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tw: a bit graphic

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"it's ok."

Bucky was repeating it to Cecelia as she woke up in a cold sweat. Another nightmare, as usual.

"Bucky." Cecelia said as Bucky held her. She felt her stomach feel sick, she was nauseous. Her dream was nauseating.

"убей их" The Winter Soldier said to The Hydra Soldier. (kill them) Cecelia stared up at the mother with her 2 children sobbing. She was sobbing as the father stood in front of them.

"Please, don't hurt us!" He begged as the young soldier took her gun out of her belt. They knew more than they were suppose to know.

The two worked for Hydra a long time ago, then they escaped. They made their own family. They betrayed Hydra by leaving them, nobody knew if they would tell on them.

The gun shook in the child's hand as she looked at the other two kids who weren't much younger than she was. She raised the gun and shot it at the father in the stomach. The Winter Soldier stood to the side as the father dropped to the floor. He was impressed at her aim.

"Please. I know you, child." Said the mother as she held her children for dear life. Cecelia shook her head as she reloaded her gun.

"ты меня не знаешь" The soldier said with a scowl on her face. Behind her mask, and behind the dark eyeblack that covered her eyes, the woman saw a scared child stuck in a killer's skin. (you don't know me)

"Please." She begged as the soldier walked up to her. She pressed the gun to her forehead. "Your mother...you saw her pass. How did it make you feel, please. Not in front of my children." She begged again. Cecelia heard herself in the back of her head, screaming for her mother as she was shot.

"Mommy!" Cecelia had screamed as a little kid. Her eyes were tear stricken as blood splattered everywhere.

That didn't stop the soldier though. She shot the woman in the head.

"Mommy!" Yelled a little girl as blood splattered. Cecelia couldn't hold on the guilt she felt at the moment.

She felt as if she was back in the past. Hydra stormed her house, they'd shot her father in the stomach, and then shot her mother square in the face.

The Soldier then killed the other three children. Blood was everywhere, all over the soldier. All over the floors and the walls, it was sickening.

"Bucky, I'm gonna be sick." Cecelia said as Bucky opened the door in a hurry. He helped Cecelia out of the car and brought her next to a tree. He held her two braids back as she started to puke.

"There was blood everywhere." Cecelia said as Bucky softly rubbed her back with his metal arm. Cecelia coughed as she stood back up. "The walls, the floor, it was all over me. My hands, my face, my suit." Cecelia said as she wiped her mouth off of her wrist. "I-I killed them because they saw to much, ok? They...they knew to much!" Cecelia exclaimed before hunching over and throwing up again. Bucky was surprised she had enough food in her body to throw up.

"I knew how it felt to watch your parents die, and nothing stopped me." Cecelia said as she sat down on the ground. Her eyes watered and Bucky took her hand. Cecelia wiped her eyes so she didn't cry.

"You can cry, doll." Bucky said and Cecelia shook her head.

"I'm not to cry, it shows that I'm weak."

"You don't cry, soldier. Soldier's don't cry, if you cry than you're weak." Alexander said to the 7 year old as her hip was getting stitched with nothing to numb it. Her tears were held back during the process.

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