Chapter 27

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Dacian POV

There's one reassuring fact of the whole situation, and that's that I'm not alone in the cellar. At least Olivander is there for me, and we talk all the time against the boredom and stress. It's constant stress, because I don't know when they come again and who it will be next time.

They first left me alone for a while in there. But after a few days, Voldemort paid another visit. He asked again how I got such power, and I just answered from my parents. He didn't hurt me. Not yet.

Bellatrix came just after that. She was furious about what I'd done to her, but I tried not to act scared.

Some other girl joined us, she told us her name is Luna. And she came from Hogwarts as well. I don't know what she did wrong, and she wouldn't tell me. Although I liked her company; she's a bit different than the other students, talks about strange things, and is quite positive.

It's horrible to endure the endless torturing, and it's worse to see Olivander get tortured in front of me because of some wand Voldemort is searching.

The man in green robes storms in, a furious expression on his face, grabbing Olivander's throat and pointing his wand at his face. 'Tell me where it is.'

The old man is clenching his eyes closed, frightened for his life, and rage burns up in my stomach. Before I know, the white wand flies out of the Dark Lord's hand, and I step in between the two. 'Get away from him.'

His ugly face stares full of surprise at me, and his wand flies back to him, now pointed at me. 'You use wandless magic?!'

Again, I try to use the magic, yet this time he uses a protective spell, and I'm blown backwards, splashing in a pool of water. Air gets forced out of my lungs and I'm gasping for oxygen.

Another spell hits me, and I'm totally frozen, invisible bonds tying around my body now. I'm feeling useless, powerless again as I hear the screams of the old man. He eventually tells the Dark Lord something about another wandmaker, and soon after, Voldemort leaves.

Hours and hours later the spell finally wears off, and I can move again. Furious about what happened.

'You shouldn't have done that, Dacian.' Olivander says weakly, trying to put on a smile. 'But thank you.'

'I cannot bear seeing him hurt people so badly.' I reply with gritted teeth.

'And you do let him hurt yourself?'

'I can't.' I sigh deeply. 'I can't stop him.'

'You should at least try.'


Hours feel like days. Days feel like weeks. Weeks feel like months.

Until something strange happens. There's a lot of tumult upstairs and there are two boys thrown into the room with us, the door slamming behind them.

'HERMIONE!' The one with red hair yells, and then I realize who these two are. Potter and Weasley.

Harry Potter is caught.

I don't say a word and remain in the dark, watching them closely. Yet, Luna also recognises them and walks over to them. 'Hi.'

'Luna!? How did you end up here?' Potter asks, still not seeing me.

'They took me.' She whispers, 'But it's you we should talk about, how are you not killed and captured instead?!'

A girl screaming sounds from above, and the Weasley boy again yells. 'HERMIONE!'

'That's not going to help.' I state, walking over to them now. Their shocked faces turn to me now, Potter his mouth falling open.

'Aren't you with Snape?' He asks.

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