Chapter 20

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Severus Snape POV

I cannot bear to be in the same room as all those Weasley boys, or worse with Potter, that's why I hide in one of the many bedrooms upstairs, but I sometimes have to babysit Dacian again. The boy met the Twins and as I suspected, they have become friends. Fortunately, I manage to avoid all of them, and I'm able to get some paper works done.

'Dacian.' I take his shoulder as he walks past me, wanting to go back to his room after dinner. 'I need to speak to you.'

He raises one eyebrow, like I usually do, and I wonder if it is to mock me or just unknowing. Then he takes a seat in front of me at the now empty table. 'What is it?'

'Professor Dumbledore is coming to visit tomorrow.' I say without any emotion. 'And it is full moon in two days.'


I sigh deeply, he doesn't seem to make the link between it. Apart from Albus, only Lupin and I know what he has planned for the boy, and it is not pleasantly. I protested a lot, but Albus doesn't listen to me, and has ignored every objection I made, so I gave up.

Albus wants to know Dacian his full potential,and he's going to test that this full moon.

Dacian POV

He doesn't speak for a while, and he's just staring at his hands on the wooden table, then finally, 'I wanted to warn you, but forget it.'

I narrow my eyes, this is weird. 'I don't understand.'

'Never mind.' He spits angrily, standing up. 'I know you've been breaking into my quarters for the piano, I suggest you quit doing that, or there will be severe consequences.'

My heart beating in my throat, I open and close my mouth, not knowing what to say.

'The Room of Requirements will have a piano.' With that he leaves me in the kitchen, alone.

Bewildered, I look around in the empty room. Since two days I haven't been alone in a room, the feeling is kind of peaceful. I don't have someone watching me all the time, but the moment passes quickly; Molly walks in.

'Hi, my dear, are you alright?' She gives me a pat on my shoulder, and I turn to her. 'I saw Severus leaving the room with an expression on his face... well, you don't want to know.'

I shrug slowly, 'I'm fine, I guess.'


The two days pass quickly and soon it is the day of full moon. I can't help but worry about everything Snape has said. I hang out with the twins a lot; they are the only kids here that like me. Potter and the others usually just ignore me, and I ignore them.

Finally, Professor Dumbledore arrives in the old house, and he immediately invites me over to talk in the living room. When I get in there, I notice Lupin and Professor Snape as well.

'Dacian, or should I say Mr Volkov?' The old man's eyes twinkle and he winks at me. 'We have something important to discuss.'

I sit down between the two men in front of Dumbledore, 'What is it?'

'Full moon is tonight, and I believe what will happen to Remus?' They all look at me expectantly.

'He'll turn into a werewolf.' I mumble.

The headmaster nods, 'And I believe you will have some effects too, and we want to test them.'

'You want to test them.' Lupin says annoyed, causing me to frown.

What does he mean with test? What are they planning?

'Tonight, when Lupin transforms, we want you to be near him, I believe the effects will be stronger if you see another werewolf, and you might be able to transform.' Dumbledore explains, and I'm starting to understand where this is going.

They want to see if a real bloodthirsty werewolf in front of me will affect me.

I turn to Lupin, 'Did you agree with this?'

It remains silent for a while, then the man finally answers softly. 'It's for the better.'

Anger spreads through me again, and I feel my cheeks getting hot. They think they have charge over me...?! They think I'll agree to everything they say...?!

'Do you ever care about what I have to say?!' I finally spit out, standing up from the chair and leaning on the table. 'Do you ever realize that I don't want your stupid shit!?'

'Language,' Snape mumbles from besides me.

Now I turn to him, 'Don't you say a word! Not. A. Word.'

Somehow, he doesn't. 

Instead, Dumbledore says something again. 'If we do this, you might be able to transform to your Animagus form anytime you want.'

'Or Lupin might kill me...?!' I turn to look at the pale man; he is staring very uncomfortable at the table, avoiding eye contact.

'We'll make sure that won't happen.' Dumbledore smiles. 'So you agree?'

I frown, 'I never said'–

But Professor Snape grabs my shoulder tightly and we apparate. I fall on the ground after the twirling process, my stomach sick now, and look around. The three are standing around me, all eyes fixed on me. Lupin holds out a hand and helps me get up. I just scowl at him.

We're in an open grass field, and around me I can only see more acres and farmlands. The sun is already setting, and there is no sign of muggles or anything near.

'Dacian, the moon will be rising within an hour, we are going to stay close and make sure the both of you aren't in danger.' Dumbledore explains.

I slowly turn back to him, 'How dare you?'

Severus Snape POV

As I read his mind, I'm understanding the danger we're in right now. The boy is furious. No, not furious, worse. Enraged, but also scared. All his hatred is aimed at Dumbledore, for now.

'You, headmaster, most powerful wizard in the world...' Dacian says, filled with sarcasm, his fists are clenched at his side, 'Let me go. Leave me alone.'

'Dacian... I don't mean to harm you.' Albus says, 'This is best for you. We're trying to help you.'

'You won't convince me with your filthy talks.' Dacian his hand goes to his pocket and –

'Expelliarmus!' I whisper, my own wand pointed at him, and the boy gets blasted backwards in the soft grass, I catch his wand.

Lupin gasps, and I cast him a deadly glare, I can't help that he gets mad, I just do things Albus ordered me to do. Dacian now looks at me with his grey eyes. He's angry, but frightened, so he doesn't say a word anymore and just stands up, waiting.

'We just wait.' Dumbledore says, sitting down on the grass.

And yes, after around ten minutes, the moon rises and Lupin starts groaning. Immediately, Albus and I back away until we're at a safe distance, around twenty meters away from the two. The man has collapsed to the ground when I turn around, and when he rises again, he's a werewolf. A long snout, grey fur, and his legs are long bend paws.

I see Dacian, a small dark figure I assume it's him, stumbling away from the werewolf, but Lupin approaches him, and I hold my breath as it happens.

Lupin hasn't taken in any Wolfsbane potion, as we had planned, so he's supposed to be eating and murdering everything he sees, but not Dacian. Instead, the werewolf goes over to the now on his back laying Dacian, and he licks him in the face.

He licks Dacian in the face.

'Incredible.' Albus mumbles from besides me.

And then it happens.

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