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Cecelia was in Bucky's embrace as the two slept in the backseat. They put the seats down flat so there was a bit more room. Cecelia had is arm around her as she slept peacefully.

Cecelia was fast asleep as Bucky was wide awake. He played with her curly hair. They drove to an area where they wouldn't disrupt people, and people would disrupt them.

The car was turned off to save gas, but nights in North Carolina were a bit warm. So it was a little hot in the car.

Bucky sighed as he closed his eyes. More than a decade of doing stuff for Hydra, and he was finally free, and he saved someone while doing it. A kid for that matter.

But right now he was torn between options. Could he go back to Steve, and maybe he could help him hide. Or would Steve turn them in. Would they get caught by going to Steve.

He decided that they would stay on the run. It might've been agitating for him to hear her ask such pointless questions, but they'd be safe.

Bucky sighed as he tried to close his eyes and rest. He couldn't rest thinking of the people he's hurt, and the lives he's ruined. He couldn't live with himself because of it.

He felt Cecelia moved around and he looked down at her as she did so. He felt her heart beat speed up and he sighed. Nightmare. He'd struggled with them, and with the history that Cecelia had, she probably would to.

She felt her curl into his chest and he put a hand on the back of her head, his fingers going through her long, dark, curly hair. He heard her muttering things and grab onto his shirt, he put a hand in her back rubbed circles around her back. "You're okay, doll. You're okay." He whispered as she began to breath heavily. Bucky became a little alarmed, but he knew it was apart of nightmares.

"Sergeant Barnes."


"убей ее" (kill her)


The Hydra Soldier walked to the passenger side of the car. Her hand went through the smashed window to reveal a woman. She was bleeding, and worrying over her husband who was being murdered by the familiar face of a man he once knew.

The soldier put her hand around the woman's neck, choking her. The Winter Soldier placed her husband in the seat, his head slumping on the wheel.

"Howard." She managed to choke out, making the young Soldier's grip on her tighter. She kept going until there was silence, till no pulse was felt.

The first part of the nightmares is you starting to move around, you mutter things trying to escape the dream.

"No..." Cecelia muttered as her tiny fists clenched.

Next your pulse picks up, you're scared, petrified at that. Everything gets hot, you sweat a little bit. Finally, your breathing gets heavy. You can't get a grip on what'd happening, and you get worried. You get so worried you can't get a grip, and you can't breath. Then finally, you wake up in a cold sweat. Your heart beating faster than your mind is thinking. And you're breathing like you just ran a marathon. He knew it all to well.

That's what's Cecelia did. She shot up with a gasp, her breathing was shallow and her eyes were teary. She wiped her tears away before putting a hand on her chest. Bucky sat up with her as she breathed heavily.

"Let's get you some fresh air, doll." Bucky said as Cecelia jumped at his voice. Cecelia looked at him, still worried.

"Bucky, I cant..." Cecelia said and Bucky nodded his head as he tried to get her out of the car quickly. He reached to the door and opened it for her. Cecelia started to shuffle out of the car with Bucky behind her.

"Bucky..." Cecelia said as she tried to take deep breaths. Cecelia clenched her fists as Bucky knelt down in front of her.

"I know...I know." Bucky said grabbing her hands, one of them being bandaged. He unclenched her fists slowly, and took her hands in his. "Doll, look at me ok? Just look at me." He said as she tried to focus on him. Her breathing still quickened.

"I killed her...she could've been someone's mother..." Cecelia said as her eyes watered.  Bucky squeezed her hands tightly. Her eyes searched around the nearby woods as she tried her hardest to breath, but the more she tried, the harder it was.

"Ceily, look at me." He said cupping her cheeks in his big hands. She looked in his eyes as he desperately tried to calm her down.

"I-I'm a bad person, I killed people!" She said and Bucky shook his head. "She's dead because of me!" Cecelia exclaimed and he shook his head at the words she said.

"No, Cecelia you don't blame yourself, that wasn't your fault. You blame your parents, you blame Pierce, you blame me." Bucky said with his voice shaking and tears coming close to pricking at his eyes. She could blame her parents for signing up for that stupid project. She could blame Pierce for brainwashing her for making her do things...kill people. And he wanted her to blame him for teaching her how. How to take people's lives. How to ruin other people's lives. How to make them grieve over their loved ones.

"But right now, you need to take a deep breath." Bucky said as his thumb traced her cheek bone. "Through your nose, and out your mouth." He said and Cecelia followed what he was saying. She inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. Her heartbeat started to slow down, but it was still beating faster than ever.

"You're ok, it's over." Bucky said as she held back her tears. She blinked them away as he calmed her down. "Hydra's gone, they're never coming back. It's you and me." Bucky said as she practically collapsed into his arms. He wrapped her arms around her as she held on to him. She grabbed onto his shirt and she wrapped her legs around him. His shirt was fisted in her hands and he whispered in her ear.

"It's ok, Ceily. You're going to be ok." He whispered as she started to calm down. He listened to her heart beat as her breathing slowed.

"I didn't want to kill her...I didn't want to kill anyone." Cecelia said as his hand started to go through her hair once again. He nodded his head, knowing she didn't want to kill anybody.

"I know you didn't." Bucky said. He knew better than anyone did. She was to little, to pure, to kind.

She was just a child.

i am so excited for y'all to see TFATW bc like...i have such a good idea for it i can't wait.....

lol but y'all see where this is gonna go...

BUT LET ME STATE MY OPINION ON CIVIL WAR RQ. So I agree with Tony with the accords, you can't run off as a bunch of people under ur own orders, i get that. but i also agree with steve bc honestly because he cared about the well being of the world, but tony cared for avengers. i can't choose on that behalf because i tear myself apart every time. but i agree with steve on the bucky thing, escaping, stuff like that. but maybe, just maybe he shoulda told tony. and also i disagree with tony for fighting buck bc he didn't have a choice, but i understand anger and grief does a lot of stuff.
but i'd say i'm team cap bc like...yeah.
actually no, i'm not either.

also i wanna make a playlist...but cecelia would literally all be taylor...she's a taylor coded girl. Folklore kind of girl, ifykyk. very mirrorball, this is me trying a lil bit, MAD WOMAN OMG
"cause you took everything from me" "no one likes a mad woman her like that"


she's very Folklore...but she is also reputation when she's Celia, bc like...LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO ahshdjsosijxhxjxj. Get it...bc Hydra made her do some

"i've been the archer i've been the prey" "they see right through me"AND SOMETHING ELSE BUT IT MIGHT SPOIL A BIT

but like also not he tay. she's like "what was i made for" bc like, yk.


okay i'm done now.


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