see you in a minute

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Dear Diary,

This might be my last one. I'm hoping it isn't. I've written in 32 journals, you can see how much my grammar changed in all of them.

I want all of the journals to go to Bucky if I'm not here when he's back. I wrote it on a note on my table in my room, they're in a box in my closet. I'm hoping I make it out alive, I'm hoping everyone does.

Right now, I'm savoring my moments with Natasha and Steve. They gave me the world. I'm worried, I truly am.

I'm excited to, though. I might be able to see my dad again. Screw might, I will be able to see my dad again.


Cecelia Barnes

Cecelia put her notebook down. It was the last page in it. She walked over to her closet, and tossed it into her cardboard box. She took a deep breath.

It will be ok

She heard a knock on her door, and she faced the door. "Come in." Cecelia said as she looked at herself in her mirror. She was wearing an Avengers suit, everyone had to wear them. They were basically Time Suits, if you really thought about it.

She turned back to the door to see Steve and Natasha walking inside. They were both in their suits as well.

"Sit down, Ceil." Steve said, Cecelia walked to her bed, and sat down. Steve and Natasha sat on both sides of her. She knew what talk was about to happen, she was dreading it.

"You ready?" Steve asked, Cecelia stared at her wall stone faced. She didn't know what to say, because the truth was is that she wasn't ready. She wasn't ready at any stretch, but she had to be. She had to be brave, and she had to be strong.

"No one's ready for this." She laughed, Natasha nodded her head in agreement. Steve sighed, looking at her. Cecelia cracked her knuckles in worry.

"You know my sister, Yelena?" Natasha asked. Natasha talked about her sister briefly, it was a hard subject for her to talk about most times. "Well, awhile ago she asked me if I ever wished I could have kids." Natasha said, swallowing back tears before sitting up straight. She let out a sigh as she took Cecelia's hand into hers. She locked their fingers together, giving a squeeze. "I knew I couldn't have kids, so Steve and I thought about adoption, but we were on the run. So the final decision was no kids..." Natasha trailed off, Cecelia looked up at her. Did they not want Cecelia? Was she just dragging them along with her?

"We both wanted a family, and I couldn't give one. I was upset, beyond that." Natasha said before looking back up at Cecelia. "Then we met you." Natasha said, a light smile appearing onto her face. "You made us a family." Natasha said, Cecelia looked at Steve who was nodding his head, a smile on his face as well.

"Our small, crazy family. It wasn't Steve and Nat anymore. It wasn't just Steve and Nat. It became Steve, Nat and Cecelia." Natasha laughed out, Cecelia's eyes got watery again. She wiped her tears as Steve put an arm around her shoulders.

"You completed us, Ceil." Steve said, Cecelia let a smile appear on her face to. "Now, where gonna bring everyone back, and you and Buck are gonna complete that Bucket List." Steve said, rubbing his hand on her arm. She let out a small laugh before looking up at Natasha. "Our family is going to be a lot more crazy, but we'll make it work like we always have." Steve said, Cecelia turned over to him. She looked up at him, it was hard to believe she'd fought that man all those years ago, and it was hard to believe she shot Natasha in the shoulder as well.

"Bu now, we have to bring everyone back before anything." Steve said, standing up. Natasha also stood up next to him. Steve took her hand, helping her up.

"I love you guys." Cecelia said, looking at both of them.

"We love you to, Ceil." They said. The three of them went into a hug, their small, weird family. Cecelia dug her head into Steve's neck as the three hugged.

"Thank you for saving me." Cecelia said, letting one tear drip down her cheek.

"You saved us as much as we saved you, baby." Natasha said.

Their family hug was stopped by a knock on the door. The door opened to reveal Rocket and Tony. That was one duo with a strong attitude, that was for sure.

"Hate to break this up, but we've got business to attend to." Tony said, pointing his thumb away from the room. The three broke away from the hug, everyone having tears in their eyes.

"This is emotional." Rocket commented before scurrying away.

Everyone followed Tony out and met up with the small group of Avengers for their Time Heist.

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams. You know your missions. Get the stones. Get them back. One round-trip each. No Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should no what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives...and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck." Steve said, his pep talk was long, but meaningful.

Everyone was standing on the big platform, they were about to time travel. Cecelia, Natasha, and Clint were going to the Vormir for the Soul Stone.

"He's pretty good at that." Rocket said, making everyone smile.

"Right?" Scott asked in agreement, Cecelia let out a small laugh. She did agree with them about it.

"All right. You heard the man. Stroke those keys, Jolly Green." Tony joked as Bruce set up the platform for them.

Clint looked at his palm to see a smaller version of Rocket's ship. Him, Natasha, and Cecelia were going to take that to the Vormir.

"You promise to bring that back in once piece, right?" Rocket asked, his arms crossed as he looked up at Clint.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll do my best." Clint said, smiling down at Rocket. He wasn't making any promises.

"As promises go, that was pretty lame." Rocket commented, making Cecelia chuckle.

Bruce stepped onto the platform, and a beeping was heard. Cecelia looked at everyone, hoping everything would be ok.

"See ya in a minute." Natasha said, looking over at Steve. Steve smiled a little, looking at his wife. They looked into each others eyes, they didn't have to say anything, because they knew what each other thought.

Everyone put their masks down before being taken back into time, not knowing some of them wouldn't see each other again.


I started crying during this even tho it is shit writing because i feel bad bc i keep making Cecelia suffer. But who cares....SHE'LL HAVE BUCKY SOOOON
or will she....

innocentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon