dear diary

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"Ow!" Cecelia exclaimed as Bucky put a braid in one side of her head. He was putting two french braids into her hair, and to be honest it hurt. It wasn't that he was bad at it, it was just that he was doing it tightly and Cecelia couldn't sit still for more than 3 minutes.

"Ceily, stop moving and it won't hurt." Bucky said as Cecelia sighed as she grabbed another canned peach.

"These are disgusting." Cecelia complained as she ate one. Bucky nodded his head as he took the hair-tie from off his wrist. He tied the bottom of her braid and moved to the other side.

"Well, you have to eat." Bucky said as she continued to write the alphabet in her notebook. Bucky taught her it so reading would be easier if she ever wanted to read or write.

"Give me a word." Cecelia said and Bucky sighed, she was practicing spelling again. Over the last day he was teaching her letters and how they sounded.

"Spell your name. Cecelia." Bucky said as Cecelia clicked the pen that she had in her hand.


She showed the notebook to Bucky and he raised his eyebrows. Her S's were backwards and she used uppercase letters, and she just spelt it completely wrong.

"Nope." He said and Cecelia furrowed her eyebrows. "That's not even close, Ceily." Bucky said as he pulled her hair a bit to tight. Cecelia winced before scribbling the failed attempt of her name. "C-e-c-e-l-i-a." Bucky spelt out to her, she furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down.

"But S makes the snake sound, why is it with a C?" Cecelia asked him and Bucky shrugged his shoulders.

"The English language is confusing, doll. Spell out your name how I spelt it." Bucky said and Cecelia looked at the page of paper.

"How do you spell it?" Cecelia asked him and Bucky looked at her page.

"C-e-c-e-l-i-a." He spelt out for the second time as Cecelia wrote it out. Her C's were backwards and her A's were uppercase.

"C's go the other ways, and it's the other A." Bucky told her and Cecelia scribbled her name out again.

"C-e-c-e-l-i-a." Cecelia spelt for herself as she wrote it down. Bucky looked over and nodded his head as he looked down.

"Good job, doll." He said and Cecelia smiled to herself. She wrote it out a second time so she'd get used to it. "Spell doll."

"b-o-l." She spelt out on the paper with her d backwards. Bucky nodded his head, seeing as she was close.

"One more L, and your D is backwards." He said and Cecelia groaned as Bucky kept braiding neatly.

"I don't get it! Why is it this hard?" She asked and Bucky shrugged his shoulders. She re-wrote it like Bucky said to.

"Spell Bucky." He said and Cecelia looked down on her page.

"Is it K or C?" Cecelia asked and Bucky nodded his head. It was both.

"Both of them. It goes c then k." He said and Cecelia nodded.

"Don't move your head." He said and Cecelia rubbed her eyes.

"B-u-c-k-y." She spelt correctly. Bucky smiled and nodded his head at her spelling.

"Good job, doll." He said and Cecelia smiled to herself as he started to finish up with her braid. Bucky knew she wouldn't get it right away, but she did good with his name.

"Spell job." Bucky said and Cecelia wrote it out with her b backwards.


"B goes the other way."

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