Chapter 22

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Thanks for 300 total reads!! :D. Good luck with those who have school now.

Dacian POV

The next morning, getting out of bed is a real struggle. I'd almost had no sleep that night, and I don't look forward to having new lessons. I manage to miss breakfast because of my slow tempo, and I get too late in the first charms class.

'Mr Volkov, how nice of you to join us.' Professor Flitwick says annoyed, whilst I quickly take a seat next to Dexter. 'Five points from Slytherin.'

I sigh deeply as Dexter looks at me.

The Professor explains about the summoning charm, and he points at a pile of pillows, 'We will be trying to summon those.'

'How were your holidays?' Dexter asks.

'Accio.' Three pillows fly over to me, one hits my head, and I'm glad that we first practice with something soft.

'Well done,' Professor Flitwick walks over, 'Now try to work on the pillows landing at your feet.'

'It was horrible.' I whisper to Dexter, finally being able to answer him. 'And yours?'

'Umm, I'll tell you later.'

DADA is quite boring. Snape is talking nonstop about the use of Unforgivable Curses, and how to defend from them. I hate this topic. He ignores me fully, and I'm glad about that. The last thing I want is detention with him.

Dexter asked to talk in an empty classroom that evening, so now we are there, I'm patiently waiting for Dexter to come up with something important.

'My father has to kill Dacian Volkov.'

My heart sinks in my chest. 'What?'

'Your last name is Volkov?'

I slowly nod.

'I had to warn you, they're after you.' Dexter says slowly, he puts his arm on my shoulder. 'Tell Dumbledore, but if they know I said this to you...'

'I won't mention you.' I immediately say. Dexter's father is also a Death Eater, but how come that Dexter told me? He's putting himself at great risk now... 'I appreciate you telling me this, but why?'

He seems to think about this for a while, 'You're my friend.'


'I don't want my father to become a killer.'

I nod slowly, still trying to process all the new information. 'How did you find out?'

'I heard him talking to my mom, he said that the Dark Lord had given him an assignment. I have to get Dacian Volkov, that's what he said.'

Again, I'm nodding, not knowing what else to say.

I find myself on the Astronomy tower later, staring at the stars and the moon. There's too much going on and I have nobody to help me. Yes, Dexter, but he doesn't want to help me directly, because he's scared of being discovered. I understand.

There's a small breeze, messing with my hair, I shiver. I should be going to bed soon, I know it must be around midnight, so in a few minutes I'm lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling.



Dexter's father.

They're all against me.

Severus Snape POV

'Draco.' I push the boy against the wall after taking him out the Slughorn Party, 'You must be careful.'

'I am.' He hisses back, pushing me away. 'And I don't need your help.'

'You can't do this alone.' I whisper back, looking around if anyone hears us. 'Let me guide you.'

'No.' He walks away, and this time I let him.

A lot is going wrong now. Dacian knows, Draco will fail, Bellatrix suspects me, and Albus relies on me. How do I handle this all?

After a long time, I finally fall asleep on my queen-sized bed. The next morning, a Saturday, I am awoken by Albus Dumbledore.

'I need you in the Infirmary now.'

Groaning, I slowly rise, putting on my normal outfit and cloak. 'What is it?'

'Someone has been poisoned.'

I sigh deeply, immediately knowing who did it; Draco. He was going to try with poison, I knew that because he took it out of my storage. The question is who has been poisoned. After getting my wand, I follow Albus up the stairs to the Infirmary.

It's the Weasley.

'What did he drink?'

McGonagall, who's already there, hands over a bottle of wine, and Slughorn is staring at me intensely, I wonder why. As soon as I smell it, I recognize the poison in it. 'This is rare. Deadly.' I mumble, looking at Dumbledore.

'I... wanted to give it to you Albus.' Slughorn confesses, 'But I didn't want to poison you, never!'

Albus and I make eye contact, we both know who has done this, and some simple Professor like Slughorn would never do it.

'How did he survive?' I ask, gesturing at the Weasley boy, I forgot his first name again.

'Potter.' McGonagall says seriously, 'I believe he used a Bezoar.'

So the boy can think in life death situations, and not even brow a decent potion?! My thoughts are interrupted by the students entering; Potter and Granger.

As I want to leave the room, giving those dunderheads privacy, another girl comes in; Brown. 'What are you doing here?' She asks Granger, and then I realize this must all be about Weasley. With a deep sigh, I leave the room, Albus staring at me with twinkling eyes.

The last quidditch match is coming, and I am secretly quite excited. It's Slytherin vs Gryffindor, and whoever wins gets the Cup. So, there I am, walking with the crowd, a scowl that I don't really mean, on my face.

I also want to watch for Dacian. He's a good flyer, and the Seeker, so he has to beat Potter again. Which I suppose won't be easy for him. He has gotten a better broomstick of the "school"; it was secretly me who gave him the Nimbus 2000. It's not the best, but it is better than his last one, and it cost me a lot of money.

Hooch blows on her whistle and the match begin. Players in green and red rush through each other and it is difficult to watch, but eventually I get my eyes on the small boy. He's flying a bit higher, searching for the Snitch.

'AND ANGELA SCORES ANOTHER TIME, IT IS 30-10 TO GRYFINDOR.' Jordan yells through his megaphone.

I sigh deeply; Potter dives down with his Firebolt, his hand stretching out for a golden glimpse I can just see, Dacian pursuing but is too slow...


A Bludger by a Slytherin beater slams both of their broomsticks, and both the Seekers get blasted out of their directions. Potter manages to steer his broom back, but the Snitch is long gone.

That was a close one.

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