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"What's the plan?"

"Karli's gotta be close. Keep your eyes open."

"Well, it could be anybody."

The streets of Manhattan were filled with officers, people in the military. There was a threat, from Karli. Cecelia had texted her to many times to count that it was a bad idea, but she earned no response.

Now her and Bucky were walking through. Sam was once again talking in their ear as they did so.
"Sergeant Barnes. Agent Barnes." Said a military officer as they walked through. Cecelia furrowed her eyebrows about how they called her an agent. She knew Bucky was a sergeant in the military, but she was caught by surprise, and it surely wasn't in a bad way.

Bucky nodded his head, Cecelia doing the same.

"And by the way, I called in some backup."

"Excuse me. Are you supposed to be here?" Asked a man. Cecelia and Bucky turned around to see a man with a black beanie on. Then, his hand went to his face. The man pulled off a Photostatic Veil, to reveal a woman, Sharon Carter. She took the hat off and she nodded.

"It's me." Sharon said, Bucky furrowed his eyebrows. Sharon could get into a lot of trouble. But yet, she still helped.

"Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?" Bucky asked, Sharon grabbed his arm and slightly moved off. Cecelia followed them.

"Relax, nobody's looking for me here." She said as they walked away from the scene of officers.

"Is that Sharon?"


"Hey, Sam. I thought I'd get the band back together." Sharon joked, Cecelia grinned as she looked around.

Please be safe, Karli.

"Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here."

"I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway." Sharon said, Bucky stared ahead giving a comment.

"Depends on the therapist." He said, Cecelia shook her head.

"They'll move on the building soon. Be ready."

"Aye, Captain." Cecelia said, her and Bucky walked off into the building with Sharon behind them.

They were rushed, they walked in as fast as possible, trying to get everyone safe.

"You guys are gonna have to do something. Don't let ''em out of the building."

They walked inside, the metal detector going off as Bucky walked through. Cecelia giggled as she looked up at him.

"Oops." Sharon said as Bucky gave an annoyed expression.

"Here's one of them. I'll get the evac." Bucky said, walking off. Cecelia looked at Sharon who motioned her to follow behind her. The two went to the garage, seeing no one there. No evacs, well there were, the only issue was that they were driving away.

"Damn it!" Cecelia whispered as she saw Bucky running down the stairs. Bucky was supposed ti be the one here, calling it as a false alarm, stopping people from running down. Except he got busy due to a phone call. A phone call with Karli.

"Seriously, Bucky, you had one job." Sharon said as Bucky walked towards a motorcycle.

"Cecelia, let's go." Bucky said, waving her over. Cecelia got onto the other bike as Bucky looked back at Sharon.

"You worry about your guy." He said as Cecelia revved the engine. She put her kickstand up before racing away next to Bucky.

"Hope you're not rusty!" Bucky yelled over the engine.

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