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One side of his face resembled the color of a human while the other side resembled a orc. His eye were different colors like Xorims. One bright green, the other one blue. His skin is bright green. I've never seen a orc like him sense being here.
They said that this orc was over 300 years old, yet he looks so youthful, like he's found the fountain of youth. I don't know what I was expecting him to look like, but this definitely wasn't it. His hair is bright blonde and his face looked tho he is around his 30's.

"What are you." Xorim bluntly asked. "I've never seen anything like you before."
The odd orc laughed out wickedly."Xorimas The defier. Son of Zeelus demon hunter. Grandson of Leviticus death snare. You've grown so much.

"How dare you speak of my family names!" He roared. " do you already have a death wish!"  Xorim raged.
Xorim breath started to become heavy, as his veins begain to appear all over his body. He's has such a vicious look on his face like he's about to lose it.
Grabbing onto his hand I firmly squeezed it  trying to bring him back to reality. Now isn't the time to get all crazy. I need answers on how to return home first.
"Xorim please, try to calm down." I softly said. He looked down at me finally softening his face.
"Ah Rain your a long way from Fort Cape but it looks like you've adjusted just fine here." He grinned. 
My heart stopped for a second. How does he know where I come from. I never even told Xorim where I'm from.
Xorim gave me a concerned look, trying to figure out what's going on.

"How do you know where I'm from." I hesitantly asked. I walked closer to the cell getting a really good look at him. The Human side looks like I've seen him before but I can't quite put my finger on it.
"I know everything rain, just like I know your mother is dead." He sinisterly said.

"How do you know about my mother!" I coldly said. He's making my blood boiled. Don't tell me. Is he the reason why I'm here.
"Simmer down rainy.  Don't get your pantries in a bunch, I already know why I'm here, you want to go back home am I right? A women  delicate woman like you shouldn't stay in a world like this. I can take you back home, I want to finally go back as well." He confessed.

In a instant it finally connect. The reason why he looks so familiar! He's the man who went missing him in my home town. I took a step back from the cell trying to gather my thoughts.
What does he mean by he wants to go back, can he really just leave at will? Not only that how is he also the man that went missing in my home town. He was human when he went missing! Does this mean he was never human to start with? Did he become a orc one day? My mind raced at 100 miles per hour, but I still can't wrapped my mind around any of this.

I clinched my fist trying to calm my nerves. If this orc knows how to send me back he just needs to tell us how, instead he's starting to stir things up and beat around the bush. The only thing he's  seems to want to do is dig up the pass, and honestly I don't have time for this.

" You disappeared 17 years ago didn't you, your Xavier Walsh. People put your face and name up on ever poll or bored in Site, but you were never  found. Everybody assumed you died in the woods and some wild animal ate you, yet here you are. How?

He enthusiastically clapped his hands. "  I didn't think there would be a actual man hunt for me. I was practically a nobody there."  He laughed out.

The sounds of his high pitch laughs sent a chill down my spine.  If he is truly Xavier, how was he able to hide his orc side.
"You must be wonder how I look so different?" He crooked his head, giving me a taunting smile. "My name is Xavier The ripper. Brother of Leviticus death snare" He stood up in his cell dropping his cloak. His body covered in scares and dark brown scales like a snake. 

I turned to look at Xorim, frozen he blankly stared at Xavier. he's as speechless as I am.
"Thats not possible!" Xorim yelled out! "My father said that we were the last of our blood line!" He lashed.  His breathing becoming heavy again as his eye begain to glow green. If he keeps this up Xorim will kill him.

"Xorim and I blood is quite special you see!" He boasted.
"You say one more word, and I will end your life where you stand."Xorim fumed. He clinched his fist. Wildly  he begain to pant like beast. Spit spewd out from his mouth.
"Our bloodline possesses powers." Xavier continued. "No other orcs possesses this. His grandfather tried to wipe all of it out of our history. No matter if that meant killing his blood. Luckily I got away, and fled fled to your world. I was able to change my appearance. One of the many things we can do."
  Toorgin roughly grabbed me out the way before Xorim storm into the cell ripping off the  door.
"Xorim no!" I yelled . I tried to get away from Torgin clutch but it was useless. He's over powering me!

Xorim lifted him up in the air, but Xavier face beamed with happiness. Something doesn't feel right. It's like he's wants this all to happen.
"Wait Xorim!" I yelled out.
I bright blue light beamed between them before erupting causing Xorim to fly back hitting the wall next to us.

Xavier laughed out in joy. "Your so fun to play with."
Xorim shook his head trying to shake off that powerful blow. I can feel my hands trembling as my heart raced. This isn't good, we have to stop this.
Blood dripped from the back of Xorim head.
"Xorim your hurt!" I yelled.  "Let go of me!" I Reached out my hands trying to reach him but its like he completely toned me out.

His eyes are turning red as his body started to illuminate a bright yellow color. I stopped fighting with Toorgin and watch as Xorim gleamed.
"Yes show them what you are truly capable of!" Xavior cheeerfully yelled out.

This is only fueling the fire more. At this rate Xorim might get really hurt, but he's to blind to see. This is  exactly what Xavier wants.
That sinister smile he's giving Xorim its scaring the shit out of me.
Toorgin gripped had loosed and I yanked myself from his grasp, immediately I ran to Xorim.
I sat beisde him placing my hand on his shoulder but he doesn't even notice me.
"Xorim please calm down, this is what he wants!" I yelled trying to get threw to him, but his focus is still on Xavier.  

"It's useless, Rain. He's in raged." Toorgin warned.
Even if that's the case I don't care. I can feel that something about to happen I just dont know what.
I placed my hand on the Side of his face before and whispered into his ear. "Comeback to me Xorim." I softly said. "Xorim, it's me rain, your mate, come back to me please." I shakily spoke.

The yellow glow that eliminated from his body is starting to stick to me, Slowly it wrapped around me causing my skin to glow. Its cold, but it feels good. I can feel it  pulsating. Its vibrating onto my skin almost as if its trying to read me. As if its trying to link us together.
"Xorim come back to me." I whispered for the final time. The yellow glow dissappeared in a instant, causing Xorim to flinched.

Slowly he looked at me giving me a troubled look.
"How did you do that." He calmly asked me. 

His eyes stop glowing as he finally started to look like his old self once again.
"Not just any human can come here." Xavier said while walking up to us. "She's no ordinary human." He smiled showing his sharp teeth.

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