you didn't deserve that...

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a/n: sa mention

Celia was fighting with a man by the name of Adrian Lacey. An ex-hydra worker. He knew a lot more than he should've. He'd escaped Hydra while he could.

The child assassin had a knife in her hand as they fought. Her mask on her face, silencing her, being a muzzle to her. Making all people fear her, making her look like a monster.

"предатель." (traitor) Celia said before snapping his neck in half. His limp body dropped to the floor. Celia stared down at it.

Cecelia woke up in a cold sweat. She kicked her covers off of her as she reached under her pillow, looking for one thing.

It starts with a k and ends with an e. A knife. Her knife. It's funny how a 12 year old sleeps with a knife under her pillow. Cecelia lifted her pillow to see a note.

Come to our room.

Cecelia put a hand through her hair as she panted. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead as she stared at the ceiling. There were glow in the dark stars on her ceiling now. She wanted to be like normal kids, as much as she could. So she decorated her room like the kids on Disney channel.

Her breathing picked up as she put her head on her hands.

Get up, Cecelia.

Cecelia stood up as she put a hand through her curly hair, which was now knotted from her sleep. She walked to her door, her hand resting on the handle.

Should I bother them? No...they're asleep.

But Steve said to come in...

Cecelia opened her door, she quietly shut it and walked down the hall. She saw Steve and Natasha room and opened the door. She let out a shaky breath before walking inside.

Both of them were asleep. Cecelia felt bad and walked over to the side Steve was on. She crouched down before grabbing a blanket on the edge of their bed. She laid down and put it over her.

This was all to familiar...

She closed her eyes, but the only thing that opposed into her head was the person, the life she took. She opened her eyes, staring at Steve and Natasha's wall.

She heard Steve's breathing pick up. Then the blankets shuffle around, then finally, he shot up from his bed. He had tears in his eyes when he did.

"I'm sorry, Buck." He whispered, his voice shaking. He wiped his tears away before turning the other way. He was gonna get up and check on Cecelia. That's what would happen most nights, he'd have a nightmare. He'd make sure Natasha was ok, and then he'd go to Cecelia's room.

He ended up stepping on Cecelia, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked down. "Ceil what..." He trailed off as he stepped away from her.

"You told me to come in here." Cecelia whispered, Steve nodded his head.

"I know. I meant on the bed, not the floor."
Steve said reaching his hand out for her. She took it and got up. He sighed and she sat on the bed next to him. "You ok?" He asked her, Cecelia nodded her head. He laid back down, going under the blankets again.

"C'mere." He said, reaching for her. Cecelia got in between him and Natasha, he then wrapped his arm around her. She curled into his chest, as he held her. He stroked his fingers through her hair, that's what he would do when Natasha had a nightmare.

Steve had nightmares of his own, but he never told anyone about them. He wanted to be strong for everyone else around him.

"Do you get nightmares?" Cecelia whispered, trying not to wake Natasha. Steve sighed, as he held her. He got a little tense when she asked the question.

"Yeah." He whispered back, Cecelia kept her eyes closed. That young man's face still in her head.

"Can I have my knife back?" Cecelia asked, Steve closed his eyes. He shook his head at her. Was she joking? Because if she was it was a horrible joke.

"That's not funny." Steve said, Cecelia looking up at him, her chin hitting his chest.

"I wasn't trying to be." She said, Steve pressed his lips on the her on the top of the head.

"Go to sleep, Ceil. I'm right here, Natasha's there. You're ok." He said as he closed his eyes. She sighed, as she put her head on his pillow.

"What time is it?" Cecelia asked, Steve's eyes went wide open. He looked across the room onto the table on Nat's time to see her clock. 3:31 A.M.

"3:31." Steve whispered, Cecelia nodded as she laid her head onto his chest. He closed his eyes again, getting ready to sleep again.

"Go to sleep." He said, Cecelia shut her eyes, more questions going through her head.

"Do you love Nat?" Cecelia asked, Steve sighed. He opened his eyes again.

"Very much." Steve said, as he got up from his bed. He took his covers off and walked to the bathroom.

"Where're you going?" Cecelia asked him, he walked into their bathroom.

"Getting you a melatonin." He muttered, grabbing 3. Due to the serum, her body wouldn't take just one. Was it unhealthy? Absolutely. But did him and her need rest? Absolutely.

He walked back out after shutting the bottle with 3 melatonin gummies. "Take these, Ceil." Steve said as he handed them to her. Cecelia put them in her mouth and ate them quickly. Steve got back in bed as Cecelia turned the other way. She faced the same way Natasha was.

Steve got back in the bed, facing the same way as the other females.

"How come you kissed Sharon then?" Cecelia asked him, Steve sighed at her. She was really testing his patience, and Steve considered himself a very patient person.

"She kissed me." Steve said, Cecelia looked down.

"That happened to me once." Cecelia said, Steve furrowed his eyebrows. He looked down at her, very alarmed.

"What?" He asked her, Cecelia looked up at him. She felt herself starting to get a bit drowsy, and her eyes got heavy.

"The Hydra guys, Mr. Pierce told them to do what they wanted." Cecelia said, Steve's eyes filling with tears. He leaned his head back, blinking them away. Cecelia noticed what he was doing. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What's wrong?" Cecelia asked him. He shook his head, pursing his lips.

"You know that wasn't ok, right?" Steve asked Cecelia shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I failed." Cecelia said, Steve took a deep breath. "Why, what's wrong?" Cecelia asked him, he shook his head.

"Did Bucky know?" Steve asked, Cecelia nodded her head.

"I mean, I wasn't allowed to tell him, but he just knew." Cecelia said Steve brought her in and kissed the top of her head.

"You didn't deserve that."


i just realized i haven't updated in like a week. ha.

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