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"Like in our direction!?" I said in disbelief.
He ran his finger threw his hair and gave me a worried look.
"What is it?" I nervously said.
"I should have never brought you out here." He remorsefully said.
Hopping back on to Clippo, he adjusted his grip on her while holding me tightly.
"Cave orcs are quick on their feet. Even though they are miles out, they should reach us within 10 minutes."
"Then Let's hurry back and warn everyone!" I yelled. I tighten my grip on Clippo, but she didn't budge. Xorim didn't say a word which is  only making me worry even more. The silence is deafening.
"Xorim what's wrong lets go!" I shouted.

"I can't!'' He roared back. "If we go back now there is a risk of you getting hurt too. They might gain on us, trying to take me out at all cost. I will heal but if they were to hurt you, you wouldn't be able to with stand any blow from them." He explained.
I can hear the worry in his voice. He's torn between the two. Saving his people or keeping me safe.

Looking back at Xorim, his eye's stared back at me wearily. He doesn't know what to do, but I know. His people are sitting ducks with no clue what's coming, my life isn't worth thousands of lives. I can't let him protect me. I can't let his home, his people die because of me. There has to be another way.

"Where is the place you wanted to take me? If it's not to far, take me there! I will stay there and wait for you." I exclaimed.
"No. What if-''
"We don't have time for this! I screamed. "Your people needs you right now! I will be okay on my own until you get back, so please don't worry.''

I won't be able to live with myself if something happened to all of them. I love that he wants to protect me, but he needs to be the king we both know he is.

"Take me there now Xorim!" I shouted.
Without another single second to spare. Clippo took off. Darting to the left leading us into a deep path.
I'm glad he finally listened to me, but I'm scared. I'm so scared, but I know I can't show it. He just needs to make it there in time, but what if he doesn't.
What if its to late for all of them by the time he gets there, or what if I'm caught and taken by them. So many terrible possibilities, but I have to pull it together. If I show even the slightest bit of fear Xorim will change his mind. I just know it.

"Rain when we get there you must not make yourself known. You have to stay as quite as possible, not matter what. There is food and blankets down there so you shouldn't go hungry while I'm away." He said in a calm voice.
"Down there?" I confusingly asked.

Before I knew it we came up on a small opening in the forest. The sun shined brightly as we made our way out. A small pond flowed before us with beautiful flowers sprouted all around it.  He quickly hopped off extending his hand out to me. Taking his hand he quickly lead me down the pound leading me to a thick layer of bushes.
He pushed them aside reavealing  a secret hidden wooden door in the ground. Unlatching it he Yank it open quickly. To my surprises there are stairs going down into a well dug large tunnel.
"It's dark but the further you walk you should start to see lanterns." He said in a rushed voice.

He hugged me tightly planting a single kiss on my lips. Holding back my tears I closed my eyes. Taking in this moment.
"I'm sorry. I wish I could protect you more than this!" He angrily said.

I know he would, but this can't be helped this is not his fault, not by a long shot.
"Sometimes things happen that we can't control. You've protected me so much already. So don't worry, I'll be waiting right here for you until you get back. Now get going." I said giving him a little push. Warmly I smiled at him before walking down dark tunnel.

With each step I took tears fell from my eyes like rain. If he see's me like this, he won't be able to live with hisself for leaving me like this. So I can't look back at him.
Without another second to spare he closed the door, latching it.

As I blindly walked down the stairs, my cries became harder and harder to suppress. I feel Fear, anger, & sadness all at once. I can only hope that everything goes well and he comes back to me as soon as possible. I don't want anything to happen to Xorim or his kingdom.

I clumsily Felt on the walls around me to help me keep my balance. One misstep and I'm a goner. I didn't expect for this tunnel to be so deep. I'm not claustrophobic but I Still I feel scared that I'm under ground like this.

I finally see a dim light in the distance.
The more I walked down the brighter the light became. The stair led me to a room.
It's fairly large with  lanterns hanging up at each corner.
In the center of the room laid a large bed with blankets. Fresh Fruits were sitting on the small table next to it.
This looks like this was all put in here recently. Not giving it all much thought I threw my body on the bed like a rag doll. Curling up in a ball I closed my eyes and cried silently to myself.

I hate this fear that's eating at me. I held myself as my body trembled in fear. What if the cave orcs find me. I don't want to die here. I need to get back to my dad, there's so many things I haven't done yet.

I  can only hope Xorim makes it there in time and save as many of his people as he can. I wish I was more help, but I'm not any help. I only slow him down. I hate how useless and weak I really am.

As my mind raced and wondered, my body started to  finally calm down. I threw the cover over me and closed my eyes.
Before I knew it I drifted off into a deep. Only to be waken up by banging noises.
I shot up looking around in confusion.

Thats right I'm underground waiting for Xorim. Is he finally here! I stood up quickly holding onto the blanket.
Sounds of foot steps coming down made my heart race.
I couldn't help but to cry he made it back to me.
"Xorim!" I cried out running towards the stairs.
Something feels off. If this was Xorim he would have called out to me by now.
Instantly I stopped dead in my tracks.
As the orc came to light my heart dropped. I was right. It's not Xorim.
Only Inis with a devilish smile followed by two blue orcs behind her.

The Deviant Orc King & His MateWhere stories live. Discover now