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Laying in the couch of Zemo's apartment in Riga was Cecelia. She was freshly showered, and out of her bloody clothes. She was in a spare change from her backpack and was laying there, doing nothing. She was in her phone, which was now cracked.

She was actually not doing nothing. She was on a phone call.

"When are you coming back?"

"I don't know yet, Morg."

Cecelia was on the phone with Morgan Stark. Morgan was considering her a sister. Morgan grew attached to Cecelia ever since Tony passed, and Cecelia didn't mind it. No one did, Cecelia understood how Morgan felt in more ways than none.

"Can you take me for cheeseburgers"

"I'll get you as many cheeseburgers as you want." Cecelia laughed out. If I can afford that

Sam listened to her talk ever so sweetly to Morgan. He never thought she would have the tolerance for children, let alone a mini Tony Stark. But she did, and she was great.

"Mommy says that if I eat to many, I'll turn into one." Morgan giggled, making Cecelia smile. She put her hand through her slightly wet hair, happy she wasn't feeling crusty blood, or the oily feeling that she'd felt before.

"I'm no scientist, but your mom might be right, Morgan." Cecelia said as she crossed her legs. She rubbed her eyes as she looked around for Bucky. She knew he had walked off, but she didn't know where.

"Your silly, Cece."

"I think your sillier." Cecelia said as she looked at her shoulder, she didn't have anything covering it, so you could see the large scratch on her arm.

Morgan giggled again, making Cecelia smile a little bit. "Be good for your mom, ok?" Cecelia asked as Natasha came into her head.

She missed Natasha dearly, more than she missed anything sometimes. She needed a mothers love, she thrived for it. Maybe it wasn't a mother's love, maybe it was just Natasha's love.

She missed Steve to. He filled in Bucky's place in her life, and it meant everything to her. He did so much for her.

She missed both of them, she wished they were still with her. Watching old movies with her, and helping her with homeschooling. Instead Steve was on his death bed, and Natasha was dead, literally.

"I'm always good for mommy."

"Then keep up the good work, and I'll get you a milkshake." Cecelia said, Morgan grinned ear to ear on the other end.

"Chocolate?" Morgan asked her, full of hope. Cecelia nodded her head.

"Only the best for you, Morgan." Cecelia said as she heard Sam come by her with a water. He handed it to her and she moved the phone from her ear.

"Thanks." She said before putting it back to her ear.

"Cece, I got a bandaid today." Morgan told her, Cecelia raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"Did you now?" Cecelia asked before taking a sip of water.

"Yep! I fell off of the tree and got a cut." Morgan said, Cecelia nodded her head.

"Wow, are you ok?" Cecelia asked her.

"Yep! Happy and mommy made me better." Morgan said cheerfully. Cecelia chuckled as she wiped her eye. "I got a new toy as well."

"Well, that's awesome." Cecelia said, placing her water down. She rubbed her eye as Morgan continued to talk about her new toy.

Cecelia wished she could talk about toys when she was a kid. Instead she talked about how to throw knives, and shoot guns. And when she didn't do it right, she'd get a slap, her a cut, or any kind of punishment.

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