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If Cecelia could choose her favorite state, it would be Kansas. Maybe because that's when they went places without having to flea right after the fact.

Kansas was the first place where Cecelia roamed freely. For the first time she went to a playground. Kansas was the first place where Bucky got a break. He just had to watch Cecelia do whatever.

Cecelia was on the swing. Her hair was up in a high bun and was slowly falling out. She was sitting on a swing alone. She looked around and saw other kids playing together. She wanted nothing more than to play with them, but she was scared.

Cecelia never met anyone her age. She was scared. So Cecelia got off the swing and went running over to Bucky who was sitting on the bench.

Cecelia grabbed his hand and tried to get him to stand up. Bucky stayed sitting down.
"Bucky, please!" Cecelia said and he shook his head.

"Go play with the other kids in the sandbox, doll." He said and Cecelia shook her head. She leaned into Bucky and he sighed looking down at her.

"I don't know how." She said, Bucky rested his chin on her head, which her hat was on.

"Just go over and say "Can I play with you guys?" Bucky told her, Cecelia shook her head no as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"My boy is a shy one to." A lady said as her son hugged onto her neck. Bucky looked over and nodded his head.

"She uh, she's not shy once you get to know her. She'll talk your ear off." Bucky said, the lady laughed, nodding her head. Bucky put a fake smile on as he looked at her.

"Andy, what do you say you play with the nice girl with her daddy?" The lady asked looking over at Bucky and Cecelia. Bucky's heart skipped a beat. That's when Bucky knew something.

All this time he felt like he could do better, or that he was just doing it all wrong. He didn't know how to be a father, he didn't know how to take care of a kid. He used to take care of his sister, but she was a teenager when he had to, not a little kid.

When the woman next to him said that, if made him feel good. It made him realize he was doing something right.

"Mommy, I not know her." The little boy said, wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Well, I didn't know Aunt Kelsey, but we're best friends now." She said, he shrugged his shoulders. He unwrapped his arms from his mother and looked at Cecelia who was looking at Bucky and talking.

"What if you just go with me, Bucky?" Cecelia asked as she grabbed his hand. Bucky shook his head.

"I'm old, Ceily. Too old for the swing." He said as he tried to let go of her hand. Her right grip kept holding him.

"Go talk to him." Bucky said tilting his head over to the little boy. Cecelia looked over and saw the boy looking at her. She sighed and walked over. She looked at Bucky who was nodding his head.

"Wanna go on the swings?" Cecelia asked, coming out a bit quieter than expected. He shrugged his shoulders and Cecelia sighed.

"Well, I'm a really good pusher. I had to push Bucky earlier, and he's like really heavy." Cecelia said, making Andy's mom chuckle. Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Who's Bucky?" Andy asked and Cecelia looked at Bucky for an answer. "Is he your dad or something?" Andy asked and Cecelia didn't know what to say.

"Well, yeah. I guess." Cecelia said, making Bucky even happier than before. Knowing Cecelia thought of him that way made him happy.

"Then why don't you call him dad?" Andy asked as the two started to walk away.

"Because he's Bucky." Cecelia said, Andy furrowed his eyebrows.

"So is he like your other dad. Because I have another dad, one is my dad, and the other is Marcus." Andy said, Cecelia shrugged her shoulders as she walked to the swing.

"I don't know." Cecelia said, Andy sighed as he sat down on the swing.

"Well, I like Marcus better than my real dad." Andy said, Cecelia pushed him lightly.

"I like Bucky more than I like anyone." Cecelia said as he started to go a bit higher than he expected.

"Who's your mom?" He asked, Cecelia shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't have one. I used to have one, but she's gone now." Cecelia said and Andy nodded his head.

"She leave for milk? Because that's what my dad did." Andy said, Cecelia shook her head. Thinking about the bullet lodged in her mother's brain.

"No, she just died." Cecelia said, Andy looked down, not knowing what to say. "So I guess Bucky is both of my parents in one." Cecelia shrugged as Andy looked over at his mother, who was trying to initiate conversation with Bucky.

"How old is she?" She asked, Bucky sighed drumming his hand on his leg.

"8, almost 9." He said, she smiled as she stared at her son.

"My Andy's 11." She said, crossing one leg over the other. "Does she need sunscreen, she's very fair skinned and she must be hot in her hat." She said, Bucky shook his head no.

"She'll be alright, I applied before we came..." Bucky lied to her. Cecelia was very pale, maybe it's because she barely got sun at Hydra. And on her missions she was covered in head to toe in a uniform. Therefore she hasn't seen the sun in regular clothing.

"My Andy asks a lot of questions..." She said and Bucky nodded. "None of them are pointless I guess." She said Bucky nodded his head.

"Cecelia kinda just asks whatever comes to mind." Bucky said, she nodded her head as Andy got off the swing. Then it was Cecelia's turn.

Cecelia got on the swing, and Andy gave her a push. Maybe a bit to hard, and Cecelia wasn't holding on. Cecelia ended up face planting.

"That's my cue to get up." She said hurrying towards her son, Bucky was already up and running in front of her. Cecelia got right back up. Her nose was bleeding, and Andy was sobbing. Cecelia didn't care, she was used to it.

"Okay." Bucky said half panicking. He hadn't seen so much blood since the w head and hand incident.

"Mr. Bucky, I didn't mean to push her off-" Andy sobbed as the woman tried to hush her son. Bucky was trying to get the bleeding to stop.

"Andy go get the tissues from my purse." She said, and then Andy went running to her purse. Blood started leaking down Cecelia's chin as Bucky stood behind her, pinching her nose.

Andy had came running back with tissues and the lady handed them to Bucky. Bucky gratefully accepted them and took one out.

He put it to Cecelia's nose, tilting her head back. "Bucky, this is like that time when Mr. Pierce got so mad." Cecelia started to talk, Bucky had to shush her. He didn't want anyone to know. Luckily, Andy's mom was trying to console her son.

"I thought you were coordinated." Bucky commented as he grabbed another tissue.

"My hands were still getting on the swings, then boom. Fell over." Cecelia said as she sighed.

"Does she need an ER?" The lady asked, Bucky shook his head no.

"No, she'll be fine." Bucky said, there would be no way he could even get to an ER without being caught.

"I'm just gonna get her cleaned up at the sprinkler."

just another day of my babies💕💕💕

anywaysssssss. i need sebastian stan in my life and i'm not joking he's so fine alsksjsjsjjdjd

also WERE ALSO ALMOST AT 1K READSSSSS thanks so much!!!


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