.

"It's about your parents."

The white doe disappears, and I stare emotionlessly at the trees in front of me. My parents? What can he possibly know? I thought they died, and no one knew who they are? But then how does -

'Hey kid, are you okay?' A woman muggle walks over to me, there's a little toddler in her arms.

'I'm fine.' I mumble, staring at my feet.

'Where are your parents?'

Where are my parents. Good question.

I sigh deeply, 'In my house, three blocks from here.'

The woman gives up talking to me and continues walking, I decide to leave the park, before I draw too much attention to myself. In the main streets, I ask a few people for a cheep air BNB, and after a while I find one not too far from the centre of the city that accepts me staying there. I did lie about my age, and said I'm sixteen, the guy didn't seem convinced though, but he let me in anyway.

I bought some salads in a muggle store for dinner from Snape's money. I laugh by seeing the purse, if he ever finds me... I'll be screwed.

There's a big chance the wizards find me, and I just hope it isn't too soon, that I can enjoy some alone time before that. Next morning I go off to the famous Opera House, where I buy some cheap tickets for upcoming shows this week.

The evening comes quickly, and before I know, I am in Romeo and Juliet ballet. It's amazing. The first time I ever witnessed ballet and it was with one of the best dancers and one of the best musicians of the world. Nothing can ruin my mood.

I get back to the air BNB late, and next morning I sleep until after lunch. The afternoon I want to visit a museum of fine arts.

With a group and a guide, I get to know different painters and artworks. Some are boring, but others amaze me. A woman with purple short hair walks over to me whilst the guide is explaining a sculpture.

'Hi,' She says with a smile, 'I'm Tonks.'

'Hi?' I answer confused, why did she just introduce herself? She couldn't want to be dating with me, could she?! I'm eleven. The woman seemed at least twenty years older.

'I know who you are.' She whispers in my ear when we walk with the group to the next room. 'You're Dacian.'

My eyebrows rise. Who is this Tonks? Does she work with Dumbledore or the Death Eaters?

The questions are quickly answered.

'Dumbledore wants you to return to Hogwarts.'

'Who are you?' I ask, ignoring her earlier statement.

'I'm Nymphadora Tonks. Work for the Order.'


'Shh,' She jumps, looking around if anyone heard us, but no one is paying attention to us. 'For Dumbledore.'

'Tell him I'm spending the holidays here.' I say grumpily, walking away from her. I hear her following me and turn back around. 'Get away from me.'

'Dacian!' She whispers-shouts, now people turn to look at her.

'She's bothering me.' I yell, and immediately, the guide comes up and separates her from me. Another security guard turns up and looks at me.

'Do you know this woman?' He asks seriously.

I shake my head quickly. 'She wanted me to go with her.'

I am not lying, I think, and the muggles seem to have noticed that. Tonks is being led out of the museum, and I try to continue the tour, but I only have her in my mind. What if she tells Dumbledore or the others where I am? What if they'll all find me now?

Severus Snape POV

"He's in London, Tonks saw him in a museum." The Patronus of Dumbledore announces, a phoenix. "Go, find him."

Immediately, I jump into action. I've been waiting in my house for two days now, and haven't received any information about the boy until now. Finally.

I apparate to London, to the main crowded street, and my hope sinks. How will I ever find him between all those people? But I try not to think about it and I just walk around. Unfortunately, I have Muggle clothes on. It's disgusting. I'm wearing black, as usual. A black long coat covering most of my body, and black shoes and pants.

My hand remains in my pocket all the time, holding my wand tightly. I know it's not safe, even in the Muggle World, nowadays. Although I don't expect the Death Eaters to attack me, because they'll recognize me of course.

The museum Dacian has been sighted in is right in front of me, and I walk through the great entrance to the counter.

'Can I help you this fine afternoon, sir?' The guy asks.

'I was wondering, perhaps you have seen a boy here, eleven years old, grey eyes, brown messy hair?'

The Muggle thinks for a moment, 'I think I have, there was a little fuss in here just a few hours ago.'

'What happened?'

'Well, at first the boy claimed to be bothered by some women, which was true so we had to escort the woman away.'

That was probably Tonks, I conclude.

'And then there was this black-haired woman who chased him through the halls out of the museums. We sent some security behind them, but we haven't seen them since.'

Oh no.


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