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A month has pass since that incident. I have yet to leave this room.
When I woke up that next morning, Xorim was silently watching me, waiting for me to wake up. He wanted to show me around but I refused. Luckily He didn't fight with me.
There haven't been any new information on how to send me back home yet. He told me they are looking for a orc that is rumored to be more then 300 years old. So I've come to terms that I may be here much longer than expected.

He began teaching me the day to day life of a orc. Women orcs  and children orcs stay closes to the castle while most of the men orcs stays on the out skirts making sure everyone inside is safe. I really did come here at the wrong time because they are in a constant war with the cave orcs. They haven't had to fight in almost 3 weeks, but they say the next wave is coming soon. The guards here in the castle are some of the strongest orcs in this domain including Xorim. They are the only orcs that get to live here in his fortress.

The food is all bred, and wild caught. Apparently I ate deer that first night. If I was at home I would never eat such a cute animal.
I explained my world to him and he was more intrigued then I thought he would be. He thought it was absurd we had a box with people moving and talking inside of it. I couldn't help but laugh at how flabbergasted he was, it was almost cute. 
What took me by surprise is that orcs can live to almost 200 years old while humans can barely make it to 80.
He told me its because we are weak. Ha, maybe he's right.

He shared stories to me about his life, how his parents both were killed in war when he was only a child but he quickly rose to the king position when he killed off the water orcs leader. After that they haven't had a issue until the cave orcs. 
We contiued to share stories to each other through the weeks and have grown so close. He may be dangerous but he is passionate. I think thats why I've opened up to him so quickly. It's nice to call him my friend, even though I can't quite trust him fully yet. Even so he makes me feel safe here.

Since I spend all my in this room, I get so lonely when he has to leave, I don't know why, but it bothers me when he's gone all day. I start to feel uneasy, and my chest hurts sometimes. Once I see him it instantly goes away. I think I may have developed anxiety.
While he's gone I mostly just stare out the little window in the corner of the room and look out into the forest. Other times I just sleep waiting for him. I never would have thought,I would enjoy his company so much. Besides the killing he's a good Orc. He treats me equally if not equally, better.

He hasn't brought up marking me since the first day I got here, sometimes I think about it but just imagining him doing those type of things to me makes my body tingle everywhere. Its hard being a virgin at my age but with work I never had time to date around.

These last few days have been hard though. I haven't seen him in almost two days, not once checking on me.
I hope he's okay. I hope he hasn't become tired of baby sitting me. The thought of him having another woman crossed my mind. Here he was taking me as his mate when he probably had plans to do that with someone else. Every time I think about this  I feel sad for some reason. Jealous even.  Then I think maybe I should has just let him mark me.

I sat in the bathing room looking into the blurry mirror. I've braided my hair back in two pig tails. Now all I have to do now brush my teeth with the mint he left for me.
Yawning ,I put back on my gown. Another night without him here. Doesn't he know I'm still uneasy without him.
Laying on the bed I looked up at the ceiling. Putting my hands up in the air I started making shadow puppets.
"Rain I will protect you I'm not going anywhere" I mock in a deeper tone.

"Is that what you think I sound like?" He laughed out.
I jerked my body up to seem him covered in blood.
"What happen to you!" I yelled. I ran to him Grabbing his arm examining him. Blood covered all of his clothes and face,
"Don't worry rain its not mine." He softly said.
I felt a sense of relief being lifted off of my chest. "Where have you been!" I angrily said punching his harm.
"What are you worried." He teased.

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