getaway car

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Blue eyes opened up, looking around. Those blue eyes belonged to Cecelia Barnes.

Cecelia Barnes was a 9 year old girl. She stood at 5'6. She had curly, dark brown hair, that was now cut short. She had bright blue eyes that were filled with fear. She liked the color blue. Her person was Bucky Barnes. Her favorite snack was still goldfish. Cecelia killed someone in self defense. She was an innocent child who could do a couple things wrong.

She was laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. She heard people talking, Bucky was next to her, his metal arm covered by concrete.

"She's a Hydra Solider, she's a different generation. She was a kid when they started everything." Bucky said looking down at her. She was now awake was what he noticed.

"She's up..." Bucky said, Cecelia took a deep breath as she sat up.

"Which version is up?" Sam asked, earning a glare from Bucky.

Bucky looked at Cecelia. Her eyes had an emotion in them, one that you couldn't fake. She looked around, confused. What was going on? Why was she there?

"Bucky?" She asked quietly, she looked up and saw him. He was sitting there next to Cecelia.

Steve was heartbroken by Cecelia. She was a kid forced to grow up and be an assassin. She had no family except for Bucky. She was 9 years old, she was only a child. Children shouldn't be holding guns in their hands. God knows he didn't when he was her age.

"What did I do?" Cecelia asked, Bucky shook his head. He didn't even know what they did.

"Don't worry about it." He said and she nodded her head. She stood up and Bucky did as well.


"Nothing good."

No one knew what to say, Cecelia sat up fully as she looked around. She looked up at Bucky, seeing his expression. He was looking exhausted, like he hadn't slept in days.

Cecelia let herself stand up, and she saw Sam to. Or in her case, the guy with the wings.

"Alright, I've got to make a phone call." Steve said before walking away. Cecelia looked up at Sam who was looking at the two. He looked at them just like how everyone else did. Like they were criminals. Except Sam had a bit more of a grudge with these two, rightfully so.

"So you're the guy with the wings?" Cecelia asked him. Bucky rolled his eyes.

"I'm the guy with the wings." Sam said and Cecelia pointed at Bucky with her thumb.

"He's a big fan." Cecelia said, Bucky hit her arm and she put her hands back into her pockets.

"You're so full of shit." Bucky said, Cecelia looked down at the floor, cracking her knuckles in her sweatshirt pockets. Bucky looked at Cecelia, seeing the bruising on the back of her neck from when The Winter Soldier shoved her face into the ground. He looked down, knowing he'd done it.

"Reminds me of that one place we slept back in Utah." Cecelia said quietly to Bucky staring at the ceiling.

"How many states did you guys travel to?" Sam asked, Bucky sighed. He shrugged his shoulders.

"To many." He said as Cecelia looked over at him as he looked at the ground.

"We stole a car." Cecelia said, Sam raised his eyebrows. "Technically we didn't steal it, some guy left the windows down, and had his stuff in there." Cecelia exclaimed, Sam looked almost appalled by what she said. "So it was his fault it got stolen." She said, Sam shook his head at her logic.

"Aren't you like 7?" He asked her, Cecelia put her hands on her hips and looked at him.

"I'm 9, actually." She said as Bucky tapped his foot. She really had an attitude. Cecelia looked up at Bucky who was staring at Sam. She wasn't surprised because Bucky just kinda stares sometime. He just zones out.

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