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"You have god knows what on your rich plane, and you don't have a first aid kit?"

Cecelia was laying on the ground in a sports bra and leggings with Bucky right next to her. Zemo was in the back as she hated on him for the past couple of minutes.

Bucky was next to her with a bottle of vodka. Zemo didn't have anything else but that, and an ace bandage. He had god knows what on that plane, but he didn't have a first aid kit. He had vodka and a few bandages.

Cecelia's head was on Sam's knee as he sat there dumbfounded on what to do. Last time she was receiving she medical attention on a plane was with Bucky and Steve. Her shoulder was popped out of it's socket, and the side of her body near her hip was burnt.

She had the scar on her side to prove it. Thankfully, Wakanda had good people in medical fields, and they gave her less of a scar than what she should have. Now it just looked like several light scratches. Steve had to pop her shoulder into place, and Bucky only had one arm and there wasn't much to do to help. But he gave comfort as much as he could.

When that happened, Steve knew what to do. He saw her with Bucky. He saw how he'd play with her hair, and talk her through everything.

Sam knew that to, he just didn't know what to do at that moment. But thankfully, Cecelia wasn't 10 years old and in unstable amounts of pain.

"I hope that my blood stains his expensive carpet and he can't get it out." Cecelia said as Bucky popped the vodka open. He sighed as he looked at her. Zemo looked offended at her words, but he understood.

"Fair." He muttered as Sam sighed. He looked down at Cecelia as she tried to calmly sit there.

"3." Bucky counted slowly as he shakily held the bottle. "2."

"Just do it." Cecelia said, Bucky sighed before pouring it onto her arm. Cecelia hissed and Sam went for her hand, he held it in his as she squeezed it.

"She takes it very successfully." Zemo said as she gasped at the stinging pain.

"Hey, Zemo?" Cecelia asked Zemo looked at her as she looked over at him.

"Yes, Celia?" He asked and she sighed, Bucky poured more into her wound.

"You're doing so good, doll." He said as she squinted her eyes shut.

"How come every time that I need medical attention in a plane, it happens to be your fault. The first time, you leak me killing Mr. Stark's parents, then that whole ordeal, and then you shoot me." Cecelia told him, Zemo looked down, nodding his head. His hands clasped together as Bucky once again poured more on the wound. Cecelia squeezed Sam's hand again as she winced.

"Apologies." He said, Cecelia looked at Bucky who was closing the vodka bottle. He then grabbed the wrap and carefully brought her arm up. He slowly started to wrap it as she pointed a finger at Zemo.

"Not forgiven." She said as Sam looked at the many scars she had. He saw a large on spreading across her hip and he pursed his lips.

She had scars across her stomach. A large one on the top of her left rib, one on her right collar bone. There was a light scar on her forehead. She had a burn scar on the left side of her stomach.

Cecelia was 15 and had so many scars, and not just physically. Mentally. And she shouldn't. She should've never been fighting in the first place.

A normal teenage girl should be worried about someone to take to a dance. Or how she looked in the first day of school. Or grades, and other things. Not on surviving fights. She shouldn't have ever held a gun, or a knife. And she shouldn't have a kill count either.

But now she was getting vodka poured on a bullet wound. That was well after meeting a person who made her who she was today. A strong assassin who was giving doses of 2 different serums at the age of 4 and 7. A lab rat, a little girl who grew up faster than she should've, or a girl who never got to grow up at all.

Cecelia was born into evil. Her parents were horrible people, yet she still found them to be good? She never resented them, oddly enough. They sold her for money, yet they ended up dying and gaining nothing. They lost their lives and Cecelia's life was ruined.

At the age of 4 she was injected. Then she was trained. She grew up, and went back under ice. Then she had to come back out. Since she was so young, the serum didn't work properly. Her growth made her look like a normal sized kid.

Before her first dose, she was tinier than any kid. She was small, and weak. Then she had the first dose of the serum, making her normal. They enchanced her, but barely anything happens. The serum was in her, but it made her normal.

So then Nagel was brought along, he tested her for everything. He took her blood, found the serum in her cells. Then made his own just for her. He made her stronger than any kid. Of course it wasn't perfect, his serum wasn't for people to grow tall, and become jacked up, it just made them strong. It worked, Cecelia just grew a whole lot.

Then she fought for god knows how long.

Cecelia laid there as Bucky grabbed her blood stained shirt. He lifted her upper body off of Sam, Sam let go of her hand. Cecelia sighed as Bucky put his hand in her back, propping her up.

"Put your shirt on, doll." Bucky said, seeing Zemo and Sam looking away. Sam was making a phone call to Torres, and Zemo was being respectful, surprisingly.

He helped her slip it on, then finally helping her to her feet. "I got legs, Bucky." Cecelia said as she sat down in the seat next to her. She practically collapsed into it. She closed her eyes.

She was exhausted, clearly. There were dark circles underneath her eyes as she laid there.

She hadn't slept in 24 hours. Bucky sighed before looking for her other backpack that had her jacket in it. He handed it to her, and she slipped it on.

"Go to sleep, Ceily. Okay?" Bucky asked mad she nodded her head. Zemo stood up before walking to the back for some kind of food.

Cecelia didn't like to be babied. Everyone knew that, but in moments of vulnerability, she needed it. She was exhausted, and she was upset, and everything had gone wrong for her. She met someone from the past, and it screwed with her.

She didn't want to show her vulnerability. She didn't want to because she didn't want to be seen as weak. But everyone knew she wasn't weak, including Zemo himself.

Cecelia was many things, and one of them wasn't weak.


yall are crazy,
tysm for 142k reads i love all of you

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