thats an order

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When Cecelia watched John stand there in pride with shield covered in blood, her heart broke. It sunk into her stomach. Her hand went over her mouth, slightly shaking.

"Cecelia." Karli whispered as Cecelia stared. Her fist clenched as she watched.

She hated John Walker. She hated him with a passion. That shield...the shield was a symbol to her. Steve once held that shield, and now it was covered in a victim's blood.

Cecelia stayed staring, and Karli went off running, leaving her alone. Unlike how Cecelia would've stayed in that situation.

Cecelia stood there, her teeth digging into her lip. She held back her tears. She looked at Bucky, both having tear glistened eyes. He looked over at her as she stood there.

"Go over to her, Buck." Sam said, lightly patting his back. Bucky jogged around the crowds of people, muttering small sorry's and excuse me's. He rushed to Cecelia and pulled her into a hug.

She dug her face into his neck as he held her tightly. "I'm sorry." She said as he stared forward, staring at John, he'd turned them both completely so he could look at him.

The look on John's face disgusted Bucky. He was murderous, and prideful that he killed someone in cold blood. He was no better than Karli at that moment. He was the same, worse even. He killed a man who wasn't innocent, but he hadn't done anything to John. He killed him because he was angry, and he wanted revenge.

"Don't apologize." He said, his lips pressing onto the crown of her head. He smoothed her hair out as he watched John look around at everyone. He saw the camera's, and everyone whispering. "You've got nothing to apologize for." He said, not knowing exactly why she was sorry, but he had a slight idea. Maybe that she ran with Karli? Maybe because she liked Karli? There were things that could have guilted her, and love, or liking someone wasn't one of them.

"I hate him." She said as Bucky nodded in agreement as he looked at Sam who was shaking his head. He blamed himself for all of this. Maybe if he kept the shield, just maybe this wouldn't have happened. It wouldn't have gone so far.

Sam let out a shaky breath, seeing Bucky and Cecelia. Steve meant a lot to Cecelia, and seeing the shield like that, it hurt her. It hurt her badly. He felt he was to blame for that. For Cecelia's pain.

John went sprinting. Bucky broke away, and Cecelia looked around. She saw John running and she shook her head. She saw Sam wave them over, and they followed behind Sam.

They followed Sam, who was watching Walker on his arm pad. They didn't need to run, but they had to go quickly so they wouldn't lose him.

Cecelia looked emotionless. Her face was pale, and had a small amount of blood dripping from her lip. She simply licked it away, tasting the coppery taste of it. She slightly sniffled and wiped her eyes, holding back her tears.

"Cecelia-" Sam said and Cecelia turned her head, Sam's hand was on her shoulder and she looked at him. He took a deep breath before saying what he had to say. "I..." He trailed off, Cecelia nodded her head. She knew he was about to apologize.

"I know." She said before turning away. Sam took a deep breath as she turned around.

John had traveled to a warehouse, and abandoned one near a train station. They walked in, trying to be as calm as possible, and not strangle John.

Cecelia didn't show any expression on her face. Bucky knew how she felt, he could tell through her eyes. They were just downright depressing. They made him feel worse.

Steve saved Cecelia in the time she needed it most. Of course, they got in a few quarrels, but she loved him like a 2nd father. Bucky was always first. When Bucky was absent, he took that role, gave her the love she needed.

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