Chapter 19

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Dacian POV

'Well then, leave us for a moment, Severus.' Dumbledore finally says. The man reluctantly does what he asks, and we're now alone in the kitchen.

'Snape, why is he in the Order?' I ask almost immediately.

'Well, he is a brave man who has a lot of uses to the Order, why do you ask?'

'He's a Death Eater.'

'Why do you say that?' Dumbledore raises one eyebrow.

'I've seen the Dark Mark on his arm! You know that, don't you?!' I start to feel panic in my chest, now that Dumbledore is looking at me thoughtfully.

'I trust Severus with my life, and he works for me, and for me only.' Dumbledore answers too calmly.

'But he's a Death Eater!' I yell out now, totally frustrated.

'He's not a Death Eater, Dacian, don't raise your voice.' Dumbledore's eyes are twinkling with some weird emotion... Surprise? Amusement? I don't know.

In blind rage, I slam the door open, wanting to go back to my room, but instead Snape is standing in front of me. Anger turns into fear. 'Did you... hear us?'

His cold eyes show no emotion, and I have no idea what that means. He stares at me intently, and at first, I stare back, looking confidently in the black eyes, but I can't resist the urge to step further away from him and look away.

After a long silence I realize he isn't going to say anything, so I walk past him up the stairs back to the room where Lupin is waiting. The man is staring at me even when I'm laying down and closing my eyes.

'Can you stop staring?!' I eventually blurt out.

'Excuse me, little pup.'

I sit up, 'What did you just call me?'

The man laughs, 'Well, I know about your wolf traits, and you're behaving as a kid so you're a little wolf pup.'

My anger and fear slowly vanish, at first I don't know why, but I figure it must be because of Lupin. He's kind, funny and makes me feel safe, perhaps I should tell him... 'Thanks.'


'I said thanks.' I put on a smile, 'You're kind to me, thank you for that.'

The man opens his mouth and then closes it again, not having a clue what to say.

Severus Snape POV

'Why didn't you tell him?' I ask Albus confused about the conversation the man and Dacian just had.

'It is too dangerous; I can't risk everything for just Dacian.'

I sigh deeply, Albus seems to only care about Harry and defeating the Dark Lord, using whatever he can. I sometimes really wish to not do this anymore and to just run away, but I know I can't. Not after everything I've already done...

Albus still isn't fond of Dacian. He finds the boy too powerful, too dangerous, and that has only become more after reading the letter from his parents I found. Well, I haven't exactly found the paper; it was sent to me, by... I have no clue. It also had a letter to me in it, explaining why whoever that was, sent it to me.

For Professor Snape, head of Slytherin in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

This letter must be given to Dacian as soon as possible, I know you, Severus Snape, have a bond with the boy. It is important that he reads it; there will be a lot of mysteries solved.

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