Chapter 18

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Severus Snape POV

'I have done research and I have found the letter your parents left you.' I drawl slowly, getting a small paper out of my pocket and giving it to Dacian.


We, Natasha and Ivan, wrote this letter for you when you're old enough to understand this. I hope you are doing alright, but I don't suppose so. Voldemort, he's looking for us and must be looking for you too, and you should never, never let him find you. They'll do terrible things to you, they'll hurt you.

I hope you are accepted in Hogwarts, and if you are, you should consider yourself quite lucky. It is safe there, you will be safe there.

Now, more about us. Natasha, your mother, is a powerful werewolf and a Metamorphmagus. She's extremely clever, cunning and creative. She has quite the temper.

Ivan, your father, is a Dark Wizard and an Animagus, what a coincidence that the Animagus is a large black wolf. He's capable of powerful magic, such as Occlumency and wandless magic. Don't think your father is evil, no, he is a Dark Wizard, but that doesn't mean he kills and tortures for fun, like most Dark Wizards do. He's stubborn, ambitious, loyal, and mysterious.

We think you'll get some traits from a wolf, maybe you've already noticed them, maybe you haven't. Silver? Patronus? Personality? Full moon?

Now that you know more of us, you might understand more about yourself. Don't be afraid to use your powers, don't be afraid to fight back. You are strong, you are like us.

We wish you the best, and if you've read this letter, it means we've died. We're so sorry we aren't there to take care of you, but we tried all our best.


Natasha and Ivan Volkov <3

Dacian looks up from the letter, totally devastated. 'What...?'

'I know.' I whisper, 'Take a moment.'

After around five minutes of complete silence and Albus and I watching Dacian process the information and rereading the letter, the boy looks away from the little paper. His head calculating.

'What do they mean? The traits from a wolf?'

'It took me a while to figure it out.' Albus smiles, 'Your Patronus must be a wolf, your personality is quite alike your parents', and I believe at a full moon, you're more aggressive, angry then normal.'

I find myself a bit dumb now, I have never noticed all these things to Dacian when he stayed with me. I've been blind. I don't know why I am with him here now, I am not allowed to talk to him, nor show any pity or care to the boy. Although it breaks my heart again and again.

'Okay.' Dacian finally manages to say, 'And Silver?'

'I believe you're allergic to it, have you ever touched silver?' Albus asks.

Dacian shakes his head, 'Not that I can think of.'

Albus searches in his pocket and takes out a silver device. 'This is a Deluminator, but that's not the point. It is made of pure silver.'

'What happens when I touch it?' Dacian asks carefully.

I am getting a bit anxious here in the corner, even though I don't show it. I don't want Dacian to get hurt unnecessary. In a book I've read that the werewolves get severe burns from silver, and it can even lead to their death if it comes in their bodies.

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