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Xorim's Pov.

In a split second she was gone. I've never seen any orc run that fast including myself. She's may have taken more then just half of my powers. I quickly ran after her, but I can't pick up exactly where she is at. Where could she have ran off to.

She told me she hate liars so I thought if I told the truth things would have been better, but that wasn't the case at all. I didn't expect her to run once I told her.
"Xorim." Xavier voice echoed in my head.
"I warned you to tell her to before she seeked me out."
I stop in dead in my tracks. "What have you done!" I snarled.
"I'm masking our presence so you won't be able to find us."

1 hour  Earlier that day Xorims pov.

"Where is she now" Xavier asked.
"She's asleep right now, but her eyes they were glowing.  I Knew she would take some of my powers, but I think she is more powerful then you anticipated. I dont think its just half. "I said voicing my concern.
I don't trust him, but he is the only one I can go to about this. No one in the fortress knows of this, its not even written in any of our old books. If there was anyone one else, I mean anyone I would just ask them.

"Well I did tell you she was no ordinary human remember?" He smirked.

Thats right he did I forgot that day we first met he did mention that, but I never thought to much about it since then.

"It takes a certain kind of human to be able to enter this world. She is naturally gifted, kissed by mother of nature her self. So you giving her your blood only strengthen her more since she is in our world. Like I told you when she was in a coma you have to let her out of that room so she can return herself home. All she has to do is get mor-"

Yanking him up by his neck I held him up in the air, crushing his his windpipes. "Just because I am talking to you doesn't mean you can say what ever you want. Know your place!" I shouted tossing him to the ground. "I will kill you if you tell her she has the ability to send herself back." I snarled.

"Wha-t  are you gonna do when she wants to know when she is going home?" He said while rubbing his throat.
"I'll break yours bones one by one until you have to use all your engery to heal yourself back, that way you can't send her back either." I coldly said.
"She will find out sooner or later that your trying to trap her here. Having this bond will only make you more and more obsessed with her, ultimately almost killing her. You have to break the bond with her soon" He warned.

He did worn me after I gave her blood that our bond would be so strong that this could happen to me, but it would have happened without the bond. I don't want her to leave yet. I need more time with her. I need her. So if that means lying to her until the times is right I will do that.
"She will seek me out, and when she does I will tell her everything." He yelled.

Present time, Xorim's POV.
That sneaky fuck. This is exactly what he was probably hoping for! I have to get to her before he try's telling her. He may have concealed their presence, but we have a bond. A bond stronger than ever. All I have to do is quickly find her scent.

Without anymore thought I took in a big whiff. Instantly I smelled her. Her sweet delectable scent.
Before I could think I took off in her direction running as fast I can.
Within minutes I'm deep into the forest. This is where those cave orcs hurt her.
Why is she way out here. What exactly is he planning.
In the corner of my eyes light blue light caught my eyes.
There they are.

I can't hear anything they are saying in there, but from the serious look on her face I know not to intervene, but I can't just stand here and let her be alone with him. Who knows what he's planning! He could have already told her, but I don't think he has, she would have given me a different look if that was the case.

Rain charged at him and Xavier Quickly threw her over him causing her to land straight on her back. 
I can feel my body heat up instantly seeing her hit the ground. How dare he.
I watch as words left her lips, I can't hear her, but I don't care. I won't stand for any of this!
Focusing all of my energy I can feel my powers flowing threw me like lightening. Taking my fist I banged on the shield with all my power. It rattled almost disappearing, but it came right back.
My eyes met with rains, she was now standing giving me a worried look, but I can't focus on her right now. I look passed her locking eyes with Xavier.
The fire inside of me grew, as he smirked at me. I watched as his soundless lips moved again.
What is he saying to her!! This is driving me crazy, I'm going to kill him.
Once I break this Shield he will breathe his last breath.

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