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giana's pov


Once I had made it to Guadalajara, I felt some pieces of my heart glue back together when I spotted my mom waiting outside her front door.

She had sent her driver to pick me up from the airport and it had felt like a while before the car was pulling into her driveway.

It has been some time since I had seen my mother.

Ever since my parents divorced, I mostly followed my dad wherever he traveled. I loved going to new places. Mom always opposed it; yet even though she didn't want me to leave, she never forbade me from anything and for that I will always be grateful.

She hates traveling. Probably the main reason why she divorced my dad. After they separated, she moved back to Mexico. She even made me a citizen because she wanted me to go with her. But my dad left to Europe to start working for Carlin and I left with him.

I didn't talk much about my mom because she always loved being private. I never posted her or said too much because the one thing she always valued was her privacy and tranquility. That's why she wrote under a pen name to keep her identity a secret. She's an author and her books are really popular. But never once did she consider coming out into the light.

Therefore my dad is the only one I talk about for the most part. He appeared in my videos and posts because he was literally in the spotlight being an F1 engineer. At first I would ask if I could include my mom but when I realized the idea would discomfort her, I respected her wishes and boundaries.

That is why one of the things I loved about being with my mom was the peace. No cameras, no press, no nothing. Just me and her.

Getting out of the car, I practically ran to her. Once I was enveloped in her scent and her warm presence, I broke down in tears. 

"Estas bien mi cielo, estas bien." She reassured me as she comforted me.

"I don't know what to do mami." I kept crying into her shoulder as she kept soothing me.

After a while of letting me cry it out, she started to lead me inside. "Right now you all you can do is have a cup of tea and get some rest. Vente, ay que entrar."

I nodded, walking right behind her as she led me to my room.

That was another thing I loved about coming to stay with my mother. She always had a room set up for me. It felt like I lived with her permanently and not just coming over to visit.

"I'll get you a cup of tea, you just get in bed. There's some of your clean clothes in the drawers."

I gave her a weak smile which she returned before walking out of the room and heading to the kitchen.


It was the middle of the night and as expected, I couldn't sleep again. When I stayed at Charles' place, it was one of the hardest nights I've ever had.

I reached for my phone which was next to the empty mug that had previously contained some tea.

I read over the few notifications on my lock screen. Thankfully not any from Lando. He had not been making it easy to ignore him these last couple of days. He had sent a dozen texts and had tried calling me multiple times. I just ended up blocking him.

I sighed, placing my phone down and getting out of bed. Exiting my room, I walked down the hall and was relieved when I saw the glow of light coming from underneath my mother's door.

oblivious [l.n.]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora