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The sounds of heavy breathing, slowly grew louder and louder. Warm air caressed my face, causing chills to rise up on the side of my face. I can feel something heavy wrapped around my waist.
Where am I?
Cautiously I opened my sticky eyes, but I can't see anything My vision is so blurry. It Feels like there's rocks in my eyes. 
As my vision came too I slowly took in my surroundings. The sun shined in warmly with fresh air blowing in from the windows. The walls are covered in vines and bright green trees. This room is lovely.
I felt a tug around my waist.
Calmly I looked down at my waist. A familiar arm held me tightly. I traced my eyes from his arm to him face.
My eyes met by a beautiful sight , Xorim. His wild hair clung to his face, as he sleep peacefully. Waking up with him in this beautiful room feels like a true fantasy you would read in romance books. I feel so lucky to be here with him, but why are we in this room.

    I jumped up as the memories came flooding back to me. I'm alive! That means he won! I can't believe I passed out in a important moment like that, then again I was losing so much blood. Wait! Thats right I'm hurt!
I pulled the thick woven covers form my legs and saw a huge green leaf wrapped around my legs. Quickly I looked at my arm to see the same leaf rapped on my arms. Out of Curiosity I poke my arm to see if it would hurt, but to my surprise it doesn't.
Am I fully healed?  I gave my body a quick glance and notice I have no Bruises or scratches on me. Not even dirt. I'm squeaky clean in my white gown, but how?
I was just thrown around by those cave orcs, I should have something to show for it.

What exactly happened after I passes out, more importantly how long have I been out for. I looked over at Xorim who was still sound asleep, he's usually a light sleeper so I'm shocked he hasn't waken from all the moving around I'm doing. I open my mouth to speak, but My throat. Its dry. I'm so parched, I need water.

I got out of bed slowly making sure I don't make to much noise. Once on my feet I tested out my leg by lightly putting pressure on it before I tried to took a step. I don't feel any pain, These leafs must have crazy healing properties just like that sap he rubbed on my chest the night Enus first attacked me.
Speaking of her, I wonder what happened to her. The last thing I remember is how terrified she looked once she spotted Xorim in the trees. I wonder if he killed her, or if she got away again. Just thinking about her is starting to piss me off.

Slowly I began to walk over towards the door, passing by a blurry mirror. Giving myself a quick glance, I stopped dead in my tracks. My body looks more slim than usually. Even my brown skin looks a bit off, but why.
Walking away Ignoring my now scrawny body I finally made it to the door. Quietly I began to open it, but the door quickly slammed shut. I jumped back bumping into something solid.

I can feel warm presence behind me.  Xorim.
His hand pressed against the door making sure I couldn't get out.
"Rain." He calmly said.
His voice alone is making my heart race.
He put his other arm above me against the door, caging me in. "Your finally awake." He whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent chills down my body.
"I was scared you wouldn't wake. You were asleep for so long." His voice trembled.
Hearing  the fear in his voice breaks my heart, but also really worries me. How long was I sleep for to make him worry like this.
"It's okay!" I tried to cheerfully say" I'm good so don't worry! How is everyo-"
"Rain! I almost lost you!." He shouted.
Holding back my tears I took in a deep breath.
I never meant to worry him. That night I was scared, no I was terrified, but so was he. He found me with knifes sticking out of my body. He watched as I bled out hopelessly. So he has every right to be like this.

Slowly I turned around, facing him. Once our eyes met, I couldn't help but to cry I've never seen him look so tormented. His face that once looked at me with so much life now looks so frantic.

Wrapping his big arms around me he held me tenderly.
"Thank you so much for saving me, I can't seem to do anything but make things harder for you." I cried out.
"I'm sorry I-''
"No, I'm sorry for leaving you, I hate myself for leaving you unprotected, I thought that was the best place for you to be, but this was all done just to get to you. I was foolish, and for that I can never forgive myself." His eyes sorrowfully stared back at me.
"Don't say that." I softly said. "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here. This isn'''

"It is my fault Rain! If I was stronger I would have killed all of them in a second. If only I gained all of my powers sooner."

I hate seeing him like this, I hate how he keeps beating his self up, doesn't he know he's done so much for me already. I've almost died here multiply times and because of him I'm alive.
"Xorim, I was so scared that night running in the woods, but once I saw you. I was so relieved and happy. I never doubted you, and I knew you were doing all you can. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now. So thank you, thank you so so much!" I said giving him a warm smile. "I wish I was stronger so I could of helped or something. I keep telling myself If I wasn't here this would have never happened."
I somberly said.

Taking his hand he grabbed my chin and leaned down towards me. "You being here is that best thing that's ever happened to me."  Pressing his soft lips against mine. I can feel myself melting in his arms as he deepened the kiss. My heart, mind and body is yearning for him, like a addict.

He pulled away away from me quickly, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you. You need time to get better, so I will sto-"

Before he could finish that sentence I pounced onto him, pressing my lips against his.
"Wa-it rain" he said in between kisses." He pulled away from me again trying to catch his breath. "You still aren't fully healed, we can finish this once we get you checked up and some more rest. We need to make sure you are okay" He advised.

I felt something hitting my lower stomach. How can he say that when he's so hard already. I admit its a bit impulsive especially at this moment, but that's why I want it even more.  So many emotions are running threw me right now. Anger, fear, saddens, but also love. And I'm only acting on one of them right now. Love.  .  After all of this I am just we both here, and safe.

"Rain you were sleep for 2 weeks, you need to rest and replenish your energy." He said giving me a stern look.

I don't care if I was asleep for a month can't he just let me have my way. I don't want to think about any of it.
I unwrapped his arms from around me and walk away, slowly making me way over to bed. With no care in the world I threw off my gown and I peaked over my shoulder giving  him a playful look.

"If I was sleep for 2weeks. I think I had plenty of time to rest. I don't need anymore "rest"." I said sitting on the edge of the bed. Opening my legs I crooked my head to the side  "How about you come replenish my energy."


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