Chapter 21

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I have decided that this book will be published in two parts, and it is almost the end of the first part. That's also because school is almost starting and I won't have alot of time to write them, I hope you understand!!! For now, enjoy the story.

Dacian POV

I feel my body changing. The werewolf backs away from me, and I feel my head hurting and throbbing. When I try to stand up, I realize I can't; instead of legs I now have two wolf paws, covered with black fur.

Opening my mouth, I realize that has changed too, so has my arms and my whole body. Instead of words, I'm growling.

The two Professors approach me, and immediately, the werewolf (Lupin) shows them his sharp teeth. He growls and gets ready to fight them, the two men seem to not notice it; they're too busy staring at me.

Lupin jumps at Snape and the man in black gets pinned against the ground by the enormous werewolf. I gasp but am not able to move as the wolf leashes out to Snape's head. Before anything bad happens, Professor Dumbledore has blasted Lupin away from the man. Squeaking in pain.

Professor Snape slowly gets up, taking out his wand and he points it at Lupin.

I am awoken out of my trance and quickly jump between him and Lupin, defending the werewolf. Showing my teeth, just like Lupin did, I growl and try to scare him off. Instead, he takes a step closer to me, and frown his eyebrows even tighter.

'You insolent...' He mumbles, but he stops midsentence. 'Stupefy.' He yells and the werewolf gets stunned, Snape approaching us now.

I get in a fighting position, slightly lower to the ground, growling in danger and narrowing my eyes.

'Stop it, Dacian,' Dumbledore gestures me to stay where I am, 'Severus will give him the Wolfbane potion, nothing to worry about.'

With reluctance, I step away from everyone, still staring at Professor Snape suspiciously. The man walks over to the unconscious Lupin and takes out a vial from his cloak.

Severus Snape POV

After Lupin took the potion, we took him to apparate back to Grimmaulds place, where Dacian sort of transformed back to his human form, after a lot of effort.

The boy and Lupin immediately go off to sleep, it's after midnight after all, and it's my turn again to watch over Dacian. Whilst reading a book, I often glance at the sleeping boy, making sure he's okay.

After around an hour he starts to move a lot in his sleep, and I look at him. He's breathing rapidly, and his fists are clenched, I reckon another nightmare...

'Don't...' He mumbles, and my eyebrows rise, 'Don't hurt me, please.'


After five days, it's finally school again, and we all travel with Floo Powder to McGonagall's open fire, who's not that happy with all the Weasley boys in her office. At once I lock myself up in my quarters and sigh in relief; finally rest.

Although it isn't rest. I never rest. There are piles of paperwork waiting for me, classes to prepare, shifts to patrol and more. But now, I take out a glass and fill it with Firewiskey. I know Albus would be deeply upset if he knows about this, but I have a secret storage with it he'll never discover.

My mind, first full with worrying thoughts, now eases as result of the drink, and I smile to myself. This is what I need. Thirty minutes and four glasses later, someone knocks.

'Busy,' I say, but a while later, there are again knocks. 'What is it?' I mumble, more to myself because I know nobody can hear me. Slowly, I rise and bust open the door to see the boy standing there.


Dacian bloody Volkov.

'Didn't I say I am busy.' I sneer, try to come over as disgusted as possible.

The boy stares at me with his innocent grey eyes, he's scared, I notice. But what he does next baffles me; he pushes me to the side and walks past me into my personal quarters.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' I bellow, taking his arm and turning him around. His eyes avoid me, but I notice something has changed... is it confidence?

He jerks his arm back, 'I'm coming for answers, I need to know what's going on.'

I open my mouth but surprisingly, he cuts me off.

'What is your deal? You're a Death Eater, but you don't kill me or hurt me, whilst you could've for the past three years.' His face is contorted with anger I've never seen before.

'Get out of my quarters.' I step closer to him, looking down. 'Or...'

'Or what? I don't understand, you're waiting for something, aren't you?'

I'm taken aback by all his questions. First of all, how does he even dare to ask them; I though he's frightened of me? Besides, it's past curfew, how didn't he get caught by Filch on his way? And he's so close to the truth, he knows too much...

'Or someone?' Finally, we make eye contact, and immediately I take advantage of the situation. With Ligilimence, I find out he's had not just fear but also anger directed at me for quite a while now. The situation that happened tonight didn't help; Dacian cares for Lupin, and he wanted to protect the man from me. Bravery, was that what it was?

The mindreading gets cut off abruptly, and I notice it's because of him closing his eyes. I grab his chin roughly and want to proceed, but he says something again. 'I know what happened that night.'

I freeze.

'Someone possessed me.' Dacian states, still in my grip.

Oh. I slowly let go.

'It was You-Know-Who, wasn't it?' He asks, but he knows the answer. He knows too much. 'I'll tell Professor Dumbledore.'

I smirk, 'He won't believe you.'

'And Lupin.'

'Neither will he.'


My heart skips a beat, although I don't show it. 'You know nothing.'

Dacian Volkov POV

I don't know what to say anymore now, so I just step back from the menacing figure. Even though I tried to be confident, I feel everything but that right now. The way he's staring at me, like he wants me dead so badly. I know that if he loses control of his feelings, I'll be dead in a second. And that thought frightens me most.

'What is wrong with Draco?' I ask, being able to speak once more.

'There's nothing wrong with him.'

And then I realize it. Draco's one of them. He must be. That's why he's been feeling so off all the time, that's why he has once told me about some task, a secret mission or something. He'd been sad that he had "failed" something. This is probably what he meant. Being one of them.

Draco is a Death Eater.

What do I do? What do I do? Two closest people of mine happen to be Death Eaters, they both want me dead. Although, I know Draco would never want to hurt me, but if he has to, he might. I don't know what he is capable of. Neither do I know what Snape is capable of.

'Don't tell anyone.' Snape drawls slowly, 'Or something bad will happen.'

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