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Celia and James stared at some car they found in the parking lot. In was an old rusty truck. The paint was chipped off of it, and the metal was rusting a little bit. "Think you can get in there?" James asked. The window was half way open, and there was one set of keys in the car.

"I think so." Celia said as she looked inside through the window.

"Alright." James sighed as he took his backpack off of her back. "Do you need a boost?" He asked, Celia let out a small chuckle when he asked the question.

"I'm tall enough." Celia said as she grabbed into the roof rail of the car. She pulled herself up and slipped one of her legs into the car.

"You're doing good." He said as she put her other leg in and let go of the rail. James put a hand on her back so she wouldn't fall back and then she slid into the car. She grabbed the car key and unlocked it. "Good job, Doll." He said as Cecelia got into the passenger side.

"The person who owns this car is what you call a dumbass." James said as he started the stolen car. He put the windows up and got out of the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" Celia asked as James drove down the road. James sighed as he drove.

"Quick pit stop, do me a favor and get some kind of food in you." James said as Celia grabbed her backpack, which was at her feet. She took out a pack of Goldfish and James nodded his head.

"Good choice." He commented as she opened the bag. Celia took one out and started to eat the cheesy snack.

"I like it." Celia said and James nodded his head. It could be that she was practically eating jail food for the last couple years, or she was absolutely starving. And that she probably just liked it. It was all three.

"So, where are we going after our pit-stop?" Celia asked as James sighed.

"I don't know yet, Doll. We'll figure it out." He said as Celia looked into her bag. She'd forgotten to tell James that she brought her suit. She didn't know if she'd need it again, so she snuck it in her backpack. Celia didn't know how he didn't notice, but she hidden it well enough from him. Celia kept it in case she needed to fight.

Celia took off her hat and put it on her lap. "Did you see the guy with the wings?" Celia asked him and James nodded his head.

"He was...annoying." James told her as Celia shrugged her shoulders as she looked at her hand. James wrapped it before they drive away, but the blood was still going through, as was the blood on the bandaid on her forehead

"I thought he was cool." Celia admitted as she adjusted how she was sitting. She criss crossed her legs and James furrowed his eyebrows on why she thought he was cool.

"No, he wasn't." James said and Celia nodded her head, thinking he was wrong. The man could fly! If that's not cool, she didn't know what he considered cool.

"He could fly!" Celia said as James squeezed tightly on the steering wheel.

"Quiet game." He said and Celia crossed her arms. She pouted as he continued to drive. She waited till they got to their pit stop. She didn't like the quiet game. Not one bit. Even though it was a way for James to get some peace, she was to naive to know that.

Once they were at their "pit stop", James had both of them put their hats on. Just incase. He knew the news about them was probably spreading like wildfire. As long as they were in and out fast, they would be ok.

James parked the car as Celia put her hat on. She opened her door and he walked up next to her. James knew that if he went to this Museum. The museum that had a portion dedicated to Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, he'd be there. He would have to.

Celia grabbed his hand and he held it for her. Celia knew James, and James knew that his name was James. But he didn't know who Bucky was. He knew Steve knew who Bucky was, and he wanted to explore that to.

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

"What's that say?" Celia asked as she pointed at the building with her bad hand. James fixed his hat as Celia looked around.

"Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum." James said as they walked towards the door. Celia bit her thumb nail as they walked in.

"James?" Celia asked as James practically dragged her towards part of the Museum.

The living legend and symbol of courage

Celia pointed at Steve who was painted in the wall. "That's him." Celia said and James nodded his head. He walked into the museum with Celia stopping to look at things from time to time. He would get agitated, but he let her. "That's the man from earlier, that's the Captain. What's his name?" Celia pointed out while asking a question, as if he didn't already know.

"Steve." He answered, reading out his name. Celia walked away with him, still talking.

"James!" Celia said as she tugged on his sleeve. James was staring at a photo, it was like a whole article of him. Celia was looking at a picture of "The Howling Commandoes." "It's you!" Celia said pointing at it. James put a finger to his lips before walking over to the article about him.

"James?" Celia asked as he read the article.


He recognized his name. He recognized Steve Roger's saying it. He was Bucky. James is Bucky. He didn't want to be to be the Winter Soldier, or James. He wanted to be Bucky.

"Bucky." He corrected her. Celia furrowed her eyebrows as she looked up at him.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" Celia asked and James pointed at himself.

"I'm Bucky." He told her and Celia shook her head.

"No, your James." Cecelia said confused. James, or Bucky sighed as he knelt down in front of her.

"I don't want to be James. James is bad, Bucky is good." He said as he put a hand on her shoulder. Celia looked at him and nodded her head.

"Then I want you to be Bucky." She said and Bucky nodded with a smile. "But if you can change your name, what's mine?" Celia asked and Bucky stared at the girl. He put pulled her braided ponytail through her hat before letting out a sigh.

"I don't know, Ceily, who do you wanna be?" Bucky told her, Celia frowned as she remembered hurting people.

"Not Celia." Cecelia said and Bucky sighed thinking of something.

"Cecelia, you like that?" He asked, Celia nodded her head. Saying yes.

"I'm Cecelia." She said and Bucky wrapped her into a hug.

"That's right, doll." He said as he rubbed her back. She smiled as she dug her head into his shoulder.

"Cecelia and Bucky." He said after planting a kiss on her temple. She smiled and repeated what he had said.

"Cecelia and Bucky."

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