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That afternoon there was an assembly at the campfire to burn Beckendorf's burial shroud. Even the Ares and Apollo cabins called a temporary truce to attend.

Ivy was standing with her back against Annabeth's chest, the blonde's arms around her waist with her chin rested on her shoulder as they watched in silence.

Beckendorf's shroud was made out of metal links, like chain mail. Fitting. It melted in the fire and turned to golden smoke, which rose into the sky.

There went one more. How many more would they lose?

The campfire flames always reflected the campers' moods. In that moment they burned entirely black. One more friend lost. Everyone could feel it.

Ivy hoped Beckendorf's spirit would end up in Elysium. Or even try for rebirth 3 times. Though she was sure it would. The boy died and lived a hero. He deserved it all.

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Tall trees were the first thing Ivy saw when she woke from her nap.

She forrowed her brows, not for the scenery, but for what she had seen in her dream.

She didn't see much actually, just glimpses of a man scattered in pieces across her mind.

It was really hazy for her to completely recall. Like when you try to remember something, and it's right in the tip of your tongue, but at the same time pushed right to the back of your mind.

Still, she was sure the man definitely wasn't human.

She could remember the power he radiated by just being in her mind. Power and presence a mortal could never achieve.

Oh, and he had wings. Like full black and kind of blue and purple angel wings. A kind Ivy had never seen before.

And he was beautiful. Like a someone who could easily win a prettiest person in the world award beautiful.

But who he was, or why was he on her dreams, she had no idea.

A finger softly brushing her forehead and easing her frown brought her back to reality.

"What is it?" The other girl asked.

Ivy looked up at her from where her head was lying on her lap, Annabeth's back against a tree.

"Just a weird dream. . ." She tried to think back to it, but it was like something had suddenly painted a black veil on top of it all, "I think"

She shook her head. If she didn't remember then it probably wasn't important. "It was nothing, don't worry about it"

Annabeth raised a brow at her and placed the book she was reading aside. "You sure?"

The dark haired girl smiled at her girlfriend. "Yeah, I don't even remember much now" Her eyes then trailed back to her surroundings. "But can you tell me why you wanted to come read at the woods instead of, I don't know, my cabin or something?"

"Come on, it's relaxing here. And we're always in our cabins anyway" The blonde answered as she started to run her fingers through Ivy's hair.

"Maybe cause there's more bed and less grass?"

Annabeth nudged her shoulder as Ivy laughed. "Shut up" She said, smiling nonetheless.

Ivy smiled softly. It was nice to laugh after what had happened earlier. Some part of her felt guilty, but the other part knew Beckendorf would want everyone to be happy.

Annabeth then leaned down when Ivy stopped laughing and kissed her, holding her face with one hand.

Ivy kissed her back and reached up to tuck Annabeth's hair behind her ears, shifting in her spot to kiss her more comfortably.

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