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Walking pass them I kept my head down, Ignoring him. "Hey wait up!" He shouted running towards me. I picked up speed trying to lose him but its useless he was already right next to me. Cures these human legs.
"What do you want." I spat. Stopping dead in my tracks I looked up to face him
A bulky orc  that's a little taller than me stood smiling at me enthusiastically. His long hair is slicked back into a pony tail with two strands of hair dangling in his face. My eyes traced his perfect jawline and plumped lips. He's almost as handsome as Xorim, but there's something different about him. He's not looking at me like those other orcs did. Their eyes were full of lust and anger, but his eyes are gentle, and calm.
He looks nice, which is shocking. Not only that he looked pretty young, maybe even my age.
"Hi I'm Bogs, Bogs white tusk." He stuck his hand out giving me a wide smile. Hesitantly I shook his hand.
"I heard what happened to you.. I'm sorry you had to deal with those ignorant Orcs. Rest assured we aren't all like that. Some of us so badly want to meet you, but Xorim wouldn't allow it. So  I feel so lucky able to meet you like this!" He cheerfully said.
He sure is a talkive one but surprisingly talking to him has calm my nerves a bit.

"I-I'm rain." I timidly said. I forgot how awkward I am since I haven't been around anyone else but Xorim. Back at home I never really had that many friends since  I'm not much a social butterfly. But living in a place like this I'm definitely gonna need as many orcs on my side as possible so I should make a effort. I just hope I won't regret this decision.
"Rain like the water that falls from the sky?" He said pointing up at the ceiling.

"Yes exactly like that." I faintly smiled..
"Ah such a odd name are all human name's this weird?" He laughed out.
"I was thinking the same thing about you Orcs." I blurted out. Surprise by my own words I looked at him. He gave me a seriously look until he burst out laughing. I laughed right along with him. Xorim told me names here have much more meaning to them then anything in this world, so I just singled handily insulted him.

"Ah I guess that was a bit rude of me, my apology." He bowed his head.
I guess he isn't all that bad, he even gotten me to laugh only minutes after meeting him. Still I'm gonna have to keep my guard up.
I looked down the hall looking for a way to get outside, but everything looks the same in here.

"If you want I can give you a tour outside." He offered. 
"Umm." I said scratching my head.
It  would be nice, I would hate to get lost but how can I trust him this easily. For all I know he could be like those other orcs who just wanted a tase of me or worse he could want to kill me.
"Don't worry I will not hurt you, I wouldn't dream of it. Also I don't want Xorim to kill me just yet. 22 years of living is a very young age to die for a orc." He joked.
Least he know's not to mess with Xorim, or maybe he can finally smell it on me that I'm marked. That would explain why all a sudden a orc wants to be nice to me. "Okay lead the way." I said moving out the way.

True to his words he showed me around outside. To my surprise not all orcs look so scary there were cute orc children running around playing with each other and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable they were. He showed me there fields of grains, veggies, and fruit. There home is quite beautiful. Orcs came up to me and rubbbed my skin asking how did I become the color of a tree but Bogs shooed them away scared I'd be uncomfortable, which I was but I didnt mind. If a orc showed up in my town I'd be curios about there greenish skin too.
"Would you like to see the local meat hall?" He ask giving me such a bright smile.
"Meat hall?" I confusingly said.
"Yes! It's a place where people buy fresh meet that's cut in front of them! You can also buy small cooked food."
"Oh so like a meat market! We have one of those back home too." I explained.
"A meat market? Thats such a clever name for it! Since you know what im referring to it's settle! Lets go!" He walked ahead of me looking happy as ever. Does showing me around like this really make him this happy?
I followed behind him as he led me down a long path.

Within minutes I was met by a exotic aroma. It's making my mouth water. My stomach growled loudly and I held onto my stomach hoping he didn't hear it. I haven't gotten a chance to eat this morning since that whole thing happened with xorim. Even though its been a couple hours since xorim stormed off I still feel like shit.
"Ah we are finally here!" He excitedly shouted.
Huge Woden booths with odd letters written at the top filled the entire area. Orcs roamed all round looking around for what they wanted. I've never seen so many of them at once it's honestly terrifying. I shouldn't be roaming out this far. I don't want to attract so much attention.
"Hey wait." I called out.
He turned around and walked towards me with a confused expression. "Is everything okay?" He questioned.
"Yes." I said nodding my head. "I just don't want to attract to much attention." Looking down on the ground I kicked around a rock. I should probably head back now. It's been a good day so far I don't want to ruin my luck.

"Give me one second! Stay right here and I will be right back." He ran into the market place skipping the entire line. The man automatically handed him some weird looking meat on a stick.
Running back to me he held it out for me to take, giving me warm smile.

"What this?" I said cautiously taking the food. It smelled delicious.
Not even waiting for his response I bit into it. Instantly my mouth water as it was embraced by new  flavors.
"This is delicious!" I said taking another big bite.
"It's glazed meat called bismut!" "It must be really good huh" he said chuckling. " come on let's get you back."

As we walked I continued to devoured every last piece of the meat, licking the stick clean.
"That was amazing!" I said energetically.
"If you want more, just let me know and I will get it for you." He smiled.
Today was a good day thanks to him. Little does he know he helped me a lot today. I feel a little more at ease about coming out a little more.
"Thank you for today, I feel a bit better about this place thanks to you" I confessed.
"No need to thank me. I'm here if you ever have another hard time, or if another orc is messing with you." He winked giving me a thumbs up.

Finally we made it back to the fortress. I'm glad to be back. After all that walking around I did today I just want to lay down. Bogs pushed the doors to the fortress open but to our surprise its empty. Not one orc was in sight.
"Where is everyone?'' I worriedly asked.
"I'm not sure."
That smile he's been wearing proudly today had vanished.
Why would all the orcs in here just up and disappear. Maybe they left to go fight the cave orcs. I clenched my fist.
I hate how me and Xorim lefts things this morning I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something bad happen to him.

"I'm gonna go check the meet rom." He said walking off.
If Xorims there maybe I can ask if I can talk to him. "Hey hold on bogs!" I yelled running up to him.
He turned around waiting for me to catch up.
"Hey Wait Watch your-."
I tripped over something making me lose my balance, before I knew it I fell right on top of him knocking him straight down.

"Are you okay?" He said laying his hand on my head." I landed on top of him of corse I'm fine, he's built like a brick.
He looked up with a frighten expression, I can feel his heart beat racing. "What's wrong?'' I worriedly ask.
I followed his gaze only to see Xorim and his orcs standing in the door way holding their weapons.
Xorim face scrunched up like a pit bull, he's fuming. "What is the meaning of this." He growled heavily, gripping his sword.
What does he mean?
My heart sunk as it dawned on me.
I'm still laying on top of him.

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