time machine

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At 5'9 stood a 14 year old, almost 15 year old, with dark brown, curly haired Cecelia Barnes. She was tall, and muscular, but a slim kind of muscular.
She was gorgeous.

Her blue/green eyes got much lighter. Her skin was fair, and very light. Her hair was long, and still very curly, but she learned how to properly maintain it so it wasn't always a big mess. She was with Steve and Natasha for all 5 years of the blip so far. They'd become kind of like her parents, but they never took Bucky's spot.

There wasn't one single day when she didn't think about Bucky Barnes.

Ever since he was blipped, she was more than upset about it. When it first happened, she would sob, uncontrollably. She'd have outbursts with Steve and Nat at times, but she got over it as time passed. Through the 5 long years she was with Steve and Natasha, she was happy enough.

She'd gone through 35 journals, she'd written in every single one, filling up every single page of each one. They all looked there same, they were small and leather. Some were bigger than others, actually. Some where small enough to put in he rockier, some were just to big.

Currently, the teenager was on a run. It was quiet outside. One or two cars passed here and there, but that was it.

She was wearing her leggings and tight fitting t-shirt. The girl didn't have much cleavage or anything. What was meant to be said was that she didn't have big boobs or a butt. She'd gotten her period, but that was it. She hadn't grown. Maybe her facial features were more defined, but that was it.

The super soldier ran down the sidewalk, avoiding the trash bags and cans. Running used to be a competition between her, Natasha and Steve, and it still was. But now it was something that helped cool her off.

No matter what season it was, no matter hot or cold it was, she ran pretty much every day. Maybe subtracting the rare occasions that she got sick.

Cecelia walked inside to see Nat and Steve together. They were speaking, neither saw Cecelia, and they looked to be having an conversation. Cecelia walked out quietly, but leaned against the wall to hear it.

"I used to have nothing. And then I got this. This job. This family. And I was better because of it." Natasha said, nodding her head. There were tears in her eyes as she said it. "And even though they're gone...I'm still trying to be better. I'm trying to be better. I'm trying to be better for that gorgeous little girl that I consider my own." She said, she looked down at her hands, playing with her rings on her hand. Steve smiled, nodding his head. Cecelia smiled to herself, knowing someone loved her, two people loved Cecelia Barnes for who she is now, knowing about her past.

Cecelia figured she'd show her face, acting like she didn't know the conversation happen. "Hey, Ceil." Steve said as she sat down. Cecelia looked up at him. "Run good?" He asked, she nodded her head.

"It was good." She said, nodding her head. Steve grinned as she let out a sigh. The holographic device chimed, and Natasha swiped her two fingers, it was from the camera. She figured she'd look at it.

"Oh, hi, hi! Uh, is anyone home? This is, uh, Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the airport...in Germany? I was the guy that got really big. I had a mask on." Scott said, everyone furrowed their eyebrows. Scott got blipped, how was he back? Steve stood up, staring at it.

"Is this an old message?" Steve asked, Nat stood up, a look of hope on her face.

"Ant Man? I know you know that." Scott said.

"It's the front gate." Natasha said.

They ended up opening the door, and Scott was welcomed inside. When he got inside he started to pace, and he was muttering to himself.

"Scott. Are you okay?" Steve asked, stopping him.

"Yeah." Scott said, putting his hands to his face. He dragged them down and looked at the three. "Have any of you guys ever studied quantum physics?" He asked them. Cecelia had her hands on her sides as she leaned on the table.

"Only to make conversation." Natasha said, confused as of why he needed to know that.

"All right, so, five years ago, right before...Thanos. I was in a place called the quantum realm. The quantum realm is like it's own microscopic universe. To get in there, you have to be incredibly small. Hope. She's my, um...S-she was my...She was supposed to pull me out. And then Thanos happened and I got stuck in there." Scott explained to them. Cecelia raised her eyebrows. That must've sucked for him.

"I'm sorry, that must've been a very long five years." Natasha said sincerely.

"Yeah, but that's just it. It wasn't. For me, it was five hours. See, the rules of the quantum realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable. Is that anybody's sandwich? I'm starving." Scott said, rushing over to Natasha's peanut butter sandwich.

"Scott. What are you talking about?" Steve asked, Scott turned around, eating the sandwich.

"So...what I'm saying is...time works differently in the quantum realm. The only problem is right now we don't have a way to navigate it. But what if we did? I can't stop thinking about it. What if we could somehow control the chaos...and we could navigate it? What if there was a way...that we could enter the quantum realm at a certain point in time...but then exit the quantum realm at another point in time. Like...Like before Thanos." Scott said, Cecelia sat there. She thought two things. Number 1, if Scott was saying they could go back and save everyone, she was all in. She needed Bucky back. Number 2, was "man he talks fast."

"Wait. Are you talking about a time machine?" Steve asked him, hearing him out for what he had to say.

"No. No, of course not. No, not a time machine. This is more like a...Yeah. Like a time machine. I know, it's crazy. It's crazy." Scott said, stammering. Cecelia perked up. She stopped leaning on the table and looked at her parental figures hoping they could have the time machine. "But I can't stop thinking about it. There's gotta be...some way...It's crazy." Scott sighed as Cecelia stood in between Natasha and Steve.

"Scott. I get emails from a raccoon...so nothing sounds crazy anymore." Natasha said.

"So who do we talk to about this?"


timothee chalamet is my husband. i'm also returning to my harry potter + marauders era...

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