birthday girl

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December 13, 2019

Dear Diary,

Happy 13th to me! Or 35th? I'll stick to 13.

I kinda lost count of the whole biological thing. The state goes by my physical age, and apparently I was born in 2005, because ya know, just make my life confusing and lie about my birthday i guess. I didn't even think that was legal! Changing birthdates, or birth years in this case.

My name is cleared, and so's Bucky's, not that it matters anymore. I just didn't want them dragging his name in the dirt. So I'm Cecelia Barnes, legally, not Celia Tucker, which I found out Tucker was my last name. And apparently, Celia Tucker died in the 80's.

I'm telling you, I am confused...We did that whole court thing around a year ago, I also wrote about it a year ago, but that doesn't matter.

Steve watched her scribble her words down. That's all she ever did. She'd write and read. Math wasn't her strong suit. Steve and Natasha basically home schooled her.

Currently, he was watching a TV show with his arm around Nat.

"Does it ever worry you how much she writes?" Steve asked Natasha, who nodded her head.

"She's got a lot of thoughts running through her head." Natasha said, looking at how focused she face was. Her nose was slightly scrunched, and her tongue stuck out between her lips a little bit. From time to time she would brush pieces of hair behind her ear, so it wasn't in the ways "She looks cute when she's focused, though." She said, making both her and Steve laugh.

It's been 1,168 days since I've seen Bucky. I miss him, that's kinda what every entry is about. I feel like I kinda miss everyone, even though I didn't know them well. I even miss stupid Sam.

Wanna know someone that I wish did blip? Tony stupid Stark, he's a dick head. But, I mean I did kill his parents, well the other me did, so basically I didn't. I know the last time we spoke was 3 years ago, but what he said stuck with me. I mean, he was right. I couldn't look at him, not after what I did. I am a murderer, because I did murder his parents.

Steve and Tasha say i shouldn't talk like that. They said I was taken advantage of, and it wasn't my fault. But sometimes I wished that I listened to that tiny voice in the back saying "don't do it. spare them", but i didn't. i never listened.

"Wanna get me a water?" Natasha asked Steve with a smile on. Steve sighed as he looked at her. He kissed her cheek, putting a light blush on her face.

"Alright." Steve said as he got up. He saw Cecelia still scribbling away. He walked into their kitchen, grabbing a glass. He saw Cecelia keep putting her hair behind her ear as he poured water into Natasha's cup.

I watched a movie the other day. Since I won our competition, I was allowed to pick it out. I chose Clueless, the girl was a teenager, she wasn't much older than me I don't think. She went out to the mall, and she had a lot of friends, AND she got a boyfriend at the end! Not me. I don't go to malls, and I don't have friends, and I don't have the balls to get a boyfriend, not that i want one.

I didn't sleep very much last night. I was reading an article. It was about me, going on the killing spree. They called me the Winter Soldier's Asset, or just "The Asset". Nobody told me about that, it was a pretty crappy name if you ask me.

Steve put the water down, and walked over to Cecelia. He stepped behind her, careful to not disrupt her. He gathered her hair and put it in a ponytail very carefully, trying not to disturb her focus. Cecelia continued writing as he tied her hair into a ponytail.

"Thanks." Cecelia said, Steve nodded his head.

-Cecelia Barnes

Later that day, Steve and Natasha had taken Cecelia out to dinner. They'd never gone out, but since it was her birthday, they decided they should. Just for her. She didn't ask to go out for dinner, they just surprised her.

Cecelia was sitting with a plate that used to have cheeseburger on it, snd there were a  couple of fries that Natasha was finishing for her.

The waiter walked over and looked at the three. "All done?" He asked, he looked absolutely miserable. But, everyone figured he'd lost someone in the blip.

"Yes, thank you very much." Steve said as he took their plates. Natasha slipped him a note and he looked down at it. He picked it up as Cecelia took a sip of her drink, she was staring at something on her phone. She had a few happy birthday messages.

Rhodey sent her a text, saying happy birthday with a smile. Carol had came up on the holograph table, wishing her a happy birthday, Okoye, and Rocket doing the same thing, saying it in their own way. Bruce also sent her a message as well, there were plenty of typos, which was different from Bruce.

"We you something." Steve said as he took out a small box. They'd been asking her what she wanted for awhile, and she said she didn't want anything. Cecelia gave them a small smile before taking it.

"You didn't have to do that." Cecelia said as she looked at it. She really did want gifts, but just having Natasha and Steve was enough for her. She didn't want to be selfish, so she just said no gifts.

"Thanks." She said as they smiled. They held hands beneath the table, interlocking their fingers. They felt each others wedding rings hitting together, they'd gotten married. It was a private wedding, there were no suits or dresses or ceremonies. Nothing like that. Just a courthouse, rings, and a half mentally-stable 11 year old sitting there. It was a happy day though.

Cecelia opened the box, and she saw a gold necklace. The now 13 year old took a liking to jewelry, and Steve and Natasha figured they'd get her something meaningful.

It was a necklace with 3 connecting rings at the bottom.

"They're all connected, like us." Natasha said, putting a smile on Cecelia's face. She got up from her seat and the two squeezed her tight in a hug.

"Hold your hair up." Natasha said as she grabbed the necklace, careful not to get it knotted. She looked at Steve with a smile. "You're gonna need to bend down, Ceil." Natasha said, Cecelia crouched down as Natasha turned to put the necklace on Cecelia.

"Thank you guys." Cecelia said as she felt the metal around her neck. Natasha clipped the back, careful not to get it in the mix of her other necklaces.

"No problem, Ceil." Steve said as he ruffled her hair. Cecelia hit his hand, a smile resting on her face. She went back over to her seat, and sat down.

"Happy Birthday to you." A group of people sang, trying to look cheery. Cecelia saw them walking over with a cupcake and a candle on top of it. The frosting was super melted, and there was 4 sprinkles on it. They sang and then placed the cupcake in front of Cecelia.

The small family tried to keep their composure as they saw them miserably singing and placing a shitty cupcake in front of Cecelia. As soon as they stopped singing, they walked away.

"Make a wish." Steve said as Cecelia looked at her candle.

The wish I want won't come true

Guys i found something rlly funny that i relate to cecelia.

A/N:Guys i found something rlly funny that i relate to cecelia

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BAHAHAHAH THATS LITERALLY HER EVERY JOURNAL ENTRY. Sorry i was on pinterest and i pissed my pants when i saw this (not actually) but i was like "omfg it's cecelia!"

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