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Frozen I slowly turned around. Looking up into Xorim eyes. He looks furious.
"I thought something happened to you." He said before wrapping his arms around me.
"Bogs wants to talk to you."
My eyes widened. "He's awake?!" I enthusiastically asked.
Before he could say anything else I bolted over to him leaving Xorim standing there.

I walked passed Gilmore before finally seeing him. His lifeless body still laid  in the same spot, only now his eyes are open.
He smiled brightly as he always has. I may have only known him for a short while, but this scene alone is enough o make anyone cry.
"When I heard from Xorim that you were here, I thought I should at least say hi before I pass out again."
"What happened to you?" Looking over him I can seen stab wounds around his neck. Even after being stab he's still breathing. A regular human would have been dead by now.

"It was a ambush." He wheezed.
A ambush? But that can't be. Xorim already defeated the cave orcs. Unless.
"It's the sea Orcs." Xorim said standing next to me.

The sea orcs? I thought Xorim defeated them when he was younger.
"Are you at war with them as well?" I curiously asked.
Xorim sighed and looked out in the distance. "No we're weren't up until 10 minutes ago. They came here and killed my orcs. Not to mention there is still one of them still roaming around in our village. Maybe even in the fortress." His face hardened.

Does this mean we are all in danger if we can't find where that orc is?
I gulped really loudly remember how things went with the Cavian orcs. I almost lost my life encountering them. Did they also come here so they could harm me as well.
"Everyone needs to be on the look out. Especially you rain. Water orcs are a bit different from us land orcs. They can change their skin color to match our's so they can blend in." Xorim explained.
I think he can sense my nervousness because he softly rubbed my shoulder.

They sound more dangerous then the Cavians. Least with the Cavians I was able to tell who was who but they can change their appearances to match anyone. Blending in without being caught. There has to be someway to tell them apart.
"Is there really not another way to tell them apart? A mark. The eye color?" I desperately said.

"There is but I don't think you will be able to notice rainy."
I turned around to see Xavier smiling face. What a nuisance.
I turned back around and looked at Bogs again. He is now fast asleep. I guess he wasn't lying about passing out again.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I thought I was okay. I thought I felt stronger after that incident, but now that I know there might be another situation like last time I feel scared. I don't know why I didn't notice it before but my body is shaking.
I don't want to be put in that kind of danger again.
Last time I was powerless being thrown around, but this time.. this time is different. That's right. I have powers this time.
I looked up at Xorim who was looking at me like I was so fragile. His face full of worry and regret.
Grabbing his hand I gave him a small smile, "I will be okay this time. I can defend myself. Didn't you say I was the second most powerful person here?"

He squeezed my hand tightly still looking at me with that worried expression. "I can handle myself now!" I said trying to convince him, but I am mostly trying to convince myself.
My words aren't far from the truth. I just lack confidence in my self. Either way right now isn't the time to break down. This is the time I use all my strength and become stronger to keep him and his people safe. If I want a place to come back to, I need to fight for them as well. His people are my people too.
"I will do my best to stay safe, and I will protect everyone here as well." I confidently said.

I looked over at Bogs who was still passed out. I don't want anyone else to end up like this. Especially not Xorim. I squeezed his hand tighter. This time will be different because they have me too. I may not have my powers in control but I will do my best to protect them all no matter what.
"Do you think you have what it takes to keep everyone here safe?" Xavier asked. I can hear his foot steps getting close and closer towards us. He stood on the other side looking down at Bogs.
"Rain I'm asking you again for all the orcs around us can hear you clearly. Do you think you have what it takes to protect everyone!" He yelled.

I looked around looking at each orc that stood around, slowly one by one they all stared at me. I can feel a lump in my throat stating to grow.
"They want to know rain." Xavier pushed.
I looked up Xorim who stared at Xavier like he wanted to kill him.
I need to say something. I need to let them know even though I am a human I will fight for them and keep them safe. But nothing is coming out from my mouth.

Coughing caught all of our attention and we all quickly look back to see Bogs coughing up blood from his mouth. Its not the same color that was all over his body earlier that wasn't his blood.
"S- someon-es leading the-em." He desperately tried to say.

"Who was leading them! Spit it out!" Xorim snapped.

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