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Xorim, looked at me hesitantly. His eyes roamed my body as he silently stood there.
"Rain." He sighed. "As much as I want to touch you right now, we shouldn't.." He protest.
Walking over he picked up my gown off the floor and softly put it over my head, helping me put it back on. I can feel my cheeks burn up from the embarrassment. I was so confident, only to be shut down. I guess he really wants me to get looked over first. He did say I was out for 2 weeks. I guess it can't be helped.

I sighed loudly as he continued to help me.
"Your right I'm sorry, I was just really in the moment. I was actually on my out to get something to drink." I said touching my throat.

"Don't apologize, this isn't something to apologize about. I want nothing more then to have you right now." He said giving me a warm smile. His passionate gaze is making me 10x more nervous then usually. Looking away, I swayed my feet back in forth. Trying to act as normal as possible.

"Just wait." He said before walking back over to the door. He swung it open revealing two huge orcs facing out, standing in-front of the door way.
My body tensed up, why are they guarding the door like this. Did something happen while I was out?
"Gilmore, come in now." Xorim curtly said. He voice more harsher then usual. Whats going on.

The orcs in front of the door moved aside letting in a short pudgy balled orc. His clothes are different from what everybody else would wear. He has no armor just a plain woven shirt and pants.
"Check her." Xorim demanded.

I jerked my body up giving Xorim a concerned look, but he gave me a reassuring nod, letting me know everything is okay.
I quickly calmed down letting this gilmore get closer to me.
"Hi rain, I've been taking care of you for the last 2 weeks, you've made a fast recovery thanks to our king here." He said holding out his hand for me to take. I gave him mine and he quickly check my pulse.
"Your heart rate is a litter faster than usual." He paused giving me a quick glance. I hope I'm not scaring you." He smiled.

I can tell he means no harm, but him smiling like that is actually scaring the hell out of me. His sharp teeth, and huge green eyes. He looks a bit different from the other orcs I've seen. Shorter too.

"I'm going to removed your leafs, they should be fully healed now."
He reach for my arm, and slowly unwrapped my bandage. My arm that once had a knife sticking threw it, looks brand new. No marks or anything indicating I've been hurt.
Swiftly he moved to my thigh.

A loud growling erupted in the room making him pause. Nervously he looked up at Xorim who was giving him a death stare.
I couldn't help but to smile. he's so protective.
"Xorim can you bring me some water please. I'm really thirsty." I said pointing to my throat.
"Fetch us some water now!" He shouted.

Gilmore slowly unwrapped my thigh, revealing a small yellow mark.
"Ah it's fully healed, but I'm afraid this mark will not fade." He said clearing his throat.
"How do you feel?" He asked while continuing to look me over.

I haven't given it much thought, but I actually feel pretty great besides my dry throat. " I feel fully rested, and my body feels great!" I said giving him a genuine smile.

Sudden foot steps caused us all to look up. Bogs walked in with a bright smile. He carried a huge wooden mug, I can only guess thats my water.
"Bogs!" I enthusiastically said.
I looked over at Xorim who was glaring at him. At this rate he's gonna burn a whole through him.
Xorim took the mug from his hand and handed it to me.

"Leave." He demanded.
Giving me one last smile he left. I want to talk to him, but  we have a lot going on at the moment. Hopefully I can catch up with him later.
"Can I speak to you really quickly."Gilmore said before walking over to the door with Xorim.

What can't he say that he can't say in front of me. I swear if he tells him I'm not well, I will protest.
Taking a huge gulp of water I sat and watch as the continued to whisper to each other.
I can't make out what there saying but judging by Xorim face it doesn't seem like anything bad.

I sat and finished the entire mug of water, just In a few minutes, I've never drunk so much water in one sitting before. I guess from being sleep for so long I needed a lot of water to replenish my thirst.

"Everyone leave." Xorim said, while eyeing me.
Swiftly everyone left, leaving us unguarded. He shut the door, giving me a menacing smile.
What is he up to now.
"Why are you looking at me like that." I nervously asked.

Walking over to me he continued to look at me with such a seductive expression. I can feel my heart race, as he got closer.
Standing in front of me, he started to take off his clothes. "Say it again."

"S-say wha-at again?" I stuttered. He threw his shirt to the floor revealing his ripped body. My eyes traced over each muscle, each tricep. His body looks like its been sculpted by the gods themselves.
"Don't act all innocent now." He laughed.
Leaning down towards me, closing in the distance between us.
"Tell me again." He whispered in my ear. "Tell me to replenish your energy." He kissed my ear, making me jump.
I'm so flustered right now, I can feel my ears starting to burn up..

"Rainnn," he whined kissing my neck.
Dropping the mug on the floor I wrapped my hands around his neck.
Just embracing him like this is making my body tingle all over.

He held onto me lifting me up in the air. Quickly I wrapped my legs around him while resting my head on his shoulder.
"How about you replenish my energy." I whispered into his ear.
There's no holding back. I will show him exactly how I feel every second I get.
Taking his hands down my back he felt up on my ass giving it a good slap.
I moaned out, biting my lips.

Running his hands back up my back he tore my gown right down the middle.
"Your going to be needing replenishing after this." He said carrying me onto the bed.
Gently he laid me down takin taking the rest of my gown off of my body.

Pausing he looked over my body like he always does, gazing upon me right before he devours me.
"There has never been a time where you haven't looked Radiant to me rain."
Burning with anticipation, I grabbed him, pulling him into a passionate kiss.
His hands felt up on my breast making me moan in between kisses.

Opening my legs welcoming him inside of me, he quickly rammed himself into me. Making me scream out.
Slowly he began to thrust ,making me moan with pleasure.
Our tongues continued to dance around with one another as we fall deeper into each other.

I don't want to have any regrets while I'm here.
He kiss me down my neck, down to my breast.
"Xorim." I nervously said.
"I love you."

Instantly he paused. Looking up at me, puzzled.
"What did you just say." He calmly asked.
"I love you." I confessed.

I don't care if he doesn't feel the same, I just need him to know how I feel. Having him like this is enough for me. If he tells me he doesn't love me back, I wont be angry. I won't ask him to love me. I only want him to continue to treat me like he has until now.

"I don't know when I started loving you, but-"
Before I could finish my sentence he aggressively crashed his lips against mine.
He pulled away revealing his bright yellow eyes. Did telling him that make his eyes change color?
I've never seen him make this expression before. His gaze it's like a wild animal looking ay its prey.

Without saying a word he brought my legs up to my head, before ramming hisself back into me. This time quickening his strokes. Thrusting inside of me like a wild beast.
He's going so fast I can't even catch my breath, the only thing I can do is violently moan out.
"Say it again, tell me you love me." He whispered
Looking into his eyes as he pulverized me I can finally see it as clear as day.
The impatientness , the longing gaze.
He wanted to hear these words all along.
"I love you."


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