she killed my mom

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Cecelia was staring at the ground, her eyes at tears in them. She was standing in the room with a man whose parents she killed when she was young. And now he knew, he knew that the girl in that room with him, that little girl killed his mother.

A punch went across Steve's face. Tony Stark was enraged. He was mad at Steve, angered at Bucky, and livid at Cecelia. She killed the one person he loved as a child, his mother. He loved his mother more than anyone, and she took her from him.

Bucky pointed his gun at Tony, but Tony blasted it away from him. Bucky went to punch his face, Tony grabbed his arm. He threw him across the room and looked at Cecelia.

"I didn't have a choice." Cecelia said as he punched her across the face. She brought her gun up, but he hit it from her hand. Cecelia had never fought so sloppy before. Maybe it was the guilt that was in her, she didn't know.

Tony grabbed her by the throat and flew across the room with her. He was going to kill her the same way she killed his mother. Cecelia tried to pry him off of her, but metal is much stronger than flesh. She kicked him, and they slid on the floor.

Tony stood over her, his foot hitting her shoulder. She heard a loud popping noise coming from her shoulder. Her shoulder had popped and she groaned. Tony's hand pointed at Cecelia, ready to hit her, but Steve threw his shield in time. His shot hit the ground and she rolled away from him. She got up as Tony walked toward Steve.

Steve hit Tony with his shield, making Tony fly back. Tony flew back into Steve, hitting the shield. The impact made Steve fly back, and onto the ground. He dropped his shield, and Tony cuffed his legs together.

Bucky came at Tony, his hands on Bucky. He flew him into a wall as Cecelia stood up. She held her shoulder, it was out of place, and she couldn't set it.

Bucky was holding Tony's hand from his face as Tony tried to blast him. He crushed his blaster with his metal arm, and pushe it away. Tony shot at a tower in the middle of the room, and it began to go down on Cecelia and Steve. Luckily, the two ran away in time. Bucky got away from Fony and landed next to Cecelia. Tony was stuck under a piece of metal.

"Get outta here!" Steve yelled at them. The two went sprinting away, Cecelia's shoulder in a lot of pain. Bucky tried to blast them as they ran away. Cecelia hit a button to make the ceiling open so they could get out. The two started to climb up the metal parts of the tower, jumping across an up to get higher.

The two saw Tony flying up, one of his flight boots not working. Cecelia was holding onto one of the metal platforms, and Tony kicked her. She fell onto another one, and Bucky gasped looking down at her. He jumped down with her as Tony aimed his blaster. Right in time, Steve got in front of them, with his shield protecting them. The blast went off the shield, and it hit back at Tony, making him fall. Steve helped Cecelia up, and looked at her and Bucky.

"He's not gonna stop, go." He said to them. They started to climb again, Tony trying to follow them.

They were close to the top, almost there, and suddenly Tony sent a blast at it. It closed.

"Ceil, move out!" He yelled as it started to close. Cecelia jumped out of the way, going down a few stories. She grabbed onto one of the platforms, half of her body hanging off. She couldn't get her shoulder to move her body up, so she was stuck. She looked up to see Tony and Bucky.

"Do you even remember them?" Tony asked as he put Bucky in a headlock.

"I remember all of them." Bucky said, all of the victims of The Winter Soldier flashing in his eyes. Tony flew down with Bucky in the headlock. Cecelia's fingers slipped, and she fell down. Steve tackled onto them.

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