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5 days earlier. Xorims POV.

It's already been three damn days and she hasn't come to talk to me. I know I should be patient, but how the hell does she expect me to be. I want nothing more than to hold her, tell her I never meant to hurt her. If I hadn't been blinded by my own rage I wouldn't have pushed her, but seeing her like that.. in between his legs my soul set ablaze. If she wasn't there he would have perished, but she stopped me. Why!

Does she like that orc more than me!? If I hadn't saved her that day in the woods who knows what could have happened to her.
Laying down I picked up the covers she laid so warmly in just nights ago. Brining them to my nose I inhaled deeply. Just the scent of her calms me down.
I want to see her. I want to hold her.
Flash back of the night our bodies finally clashed together played in my head.
How she reacted to ever kiss I engraved upon her body. How her moans called out to me, begging me for me.
Even the way her small hands held onto me. Every part of her is captivating. I need her. I need to see her right now.

I walked out to her door and stood in front of it.
"Rain." I softly said. But she didn't reply.
It's late so she might be sleeping. I closed my eyes and focused my hearing. Faintly her heart beat echoed through the walls.
Her is beating slowly, she's in a deep sleep.

I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair. If I wake her she may be angry. I could just sneak in and catch a glimpse of her. Even that is enough to put me at ease.
I unlocked the door from the outside without making a single sound. I have to be careful if she finds out there is a way to unlock the doors like this she will never feel safe again.

I open the door peaking in the dim room. She laid on the floor curled up like a small animal. Carefully I walked in and sat next to her.
Even sleeping she's breath taking.
If I could I'd bask in this moment a lot longer. I would. With no hesitation.

I want to bring her back to the room and lay her on her bed but she's refused almost everything I tried to have brought to her including the bed. Why is she being so unreasonable. Everything I've done is because I have these feeling for her. I can't seem to stop them from growing.
Seeing her cry that day as she ran away terrified of me, broke something in me. I never meant to make her cry, I never wanted her to be afraid of me. She probably sees me as a vicious orc now. I have to undo this some how.

Her eyes slowly opened looking right up at me. Blankly she stared at me with her shaky eyes. I nervously cleared my throat. The tension in this room is thick. I want to say something, but nothing coming out from my mouth.
"Why are you here again." She gloomily said. Her eyes began to water. "You said you'd wait for me to come to you!" She yelled.
She right. What am I even doing. I should respect her wishes.
I tried to stand up but she grabbed my hand.
"If you would have just waited, I would have came to you. Xorim I just need time." She cried.
"I feel like I have lost the only orc here that was truly on my side."

"But I am on your side!" I desperately said. "I would never not be on you side rain." I exclaimed.
"Then why did you treat me so coldly? Why did you push me so hard? Why? I thought you cared about me, but I see that I'm the one who misunderstood things." She sullenly said.

"I know I'm just a human and I'm so much more weaker than you but I have feeling too."

I softly wiped her tears from her face. It hurts to see her so hurt, but I never meant her any harm. No matter what I say right now I know she isn't going to want to hear it. I should have never came. This was selfish of me. I should of just Waited.

"I hate myself more than anything right now, because even after everything I don't hate you. I've missed you so much."
My heart begin to race, beating a unfamiliar beat. Her words made me feel excited. How can someone like her actually miss someone like me. I don't deserve her to miss me.

"Is that why I keep dreaming of you like this? Everyday its the same thing. I cry, you comfort me telling me your sorry."
Wait she thinks this is a dream? Not only that she dreams of me?
I stroked her head as she whimpered.
I feel guilty after hearing such a confession. It was never meant for me to hear.

I placed my hand over her head and watched as my mist clouded around her she slowly fell into a deep slumber. I told myself I'd never use my powers on her, but I want to respect her wishes and give her time she needs. When she wakes she will think this all was a dream. Quietly I left the room giving her one last glance before shutting the door back.
I'll wait as long as she needs me too. I won't do anything to anger her, I will remain in my room until she comes to see me, then that's when I'll sincerely apologize. I'll do right by her no matter what.

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