Chapter 30

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Dacian POV

He dragged me to the office by my arm, faking that he captured me, whilst fear and suspicion filled my whole body. This wasn't a good idea at all...

We passed some students, who pointed at me, totally shocked, perhaps everyone knew I had been captured in Malfoy Manor.

So now he's putting the pensive on the desk. 'I'm sorry, Dacian.'

I ignore him.

'I had no choice, I promise.' He keeps going, and I'm again feeling rage rush through my body towards this man. This man who destroyed my life and now claims to do everything to help me. He ignored me for a full-on year, then tortured me, and now this?! I'm convinced he will betray me, or do something else stupid, that's why I keep my wand pointed at the black figure in front of me. Observing every little movement he makes.

'I need my wand.' He mumbles, 'For this.'

As he carefully takes his own wand back, I flinch and step back, but he merely points it at his own head and takes out his memories, putting it in the Pensive.

'Please, calm down.' He says, and he shows his wand to me and lays it carefully on the table. 'I'm not going to hurt you anymore.'

'Shut up.'


'Shut up and show the bloody thing.'

He dives in first, I wait around ten seconds before following him into the memory.

I arrive in what seems the same room I'd just been in yet then years earlier. Dumbledore is sitting in the normal chair of the headmaster, and it's Snape standing in front of him, desperation on his face. The real Snape sighs deeply next to me, looking tired and ashamed of these memories. I'm only getting more curious now.

'He's getting stronger.' The Snape from the memory says, and I see Dumbledore eying him with suspicion. 'He practiced wandless magic.'

'Don't you think it's too dangerous to let him?!' Dumbledore asks, accusation sounding through in his voice.

'I only just found out, and what do you suppose I do? Punish him for it?'

'Yes.' The old man simply replies. 'I think you must.'

The surroundings fade and change abruptly, and I almost tumble to the now grass instead of wooden floor. Now it's only Snape walking through the trees in the what seems like the Forbidden Forest. He's holding out his wand, lighting the way, and seems to be carefully on his watch.

I follow him until we come to a small meadow, where a figure facing the other side is waiting. I can't see his face, but I know by his clothes that he's a Death Eater.

'Barty Crouch.' Snape mumbles, more to himself than to anyone, my heart leaps as the figure turns around and his prediction is correct. 'What are you doing here?'

'You must know it by now, Severus.' The terrifying man smiles, 'Your boy.'

Again, the memory changes, and this time it's myself we're watching. I'm fighting Bellatrix in a dark alley in London, Snape is watching me from a distance, terror in his eyes. I watch him as he's sending a Patronus.

'I've found Dacian, please apparate as soon as possible, he's duelling Bellatrix right now. Please, Lupin, help him.'

I've never heard him so desperate and hopeless then now, his voice breaks and I even see tears welling up in his eyes; he's scared... and worried. He said please to Lupin?!

He's the one that found me that night?!

The next and last memory we go to is even more shocking. Again, I'm standing in the headmasters office, with the same two people; Dumbledore and Snape. Snape seems furious and keeps talking about that everything is Dumbledore's fault, that everything that happened to me is his fault.

'Severus, you care?'

He frowns again, dark squinted eyes directed at the headmaster, and raises his wand. I flinch, expecting him to curse the old man, but instead he says. 'Expecto Patronum.'

A huge silver wolf jumps out of his wand, walking around Dumbledore, who's admiring it with awe.


I remember reading about the Patronus, and that it can take form of the same Patronus as someone you love, this wolf... It's exactly my Animagus form.

'Always.' Snape mumbles, and I'm slowly pulled out of the memory by the real Snape.

Back in the headmaster's office, we both remain silent. I can't see his face, because he's turned away from me, but I notice he's emotional. So am I.

After a long silence, I start. 'The memory about Crouch, what did it mean?'

'I refused.' He says, facing me again now, 'To help him find you. I refused.'

'How come the Dark Lord didn't find out?'

'He knew I cared, that's also why he wanted me to torture you.' For the first time, Snape doesn't want to make eye contact with me, and it drives me crazy. 'I'm so sorry.'

'Did you protect me because Dumbledore said so... or?'

'No, Dumbledore hated you.' Snape shakes his head, approaching me now. 'I protected you, because I care about you.'

I can't think of any words to say.

Severus Snape POV

He's staring at me, shock, disbelief, or maybe even relief on his face. I'm not sure, perhaps all of it at once. I can't get myself to look him in the eyes, I've hurt him so much, to now say it was all to help him. He's still a boy, he probably cannot believe that, because yes, it is absurd. It is awful. It is horrible.

'You've hurt me.' Dacian brings out after a long heavy silence, 'More than anyone.'

'I know...'

'You made me think someone cared about me, and then threw it all away.'

'You know I care about you. You know everything. It broke me as much as you when I had to torture you.'

'You didn't endure that pain.' He snaps, and we make eye contact after all, his grey beautiful eyes staring angrily in mine.

'Correct. I endured that pain in my heart, you in your body.' I whisper, so soft I'm not sure he heard it.

Before he can say anything else, I hear footsteps approaching the door, and not a moment later, three clear knocks sound.

'A moment.' I say calmly, trying to stop my racing heart, then facing the boy again. 'You've got to hide.'

He nods, fortunately, 'Where?'

I walk over to the back of the office, to the closet with the undetectable extension charm. 'In here.'

It's where I put all my books and potions I couldn't leave behind from the dungeons. Yet I also know that there's something way more valuable in there... a poem I wrote about Dacian himself; how much he meant to me, and I hung it right in the sight if you open the closet... it's almost impossible for him to miss it.

I'm not ashamed of it at all, but more afraid of his reaction to it.

There's one more thing to say, in case I don't make it back: 'They are hiding in the Room of Requirements, you must be safe there.' Then I close the door, walking away.

My hand resting on the door knob, I glance once again at the closet, fearing the boy for a moment. Finally, I open the door to see the filth Greyback standing there, smiling with his yellow teeth. 'Hello, headmaster.'

'Greyback.' I mumble, 'What is it?'

'Potter is here.'

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