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Sam was clearly furious, Cecelia had rarely seen him like this. And as much as she liked Karli, she didn't blame him. She took it to another level.

They saw Karli peak out at them from the second floor, and the four of them walked upstairs. Sam went toward her, Sam and Cecelia went the other direction.

"You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?" Sam asked, fuming. Cecelia watched as she excused her actions.

"I would never hurt her. I just wanted to understand you better." Karli said, leaning on the post. She looked over to see Cecelia and Bucky standing together, and pushed off of the wall. "I see you, um, didn't come alone." Karli said as Cecelia looked over at her. She let out a deep breath as she felt Bucky looking down at her.

"You have to end this now." Sam said to her, Cecelia looked up at Bucky and he put a hand on her back. He rubbed small circles in the center of her back as she stood there next to him.

"I don't wanna hurt you. You're just a tool in the regimes I want to destroy. You're not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless. I was gonna ask you to join me." Karli said, her eyes glancing at Cecelia. Cecelia stared back at her. She couldn't join her, she couldn't. Karli looked back at Sam before continuing to speak. "Or do the world a favor and let me go." Karli said.

"Hey, Sam, new cap is moving, looks like he's found them, or maybe they found him."

Sharon was in Sam, Cecelia, and Bucky's ea, talking to them. Cecelia looked over at Sam, as his head shot back at them.

"It's Walker." He said, with that, everyone jumped down the second floor. Karli shoved Bucky into the wall on the way down. He crashed into the ground, groaning as he hit it.

Cecelia got up, seeing Karli now in her mask. Karli looked at her before turning to Sam, who'd jumped up and kicked her face.

"I'll send you the location, go." Sam said to Bucky as Cecelia stood there. She didn't know what to do. She could help Karli, check in, or she could help everyone else.

She made the decision to run with Bucky. As she ran she took out her gun and quickly turned the safety off.

They ran up the steps of a building and suddenly a flag smashed popped out of nowhere. He pulled Bucky into a head lock. Cecelia looked at her gun.

Shoot him or fight?
If you shoot him he'll die, fight him and he'll probably be alright

Cecelia chose to fight. She brought her leg up, kicking him in the face. Bucky kicked off the wall, making him hit the rail. Bucky turned and punched him down the steps. He went tumbling down, and Bucky jumped down. He kicked him into a brick wall, making the bricks break.

"Stay there." He said, making Cecelia roll he eyes.

"Don't talk to him, let's go!" Cecelia exclaimed as she started to run up the steps. He ran behind her with a confused face.

"Don't sass me!" He said as they ran.

"I'm not sassing!" Cecelia exclaimed, defending herself. Her gun was pointed at him when she said that, but not purposely.

"Quite pointing it at me." Bucky said giving her back a pat for her to speed up.

"Yeah, cause I'd shoot you at purpose." Cecelia said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at her.

They saw a doorway and Cecelia tilted her head towards it. They walked further up the steps, and got on both sides of the doorway. Cecelia sighed before entering at the same time as Bucky on his cue. First, she put her gun away, and pulled out a knife.

Don't kill anyone

They entered it, and saw Walker, and Sam fighting with Flag Smashers. When they entered, Bucky had caught a Flag Smasher's knife that was about to come at him. He looked to his side to see one, and he started ti do some flips.

Cecelia turned and saw another guy, or girl. She ran toward her and through a kick, the girl blocked and swiped her knife. Cecelia moved her head back, as she tried to swipe it at her again. She ducked under it, and kicked her legs. The girl fell down, and Cecelia looked at her. She tried to stab her knife in Cecelia's calf, but Cecelia stepped on her wrist.

The girl twisted over and dove at Cecelia's legs. Cecelia jumped up as the girl rolled on her back. She got onto her hands and knees and then stood up. Cecelia frowned as she saw Bucky kicking the other guy down.

Widow bites would be nice right about now.

Cecelia jumped up, kicking her head. The girl jerked to the side and dropped her knife. Cecelia kicked her stomach and she fell to the ground, twisting over as she did so. Cecelia stood over her, panting as she looked down at her.

She quickly jumped to Bucky and he punched another guy over, protecting Sam from him. Your welcome." He said, before anyone knew it they heard someone being punched into a pillar. They turned their heads to see Lemar bleeding from the mouth, and his head slumping down.

Karli stared over there, knowing what she'd done.

She killed Lamar.

Everyone saw as John repeated Lamar's name, the look on his face. He was angry, fuming. Nothing anyone could do would calm him down.

"Karli." Cecelia said as she looked over at her. Karli had taken her mask off, having a guilty expression on her face. "Karli, go." Cecelia said, Karli then went running. Cecelia ran in the same direction as her.

"Cecelia!" Bucky yelled as she sprinted away from him. He tried to grab her arm, but she shoved him off. Bucky went the other way, knowing he'd see her once they got out.

Karli pulled her hood up as she sprinted, then her sprint going to a walk. She slowed down as she reached the outside of the building.

"Karli." Cecelia said as she slowed down. Karli put a hand through her hair as she went into freak out mode.

"I didn't mean to kill him." She said as she looked up at Cecelia. Cecelia nodded her head, walking towards her.

"I know, I know." Cecelia said softly, Karli covered her mouth as Cecelia put her hand on her arm. She looked up at her, feeling horribly. She knew Karli didn't mean to, it had just happened.

"Karli, he's gonna go off. You have to get out of here." Cecelia said as Karli started to walk away.

"You can't come with me." Karli said as Cecelia walked next to her.

"I can get you a safe place-"

"You shouldn't of had gotten involved with me, Cecelia. You're on his list now." Karli said and Cecelia scoffed.

"That phony cap is the least of my concerns, Karli." Cecelia said as Karli sped up. Cecelia grabbed her hand, pulling her to a stop.

"It's not going to work." Karli said, Cecelia looked over, seeing crowds of people.

"What's not going to work, we never put a label on it." Cecelia said, Karli looked at the crowd of people, furrowing her eyebrows.

"You know, Cecelia! We will never work!" Karli yelled, Cecelia only stared at her. She nodded her head before looking away at the crowds that were growing. Cecelia walked away, Karli with her as well.

They saw someone on the ground, and a certain patriotic man standing over him. Or not so patriotic...

Cecelia looked at John Walker as he repeatedly smashed a shield into a man's chest. Blood splattering everywhere.

Cecelia covered her mouth, looking at the shield. The shield Steve Rogers once held, fought with, saved people with, protected people with. It was no longer a symbol of protection, it was a weapon. A murder weapon.

That shield represented everything American's stood for, and now it was nothing less than a murder weapon.

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