Chapter 8

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Dacian POV

I don't know what to do. He keeps staring at me, watching me, observing every movement I make. Doesn't he trust me anymore? I mean, it was just a little magic. And I defended my friend. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

But he brings me to Dumbledore's office after we've taken Draco to the Hospital Wing. We walk up the stairs into his great office, the headmaster sitting on his usual chair, behind him hanging all the paintings of the former headmasters.

'What brings you here?' He asks calmly, a smile on his face.

Severus explains him about the incident in the bathroom, and about my use of magic. I shrug after he's finished, but they both stare at me intensely. Dumbledore's smile is long gone.

Dumbledore raises from his chair and walks over to me. 'Is this true?' His eyes meet mine, they're twinkling, surprise or fascination. I do not know.

'Yes, sir.' I look back at my feet.

It remains silent for a while in the room, until finally Dumbledore speaks again. 'Do you know that it is very special that you can wield this magic?'

I look back up at him, surprised. I remember Severus using it in daily situations as well, such as opening and closing doors and stirring a cup of coffee, so I'd assumed it's normal.

'No, it's not normal.' Severus finishes my thoughts.

'Wha... were you in my head?' I frown, fear rising in me again.

'Maybe.' He shrugs.

'Maybe?!' I spit out. 'Why do you... how can you... that's private.' I turn around to the door, but as I try to open it, the knob won't turn. I rattle with it a few times but eventually give up.

'I'm sorry.' Severus says, just behind me and I flinch from his sudden closeness.

'Listen, Dacian.' Dumbledore comes over now too. 'It is dangerous magic, you shouldn't be doing it.'

'Why not? I bet more people can do it.'

'Voldemort could do it as a kid, but I cannot recall many more.' Dumbledore's face is one and all concern.

'Vold... oh I get it.' I scold at him. 'Just because I am powerful and in Slytherin, you're frightened of me, aren't you?!' It takes me quite an effort to not bust out in rage.

'Dacian...' Severus starts but I cut him off.

'No, don't say a word.' I back off against the door, and slowly slide down in a sitting position. I put my head in my hands, feeling a bit trapped again, breathing heavily.

'Are you alright?' Severus voice is concerned this time, I carefully look up and meet his dark eyes. 'Are you ok?' He asks again.

'You know, don't you. You can see it in my head.' I say, and immediately regret it. He steps closer, a furious gaze pointed at me, and grabs my collar, pulling me up.

'I don't look in your head all the time.' He says, being close to my face. 'You know I wouldn't do that.'

'Then why did you do it now?' I ask softly.

'I needed to make sure you weren't lying.' Severus steps back, and I look at Dumbledore again.

Severus Snape POV

It hurts me when he's upset. I understand that he is, but wandless magic is mostly called Dark Magic, and I don't want him to use that. It'll get him in lots of trouble. He's finally not staring at me but at Albus instead, with those furious grey eyes.

Albus asks to talk to me alone, and I lead Dacian back to his quarters, telling him to stay there. When I return, Albus is sitting in his chair with his head in his head. He sighs deeply as he hears me coming in. 'Severus.' I take a seat in front of him. 'This is dangerous.'

'I know.'

'He can wield it very well.' Albus stands up and turns away, 'Too well.'

'What do you suppose?' I ask, fearing his answer.

'Send him away.'

My eyebrows rise, sadness comes up in my stomach. 'I... no.' I don't think I can bear him being gone. I care about him, and I know I shouldn't. I shouldn't show emotions, it's a weakness, but I couldn't help it, not with being together with such an innocent boy. But he's not innocent, is he? Another voice comes up in my head. He wields Dark Magic, that says enough. But even then, he can stay, right?

'We can send him to an orphanage, and when he's old enough to Hogwarts.' Albus turns to me again and studies my face. 'You will see him again.'

'I hope so.' We both know Voldemort is to return any time, and maybe then there won't be a Hogwarts to go to. He will go after Dacian as soon as he hears about his existence. And I fear that most of all.

'This is probably the reason he survived.' Albus mumbles. 'He must've used the magic to survive with the Death Eaters. We should've never trusted him.'

'He can't help it

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'He can't help it.' I hiss back to him. 'It's not his fault.'

'But he chose to use the magic.'

'He didn't know it was Dark.'

Albus explains me his plan of what to do with the boy. He wants to send him to an orphanage in London, and he'll return to Hogwarts the schoolyear when he becomes eleven. I don't like the idea of him returning to an orphanage, but Albus promises he will make sure someone looks out for him.

Now it's time to tell him...

I don't want to. But I know it's for the best, so I walk with Albus following me to my quarters again. We hear him playing the piano before coming in and take a moment to listen. He's playing a menuetto from Mozart. Then I carefully knock.

'Dacian, the Headmaster has decided something.' I announce as we walk in the room. The boy stares at me annoyed, he still seems to be pissed off. Understandable.

'You will be going to the orphanage next school year.' Albus says.

Dacian's face turns into first sadness, then anger. His fists are clenched and for a moment, I think he's going to attack us, but he stands up and turns away. 'Why?' He asks finally.

Albus explains that he's in danger, the Death Eaters will look for him and it's best for him to remain in the Muggle world. After the long story Dacian merely nods.

'Fine.' He grumbles. 'But I don't want to return to Hogwarts.'

I sigh deeply. I hope he doesn't know what he's saying. I hope he's angry and not thinking straight. But a part of me believes what he says.

'I don't want to be in the Wizarding World ever again.' Dacian turns around, his eyebrows tightened and his jaw set. 'I want to forget this.'

'We'll see about that.' Dumbledore avoids the topic, glancing at me, 'You will leave in a week Dacian.'

A week. That's fast, I think.

Dacian nods. 'Fine.' He says again in this grumpy tone.

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