Chapter 13

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Severus Snape POV

It scares me how good Dacian is with his new wand. He doesn't know I am looking in the classes, but I am. I even went to Minerva to ask how Dacian's doing in her class. As I expected, she said he's her best student. His wand, I do not know. I asked Hagrid what the core is, and he said it's made of a Thunderbird tail feather and ebony wood.

I also told Dumbledore about the meeting I had with the Dark Lord. Albus is concerned about Dacian, and so am I. The boy now is also a target, and when the time comes, they will capture him. I know from his stubbornness that he will refuse again to collaborate with the Dark Lord, so I suspect they will torture him again. Dumbledore told me to not worry for now. I can't help but worry.

'Today, you will be learning the disarming spell.' I announce in front of the first year's class. Dacian is sitting at the side with his Slytherin friend. 'We work in pairs, and as we don't have enough space here, we will be practicing this in the Great Hall.' I lead the little kids to the Great hall, where all the tables stand aside, there's enough space here.

'Choose your partner.' I command bored.

'Now carefully, say the spell with the correct wand movement you've all been practicing, the other casts the defensive spell.' I wait for someone to get hurt, but fortunately, no one does yet. Few students succeed with getting something out of their wand, I look at Dacian and Callow. As always, Dacian produces a perfect Protego-charm, however, Callow successfully succeeds failing the Expelliarmus spell, instead fire blasts from his wand into Dacian's hair.

I quickly react and say, 'Aguamenti!' A blast of water hits Dacian in his face, so powerful he falls backwards. Well. At least he isn't on fire.

Dacian POV

I don't really know what's going on. First, Dexter shoots fire out his wand into my hair, then I get blasted away by water?! What in Merlin's Beard is going on?

I open my eyes to see everyone stare at me, my face is all wet and I'm panting on the floor. Footsteps approach and I see Professor Snape. Oh please no.

'Mr Callow.' He turns to Dexter, a furious gaze pointed at the boy. 'Ten points from Slytherin.'

That doesn't happen often; Snape taking out points from Slytherin. I'm a bit scared what he's going to do next now that he's looking at me. I carefully looked back into the obsidian eyes. 'Sir?' I bring out softly.

'You're fine, get up.' He snaps unfriendly, and I quickly do as he says. The students go back to their positions and Snape goes back to hold some kind of speech about safety. I can't listen.

We had eye contact. For the first time in so long. I wonder if he looked into my mind. He can do that without me knowing, I discovered that before I left to the orphanage. I bet he knows everything of me. I wake up from daydreaming when Dexter grabs my shoulder.

'It's your turn now.'

I nod and now point my black wand at him. 'Expelliarmus.'

Dexter flies away at least ten meters far, landing with a loud thumb on the stone floor. I flinch of the loud sound, and then a second later get a wand smacked against my head. Dexter's wand.

I succeeded. I did disarm him. But how did he get blasted away so far?!

Professor Snape walks over to Dexter, helps the boy up and then turns to look at me. 'Class dismissed, I'll bring Mr Callow to the Infirmary.'

I stumble back, desperately wanting to leave, and Snape let's me. I run all the way outside to Hagrid'. The man isn't home, but I don't mind. Izzy is. She greets me by putting her giant paws over my shoulders and licking my face as always.

Severus Snape's Son: The Slytherin RebelWhere stories live. Discover now