Chapter 23

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A/n: Welcome back!! I hope everyone's had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the holidays. I will keep updating this book every week. This is a little shorter chapter, but I've got exciting stuff coming up, so enjoy and don't forget to vote please!!

Dacian POV


Finally, I see it first. A little gold glimpse beneath me, and I immediately dive down, my new broom gaining speed.

Potter is on my tail within a second, and I try to go even faster. My hand, stretched out, just a moment away from catching the ball until... A huge force puts me out of direction and my broom is suddenly horizontal again, Potter rushing behind the ball and seconds later...


My heart is sinking in my chest from disappointment, I had been so close, so close. Potter had slammed me out of his way... he's way bigger and stronger than me so...

'You idiot!' Urquhart, the Slytherin Captain, lands next to me on the grass, and walks over. 'Why didn't you fight back?'

'I tried,' I hiss back, my eyebrows frowned, 'I couldn't help it.'

'You should've gotten it!' Urquhart, towering over me, seems furious, and the two Slytherin Beaters land behind him, 'I thought you were good.'

'I'm sorry?' This guy is pushing me now.

'I thought you were like Potter; a special talent with dead parents.'

'Don't you dare,' I spit out, walking over to the taller guy and smacking him in his face. At first, he seems taken aback, but then his expression changes to anger again and he grabs my collar.

'Oh I dare, Volkov,' He hisses to me, but before he can do anything else, the professors arrive and drive us apart. 'It's not over,' The guy manages to tell me when he gets pulled away.

'Stay away from me, you...' But before I can say the insults that would drive him even more mad, someone pulls me around.

It is Snape.

'Get off me.' I yell as I push him away from me, at least I try to; he doesn't stumble at all, he doesn't move a muscle.

'Calm down.' He hisses to me.

'He... he did it.'

'He did what, Mr Volkov?' Dumbledore has arrived and lays a hand on my shoulder.

'He insulted me.' I say, now softer. 'I'm not the one wrong here.'

Then I notice the Gryffindors cheering and lifting Potter up in the air. Dumbledore walks over to them and says something to Potter and the team, probably congratulations. Snape is still standing too close to me, watching me intensely. Dumbledore is standing next to me now too, also staring at me. Why?

I step back, from the sides more Gryffindors keep coming. Ignoring me totally. They only have eyes for Potter.

The chasers of the Slytherin team approach me, also seemed to be furious, but before they can reach me, Snape holds them off.

I need to go. I need to get out. Away from these people.

I push my way through the crowd to the sides, and head to the changing rooms, where it's quiet and peaceful. The tears are already coming when I sit down, and my throat tightens.

Severus Snape POV

He went into the changing rooms.

The guilt feeling increases in my chest; he tried so hard, and they still all got mad at him. The Slytherin Captain was furious, and I know he won't let it go so easily. Perhaps it's safer for Dacian to not play any Quidditch anymore. There have been enough accidents already, and I don't want him to get hurt any more. 

He's sobbing when I find him, his head in his arms, in the corner of the room.

I take a deep breath, preparing to what's to come, and then walk over to him. With one hand, I grab his Quidditch shirt and lift him up, forcing him to look me in the eyes by taking his chin, I start talking. 'I know you think you are pathetic, but you're not. And I don't want you to attract too much attention to yourself.'

His grey eyes, red and full of tears now, stare at me with such sadness and grief that I almost lose the act I'm playing. Focus. Be the Death Eater. Scare him.

'You know that if you tell anyone anything, I will have to do something, don't you?' I ask in a menacing voice, he's still staring in my eyes, the courage... wow.

'Why...?' He stammers finally. 'Why do you do this?'

'I am a Death Eater, it's what we do.' Not true.

'Just leave me alone, please.'


'I can't do this. I can't keep hurting an innocent boy.' I plead to Dumbledore.

'Severus,' He sighs deeply, 'I know it is difficult, I can ask Hagrid to support him a bit.'

I nod slowly. 'You don't know what he's going through, it might be too much soon.'

'I know. It won't be much longer.' The old man sighs and stands up, going over to the storage filled with memories about Tom Riddle. 'Both you and Harry know everything now. And I have located another Hocrux.'

'You shouldn't go alone this time.' Last time he ended up having that horrible curse from the ring.

'I know, Severus. I will ask Harry.'


He shrugs, 'In a week or two, I guess.'

'And then?'

'Well, I suppose Draco will try to do it then, and you know what to do.' He simply says, turning back to me.

I sigh deeply. 'I'm just supposed to kill you... Can't anyone else do it for me?'

'It has to be you. The Dark Lord will trust you most.' The man takes out his great wand. 'And besides, it's my last wish.'

'You know that I do blame you for everything that has happened.'

'Why?' He raises his eyebrows. The iconic move I used to do.

'Because you're the reason Lily is dead.' I spit out, so much anger in my voice that I should've controlled. I feel my eyes tearing up by the thought of the death of the innocent witch. Not that she knew I still cared... 'And besides, everything that's going to happen to Dacian and that has happened to the boy is all your fault.'

'Severus...' He shakes his head slowly, but I interrupt him again.

'No, you cannot deny it. I haven't even started about Potter, what you've let him get through, knowing that he has to die in the end either way.'

'Don't tell me you care for him?' Dumbledore asks surprised.

'Does it matter?!' I bellow, taking out my wand. 'Expecto Patronum!'

Dumbledore is staring at the beautiful silver wolf that has come out of my wand, jumping through the small office

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Dumbledore is staring at the beautiful silver wolf that has come out of my wand, jumping through the small office. It eventually vanishes and he looks back at me. 'Dacian?'

I nod slowly. 'Always.'

Severus Snape's Son: The Slytherin Rebelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें