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"You can't be serious right now. No, I don't want this." I protested.
He clinched his jaw, and stood up in his chair. Slowly he leaned down over me placing his hands on the sides of my chair.
I sunk down in the chair as far as I could closing my eyes. His scent of burning wood evaded my nose. His body warmth is bouncing on to me. I can feel every ounce of his presence.
"If I don't claim you as my mate and mark you as mine, you won't be able to live here peacefully. Your kind is rare here so every orc in this kingdom will want a taste of you."  He pushed up off my chair causing me to jump.
Slowly opening my eyes, he softly sat back down in his char.
"I won't hurt you Rain, If I could I would send you back right now. You being here will only cause me more trouble." He sucked his teeth.
"This really is a nuisance." He aggravatedly said. Frustration, is written all over his face. He's acting like my presence here is really a problem for him. How does he thinks I feel! I don't want to be here anymore then he want me here. The best thing I can do is to listen to him until I am able to go home.
Adjusting myself in the chair, I took a deep breath calming myself down as much as I possibly could. Everything he is saying sounds like complete rubbish, but his very existence is enough to make me believe just about anything right now.

"Okay." I sighed. "How are you suppose to mark me." I leaned back in the chair in defeat.
If he says something outrageous like drinking each other blood, I may just seriously try to make a run for it.
"Aren't humans suppose to be intelligent beings? If I have claimed you as my mate, to mark you I would have to what Rain?
He can't possibly mean what I think he is insinuating is he?
"No. No there has to be another way!" I pleaded.

"There is. I can still claim you without marking you, but if I do that it may still pose a serious threat. Marking you will produce my hormones around you, letting everyone know you belong to me. Even so, some orcs are more deviant then others and will still try to challenge that. If they dare defy the defier, I will paint the grounds with their blood for everyone to see."

His curt words made my heart stop. This Orc, he's dangerous. I believe he would do exactly that if they dared to go against his words.
But I'm not about to let my first time be with this creature. Let alone that, he has to be massive. I'd rather take the risk. If he is really as powerful as he says, his word should be enough.

He sat in his chair with such a satisfied look on his face, as if just the thought of their death pleases him and that frighten me.
"I'm willing to take that risk."

He looked at me with dull expression.
"Have it your way Rain, but you will come to regret this decision." He snapped. His eyes flickered as he glared at me.

"If that happens I will deal with it myself." I confidently said.
The best thing for me to do is to lay low, if I'm able to manage not leaving his fortress I should be fine.
"So be it." He said crossing his arms.

The sounds of my stomach growing echoed through out the room. Looking away from him I grabbed my stoamch hoping he didn't hear anything. It's been such a long day I didn't even get to eat anything since all of this happened.
"Don't worry your food is being prepared now. You will be brought to my room and will sleep there for the time being."

I felt a rush of fear course through out my body. I want to be alone more then anything right now. I need time to process everything that's happened today. How can I trust sleeping in a room alone with him.
"Don't worry, I don't bite." He cunningly smiled showing his one dimple in his cheek.
I don't think these orcs are able to give a genuine smile. The orc from the cell creepy smile flashed in my mind causing me to shutter.
"Follow me to my room, your food should be ready by now.
He stood up crooking his head to me. He must be waiting for me to get up. I stood up, only inches away from him.
Back home I'm considered avagre height, but next to him I look so small. He has at least 3ft on me.
"Walk ahead of me, it's safer this way." He softly said.

Nervously I walked towards the door. I peak behind me to make sure he wasn't trying anything funny but he was right behind me looking down on me with those eyes.
I turned my head around quickly trying to keep my composer.

After walking for seem like forever  I was met by two double doors with a yummy smell coming from inside. He pushed his door open revealing his massive room.
Odd looking weapons hanged from is wall, with animal fur laying all over the floors. It's surprisingly cozy but what I'm really intrigue with is that delicious smell. In the middle of the room stood a large table.
"Eat this." He pointed at a huge steaming wooden bowl on the table. The aroma is nothing I've ever smelled before. My mouth is practically dripping.

Only two chairs were at the table. One chair is higher then the other, I'm sure that one is for me, but jumping up there will be a little hard. It's almost as high as a kitchen counter.
I felt my body being lifted in the air. Instantly I became stiff. He can't just touch me without letting me know first. Softly he sat me in my chair.
"Don't be so frighten, I just wanted to help you." He sat down in the chair across from me, giving me a slight grin.
Awkwardly I tried my best to give him a smile, but I know it probably doesnt look like it to him.
I stared down at the heaping bowl of stew that was in front of me. This meal could easily feed 4 people, but I guess for these Orcs this is there normal serving size.
"Eat what you can, don't worry about the rest." He put his elbow on the table using his hand to hold up his chin. His eyes stayed fixated on me, as we sat awkwardly in front of each other.
This Orc is odd. I don't want to sleep in the same room as him. I want to sleep alone.

I picked up the spoon and went in for a bit. The taste is unbelievable, the fresh vegetables and wild meat is phenomenal. I have no clue what kind of meat this is but I think its best that I don't know. Bite by bite I continued to gobble it down like I was at a Outback.
It wasn't until I dropped a potato, that I noticed he was still watching me with those entertained eyes.
I cleared my throat and set my spoon down.
"Is it to your liking?'' He grinned.

I slowly nodded my head. I don't know if I should be thankful right now or scared. No matter how nice he is to me, this is a lot to take in all at once. I just need to be alone.
"Is there anyway I can have my own room?" I took the small cloth off the table and wipe my mouth with it.
"Does sleeping with me frighten  you that much? I'm sure you learned about us from your home. We do have a long history together." He emphasized.
We have a long history? He's not even In our history books. Even if  I knew of him seeing them that night would still have been terrifying.
"I've never heard of you guys until today, I just need some time to process my thoughts."
His face hardened. That intrigued gaze he wore so easily, is gone. Did I say something wrong to make him glare at me so intensely?
"I will prepare the room next door to me for you, you better not regret this decision"  He stood up giving me one last serious look. I watched him as he walked away. His back muscles popped out all over, I've never seen anyone as fit as him. He's built like a house.

Within a few minutes he brought me to the room that was indeed right next to him. The room was small but  that,s okay as long is there's a bed  I don't care.
"If you need to use the wash room you  can either come into my quarters or you can use the one everyone else uses.  It's right down stairs you can't miss it. I will warn you that every orc man and women using the same one. So Don't be alarmed.''
With saying that he left my room.

I sat on the bed thats to my surprising really soft. The covers are made of animal fur, I want to ask when was the last time this has been washed but I know that would only make me not want to use them even more.
Clothes similar to my size laid at the end of the bed. Am I suppose to where these? Their clothes look like they are still in some type of Viking age.
I don't even know how to properly put these on. Looking down at myself I totally forgot I was covered in dirt. I must have looked so gross to him. Not only did  I was eat like a derange animal I'm dirty like one too. What a terrible first impression.
Grabbing the clothes off the bed I went out. Glancing at that orcs room, I kept walking. I'll just use the washroom everyone else uses. I have to get use to it at some point.
I walked  down stairs until I came up on a room with no doors. When I walked in every orc man and women looked dead at me.
"Well well well if it isn't  Xorim The Defier's mate."

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