Chapter 15

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Dacian POV

From different student, I've heard about Peeves, a ghost that always is pranking everyone. I've seen him a few times in the hallways, but never really got to talk to him. However, now I have a plan, and I need him.

The day before the holidays, the Christmas holidays, I want to lay off a great prank and leave the school. In the library I decided I want to go to London during the holidays. I chose different things to go to: concerts, museums, buildings, and more. Of course, I don't have muggle money, but most of the things are free for children, and I'd see how I will get to food and places to sleep later.

In the hallway, looking for Peeves, I suddenly hear something behind me. Footsteps.

'Hello?' I turn around, my wand raised, but I can't see anything further in the dark corridor. The only light here comes from the tip of my wand, and that isn't much. 'Is there someone there?'

There isn't a sound anymore.

'Show yourself.' I try to sound confident, but actually, my heart's pounding and I'm scared for whoever to show up. It better not be the Gryffindors. Or maybe it's Snape. That's even worse.

I hear it again. A thud. Then another one. It's getting closer.

With my hand clenching my wand tightly, I wait. Prepared for something to come to my way.

There appears another light bulb just like mine at the top of a black wand. It is who I feared it would be. Snape.

'What are you doing wandering in the corridors at night?' He drawls.

'Uhm.' I take a step back hesitatingly. 'I couldn't sleep.'

He raises one eyebrow. 'What are you up to?'

I realize that he'll know when I'm lying, and then he'll use Ligilimency, so he will know the truth anyway. But I can't let that happen. An idea comes up in my mind, a reckless, stupid, very stupid idea. It's just two days until the holidays, and I just have to avoid him for these days.

I sigh deeply. 'I was heading to the Library.'

'You're lying.' Professor Snape steps closer to me, and I realize I have to do it now. Or I'll be lost. So...

I take a run for it.

Severus Snape POV

The boy runs the opposite direction from me. I know the boy is faster than me, and he put out his light, so I will never find him tonight. That's why I yell some words as he disappears in the darkness.

'You insolent boy.' I drawl in disgust, not even knowing if he hears me. He's probably long gone.

I look in the Slytherin Dormitories and Common room, but he's nowhere to be found, so I decide I'll search him tomorrow, and go off to bed.

The next morning he doesn't turn up in the Great Hall for breakfast, nor does he come to the Potion class. Not that I expected that, but I had expected him to eat.

'Mr Callow.' I grab the blonde boy's shoulder in the corridor, 'Have you seen Dacian?'

'N... No, sir.' He shook his head, clearly scared of me. 'I haven't seen him today.'

I sigh deeply and continue my search in the castle, but the boy's nowhere to be found. And it starts to worry me now. As I ask the other professors, I realize he hasn't been seen all day yet.

'He's most likely skipping classes. That happens to every student once in a while.' Dumbledore says calmly.

'I don't think so.' I deny. 'But I'll give him some time.'

The next day, Thursday, he doesn't show up anywhere either. And now I'm really concerned. I don't want him to be wandering off or hiding somewhere. He might even be kidnapped?!

But then, Friday morning, he's sitting casually in the Great Hall for lunch. Talking with Callow and other Slytherins next to him, he seems quite happy. Until I show up.

Dacian POV

I found Peeves that evening, and I convinced him to help with my great prank. It will be happening Friday afternoon. After two days of skipping, I told the others that I was sick, and laying in the Infirmary, which of course isn't true. I spent the two days in the Room of Requirement. In the library, I'd found a book about the secret room, and I found it on the seventh floor.

'But are you alright now?' Dexter asks concerned. We're sitting in the Great Hall for lunch. It will happen soon.

'I'm fine, Dexter.' I smile once again. My mood can't be disturbed by anything anymore.

As expected, Snape walks over to me, with a furious scowl on his face. 'You.' He growls, as he lifts me up and he's dragging me to the Dungeons.

'Where have you been?' He asks when we're in his office.

I flinch of all the anger in his voice. 'I wasn't feeling alright.' 

He's taking out his wand out of his black cloak, and I stand up, taking my own wand as well. 'Don't do it.' I say with confidence, and he looks at me surprised.


'Stupefy!' I yell, everything is going according to plan. Peeves should be waiting outside, and as soon as he hears a loud thud; Snape falling to the ground, he'll carry out his part of the plan.

Snape, however, blocks my spell easily by a simple flick of his wand, and I get blasted to the floor. I groan, pain flashing in my back. At least Peeves heard me. He's going to set off the firework above us now, as distraction. And yes, just a moment later –


Professor Snape, first looking at me, now turned around on his heel. 'Merlin's beard?!' He rushes away when another bang sounds. The stone floor is shaking of the impact, and Snape turns around one moment to me. 'You will stay here.'

The door slams closed, and I'm left alone in the gloomy office. When I try the door, it is ofcourse locked, but I'd been prepared for that. 'Alohomora!'

I arrive at the third corridor, and as expected, I see Peeves dancing around in the air, throwing fireworks to several Professors, including Snape and even Dumbledore.

He winks at me, and my eyes widen as the attention of the Professors now turn to me.

'I must be going off now.' I say, my voice a bit trembling, 'Cya.'

'You're not going anywhere.' Snape snaps annoyed.

But I take the stairs and run all the way to the seventh floor of the castle, where I turn a left through the corridors and find myself in the Room of Requirements again.

A huge magical creature awaits me in there.

I open the now huge gotten door.

And let the wild Erumpent out into the castle. 

Severus Snape POV

As me, Dumbledore and some other Professors finally reach the seventh floor, I realize something is wrong. There's something loose in here.

An Erumpent.

The beast is totally enraged, and it's currently smashing doors and closets in the hallway with its great sharp horn.

How does a Magical Creature from South-Africa end up here?

But there's one answer to that:



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