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Cecelia was sprawled across the backseat of the car. Her and Bucky had been on the run for weeks. Currently, they were in the state of Arkansas. She was sitting in a pair of shorts that were starting to get a bit small, and a shirt that was getting small. She was growing quickly. She'd grown half of an inch, making her 5'6. Thanks to the serum.

She'd gotten two dosages of the serum. She got one when she just came to Hydra, it worked for an extent, but when Cecelia was little, she was very tiny. Her family didn't have anything, so they couldn't feed her or anything, well, they couldn't feed her to the proper amount. So she was tiny. Then she was given the first dose of the serum, it made her grow to a normal sized kid, but that was it.

Then moving a few years later, a Dr came in. He had taken her super soldier cells, and made more serum. It was supposed to make her stronger, but not jacked up. It would benefit him and his experiments, and HYDRA. The experiment worked, but she still had a very large growth spurt.

She was Nagel's first test subject.

The serum did a lot. It kept her healthy, it made her grow tall, she was strong as well. There weren't backsides to it. It was right up to today they realized that Cecelia wasn't immune to being sick, though.

Cecelia was quieter than usual, she was drawing in her little notebook. She was drawing her and Bucky. It was stick figures, and a small sun in the corner of the paper, but it was cute. They had a big blue house behind them. There were bikes next to them, and there was also a beach somehow...

Her hand was killing her as she drew. Blood was going through her bandage, some dropped onto her page. She was freezing cold as well as that. "I'm cold." She complained as she rubbed her hands against her arms.

"It's 75 out, doll. What do you mean your cold?" Bucky asked, they hadn't had the

He fingers touched the controls, and the air was only on the first level. She turned it off and brought her knees to her chest. She rubbed her hands up and down her arms and legs, trying to get warm. In the process she was just getting red blood everywhere.

"Bucky, I'm bleeding." Cecelia said, Bucky pulled over and looked at her.

"One sec, let me get my bag." He said, putting the car in park. Cecelia waited as he reached into the backseat for his backpack.

He grabbed his backpack and opened it up, grabbing bandaids, disinfectant, and many cotton balls. Except he only had a few bandages and a lot of cotton balls.

"Shit." He sighed before looking at her. He noticed she was pale, well she was always pale. She had very fair, light skin, but she was never sickly pale.

"You feelin' ok, doll?" He asked as he took her bandages off. Cecelia shrugged as he looked at her concerned.

He put his hand to her head, feeling her burning. He slightly gasped and took his hand away.

"Damn it." He muttered as Cecelia leaned her head against her seat. With the serum, Cecelia should never get sick. It keeps her immune, most of the time. But since she got her knuckles sliced open, and she didn't get proper treatment, she was getting an infection.

Bucky took the bandages off to see a bunch of ripped stitches. Her hand was oozing, not just blood though. Her hand was swollen, and it had yellow pus coming from it. It just wasn't looking good.

Bucky didn't know if she needed a hospital, or if he could treat her. He sighed as he stared at it. He scratched the back of his neck before grabbing the bandage.

"Get buckled, doll. Try to be awake, ok?" He asked putting his hand on her cheek. She nodded her head as he started to re-wrap her hand. Bucky buckled her seatbelt and shut her door. He ran to the drivers side and got in. He un parked the car and started to drive to a store, a pharmacy, even a gas station.

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