suits you

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"God, Steve, I went on a run. You don't get how hungry I am." Cecelia said louder than expected, due to the earbuds in her ear that were blasting music.

"How was your run?" Steve asked, Cecelia grabbed her water and chugged some of it down. She saw Steve talking and she put her bottle down. She took her earbuds out, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Huh?" She asked as she tossed her phone onto the table. Steve frowned at how careless she was with it.

"Don't toss that, it's expensive." Steve said, Cecelia rolled her eyes as she sat down in the chair in front of the table. She slid it in and looked at the sandwich Steve made for her. Turkey, lettuce, and mayo was her favorite, but she also loved Natasha's peanut butter sandwiches.

"What was the question, Steve?" Cecelia asked as she sat there. She crossed her legs as she fixed her posture.

"How was your run?" He asked her, Cecelia nodded her head with a small smile.

"It was good, ran a 5 mile today." Cecelia said as Natasha walked into the kitchen. This was one of Cecelia's better days. It had been 2 years since Bucky was gone, and she missed him. She'd gone through 20 journals, they were all kept in a box underneath her bed. She was currently on her 21st one.

"You're desperate to get to first place, huh?" Natasha asked as she walked in. They had a marker board. They were competitive, it was something they did not bore themselves. They made working out and running a competition. So whoever ran the most miles every month would choose dinner, or a movie, snacks, stuff like that.

"Very." Cecelia said. Over this whole blip thing, she learned that she was a competitor.

"You need a haircut. You've got dead ends, and it's always in a ponytail." Natasha said, Cecelia looked over at her as she held tried to get her fingers through Cecelia's ponytail. It wasn't that she didn't brush it or anything, because she did, it was thick and curly, and it would knot easily.

"I like it long." Cecelia told her as she stuffed her sandwich in her mouth. Natasha sighed at her lack of manners.

"Ceil." Steve laughed she chewed. She put it on the plate and Natasha walked into the kitchen.

"And I like it healthy!" Natasha exclaimed as she grabbed kitchen scissors. She walked back in and looked at Steve. "You need one to." She said, pointing the scissors at him. Cecelia wiped the mayo that was on her face as she looked up at her.

"Bucky cut my hair once." She said, Natasha sighed as she walked to her living room. She had a hairbrush in there.

"How'd it look?" Natasha asked, Cecelia shrugged her shoulders. She took a bite of her sandwich and looked at Steve.

"I thought 40's men were kept well groomed." Natasha said to Steve,  placing the hair brush on the table, she looked down at Cecelia's curly and thick hair. "Jesus." She sighed as she scratched the back of her neck.

"I need detangler." Natasha sighed as she walked away. Cecelia looked at Steve who shrugged his shoulders.

"What she says goes, sounds like we're both getting a haircut." Steve said, hearing the elevator ding. Cecelia watched Natasha walk into the elevator, and then walk inside.

"You got mayo on your shirt." Steve said, Cecelia sighed, looking down at it. It was dri-fit and black, and it now had a white blob of mayonnaise.

"дерьмо." (shit) Cecelia cursed. Steve tilted his head, looking at her.

"Watch your mouth." He said, Cecelia furrowed her eyebrows. Since when did Steve Rogers speak Russian.

"You speak Russian?" Cecelia asked him, curious of how he knew that.

"No, I just know you, Natasha and...well you guys curse in Russian." Steve said, making Cecelia look on down. Bucky would mutter curses in Russian, or in any languages. Steve apparently caught on at the small words Cecelia and Natasha.

"I can curse in other languages to if it makes you feel better." Cecelia said as she grabbed her sandwich to eat again. Steve rolled his eyes with a smile, she was a smart ass.

Cecelia took her phone from off the table, and looked at it . The female had no numbers on it. Just Steve and Natasha, it was depressing for a teenager, to have no one to talk to. Her phone also barley had use because owners of games had been blipped, and the games had shut down. But, she did had earbuds to listen to music to. So to her, the phone was a box to call Steve and Natasha if there was ever an emergency, and to listen to music on.

Cecelia put her phone down, knowing she had no use for it. She ate her sandwich, and finished up before standing.

"Thanks, Steve!" Cecelia said as she pushed her seat out. She walked over to the trash can and dumped her crusts into the can. She walked to the sink, and put her dish in it.

"Ceil, it's your night to do the dishes!" Steve exclaimed, Cecelia sighed. They'd be having dinner later, and she'd have to clean them. So, Cecelia decided to clean her used dish right then in there.

She quickly scrubbed it off, making sure to get every single crumb off. After doing that, she put it in the drying rack. She walked back into the kitchen to see Natasha behind Steve. The two were giggling as she held scissors.

"Steve, stop moving." She laughed as Cecelia walked inside with a smile. She sat down and watched the couple laugh and giggle.


Cecelia closed her eyes, trying to get him out of her head. He was gone for good, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Bucky Barnes

Cecelia clenched her fist seeing him in her head. She took her hair out of its ponytail, putting her hairtie on her wrist. She rubbed her eyes before grabbing her phone.

She missed Bucky, every day. She couldn't go throughout the day without being reminded of him.

Natasha finished up with Steve, and then walking over to Cecelia. She grabbed her detangling spray and sighed.

"Let's get this done, huh?" Natasha asked as she grabbed her hair brush. Cecelia nodded.

Natasha considered Cecelia her own, same with Steve. Natasha couldn't have kids on her own, the Red Room sterilized her. So when she met little Cecelia, and her and Steve putting her into their custody, she felt like a mother. That was something she always wanted to be.

Steve loved kids. He loved how happy and joyful they were, but unfortunately Cecelia wasn't that happy and joyful kid. She was that traumatized and sad kid who missed her father. Steve didn't try to be Cecelia's father, just someone who cared about her. He didn't know how to explain it. He wanted to be her dad, but not take Bucky's spot, not replace him. If that makes sense... He knew Cecelia loved Bucky Barnes more than she loved anyone, or anything. He was her person. The two understood each other more than they understood themselves sometimes.

Natasha started to spray the product in Cecelia's hair, then brushing it. Cecelia's head whipped back as it went through a knot.

After around one hour and a half, Cecelia's hair was at her shoulders.

"Suits you." Natasha said as she played with Cecelia's hair.

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