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Rains pov.

Xorim entire body is glowing, his eyes pure red his skin glistening a yellow hue. Xavier only flipped me once, but I didn't expect for Xorim to to react like this. I quickly sat up rubbing my back.
"There is something he doesn't want you to know rain. Whether you believe me or not is entirely up to you, but Once he get's in here he will kill me and you won't get any answers. I'm willing to tell you everything but you have to stop him first." He said giving me a sincere look.

"What are you scared of him now?." I said Glaring at him.

"Think about it rain does it make since for him to lock you up because of your powers? You may have hurt his guard, but that's because he was trying to take you! You are not a threat. He just wants you to believe that." He explained.

As much as I hate to admit it he has a point. I thought it was weird I was locked up. Even though Xorim explained hisself I'm still a little iffy about it, But what could Xorim possibly be hiding from me and why. He wouldn't do such a thing but then again he has been secretive with that doctor not even letting me know what's going on with my own body.

Ever since I have waken up he's been a bit different. Earlier he wouldn't even let me leave the room for water. I thought maybe it was because he missed me, but the way he slammed the door back did startle me.
I rubbed my head trying to make since of it all.
This is so frustrating.

  No matter how I look at it Something is definitely going on. Even before coming here Xorim wanted me to go back up to the room.
Xavier is defiantly not a trust worthy person, but hearing the fear in his voice makes me  believe there is more to the story. I just want answers so I will do what I have to do.

"What do I need to do to stop him." I deeply sighed.

Turning my attention to Xorim who is now raming his entire body full force at the force field like a wild beast.
"Put up a shield over us. You have the abilities you just have to focus! He will break threw in any second now. So hurry up!" He rushed.
"How can I focus when your freaking out and there is a raged orc on the other side of us!" I screamed.
"Just focus and think about something worth protecting" He yelled back.

This piece of shit, I can barely focus right now and he has the audacity to yell at me!
Something worth protecting? Like what? I dont care to protect him, not after how he treated Xorim.
I closed my eyes and spread my arms open wide.
Who do I want to protect? Xorim?
I peaked one of my eyes open, looking directly at him. In a instant the field broke!
Quickly closing my eyes I took a deep breath trying to concentrate "My Mom" I whispered. A rush of cool air grazed my skin.
Opening my eyes a yellow shield was now directly in front of me, but my eyes locked with Xorim's Who was now standing in front of me on the other side.
His eyes widened. His face, hurt with betrayal. He shook his head mouthing the words "Why".
I put my hand up against it.

I never wanted him to feel betrayed in anyway. A part of me feels like I'm making a mistake, but I can't continue to stay here blindly anymore. I need more answers.
I gave him plenty of opportunity to tell me everything but I don't think he's being truthful.

Taking my hand back I gave him one last glance before walking away.
"I knew you could do it! Than-"
"Don't thank me, how about you tell me what's going on before this shield of mine come crashing down. I don't how I'm controlling it." I said sitting on the ground.
Looking over at Xorim his eyes are still locked in on me like prey. He's not even blinking. It's starting to scare me a little. I hope he can forgive me after all of this.
Earlier was the first time I have seen Xavier being sincere so I hope I'm not making a mistake.

"He's trying to keep you here." He said, getting straight to the point.
"He wants to keep me hear?" I nervously said.

"The bond is making him even more obsessed with you, so he is doing what ever he can to make you stay longer by his side. Now that you have his powers you can leave when ever you want." He said giving me a geniue smile.

Even his genuine smile is scaring me, I'm not use to this side of him, but what if he is saying is true? Will things only get worse if his obsession grows?
I sighed deeply rubbing my temples.
Truthfully I don't know what to feel towards any of this. Nobody ever cared enough about me to actually try to keep me next to them. I'm flattered, but it does frighten me.
Now that I have to power to send my self home. It's really up to me. "Wait!" I excitedly said.
" If I have to power to return home, shouldn't I have the power to return here when ever I want?"

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