Chapter 7

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New update!! Yeejj. I hope you enjoy itt. :D

Severus Snape POV

The weeks and months passed rather quickly. Dacian acted more and more like a normal boy again, and it made me happy. He learnt much about magic, but I didn't dare to give him a wand already; at a young age, that can possible be quite dangerous. In the weekends I took him to a muggle teacher of piano, which he liked and practised a lot for. He met more students and professors, including, unfortunately, Lupin.

I got to know his other side as well. Usually, he's shy, kind and quiet. But I found out that he can be quite mischievous, joking, and annoying. The first times when he laid a prank on me, I got confused, but now I usually get irritated.

He poured water over my head as I walked in. Scared me when I was in my office. Put paint in the shampoo bottle. Let in a deer in my office. And more...

Dacian POV

The days were amazing. I started to be myself, I think, that was what Draco said at least. He told me to do what I was thinking, to follow my intuition, to be me, so that's what I do. I try to make Severus laugh by making jokes, I prank him, and I do stuff I like. It is amazing.

The summer comes quickly. We go to his house in a muggle city, it's small but cozy, and he has another piano there. We read, talk, go out in the nature, play music and the summer is over as quickly as it came.

My birthday is on the sixteenth of September, and Severus got me several presents: books, music scores, and sweets. Draco gave me a dark green sweater, and Lupin gave me three bars of the best chocolate. So now I am nine.

Lupin resigned the job, and isn't teacher anymore in Hogwarts, to my disappointment. Everyone found out of his little problem; he's a werewolf.

Severus liked the idea he was gone. I'd already realized Severus and Lupin didn't go well together, and it had only got worse. They didn't look at each other, nor say a word. I don't really understand why, but I couldn't help than be friendly to Lupin, he's a nice person, in contrary to Severus. No, Severus can be nice as well, he just doesn't show it at all. Now there's a new teacher for the DADA: Professor Moody. I haven't seen him yet, but I heard he's mad.

Also, there are visitors at Hogwarts, because of the Triwizard Tournament. Three champions from Hogwarts and two other schools, Dumstrang and Ilvermorny, have to get through three dangerous trials, to win a great price. However, two champions from Hogwarts were chosen somehow, Cedric Diggory, some kind of Hufflepuff I don't know, and Harry Potter. Yes, that annoying kid. Harry Potter.

I don't see him often, fortunately. I try to avoid the Gryffindors since the confrontation with them, but sometimes come across them in the castle. Usually they will insult me, but nothing worse.

Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to get a wand yet, but I secretly practice my wandless magic, I'd even got a book from the library just about wandless magic, it's hidden underneath my pillow.

I'm walking through the castle on my way to the library when I finally meet him: Professor Moody. He's huge, has one fake eye and a lot of scars.

'Well, hello little guy.' He smiles, 'You must be Dacian?'

I nod, 'Hello Professor Moody.'

He's glaring at me with both his eyes, I feel quite uncomfortable, then he walks away. 'I'll see you soon.'

I raise my eyebrows, see you soon? Then I remember; the first task of the Tournament. I am allowed to watch with Severus as well. I go off to the quarters, where Severus is already waiting for me. We both leave, on our way to the Tournament, which will be held somewhere on the grounds.

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