Chapter Eleven.

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Help For Shyra.

Asking for help doesn't mean that you are weak but it means that you are a human who needs it.

Shyra felt at ease as soon as she lay on the bed with Ayra who was lying beside her. Ayra and Imran were right about asking for help.


But she also needed to call her friends back home because it had been almost a year and a half since she left there.

Hanan got married and divorced, she now has an almost two-year-old daughter named Armaan.

Shyra closed her eyes after saying her prayers with a smile on her face knowing that not everyone is as bad as him.

Meanwhile, the other girls were happy to hear that Saira and Iman were getting married on the same but they have yet to set a date.

Saira wanted Shyra to be at her wedding but she also knew that it would be too much for her especially when the last time they spoke, she had refused help from anyone.

"I wish that she was here with us but in a way, I do understand how much time she needs to heal," Iman tells the girls while in her room. "But we could always Face-Time her at the time of the Nikkah," she added easing the moment.

But the girls knew that it wouldn't be the same without her being there.

"I hope and pray that Allah sends someone to help and heal her the way she wants and needs to be healed. I pray that when she comes back, she will better than before," Hanan says smiling at the girls. "And I hope that she will meet, Armaan one day, In shaa Allah, " she added looking at her daughter who was currently playing in her world.

"In shaa Allah, there's no doubt that she will spoil her the most out of all of us here," Hannah says smiling. "Okay now it is time for us to go to bed and for he little princess to sleep too," she added getting up from her seat and walking toward Armaan. She then carried her back to her mother who held her hands to her.


"I know Habibty, time to get you to bed because tomorrow you will be spending most of your morning with your Uncle Azuu. And he would need you to be well-rested for the day," her mother Hanan says kissing her forehead. "I need to get her to bed because if she sleeps on me, it will be hard for me to get her to sleep on her own for the night," she added getting up from her seat and carrying Armaan in her arms.

"Sleep well Hanan and you too Armaan," the girls said to them as they walked out of Iman's room.

"We need to sleep too because the three of us still have school tomorrow and we have about three more months to graduate," Hannah says to them and then pulls out the mattress under Iman's bed and places it when it was normally placed.

Saira then helped her set it up and then they both lay on it thinking about their friend Shyra.

"I pray that she meets someone who will treat her like a queen and maybe even bring her back here for just a day," Hannah says to the girls.

"And what about you and..."

"Iman, let me stop you right there. There's no me and anyone. And now it is time for us to sleep. Goodnight," Hannah says to her and then turns to the other side and closes her eyes.

On the other side of town, Imran was still wide away trying to make a plan for his father to see Shyra without triggering her.

He looked at the time and saw that it was time to pray tahajud. It became a habit ever since he got custody of Ayra. She wanted her to know everything he could teach her about being a Muslim and how to pray.

Imran quietly got up and went to the bathroom to make wudhu(ablution). He was thankful that Shyra's apartment was identical to his because of the two bathrooms.

He then walked out of the bathroom and took the prayer mat that Shyra kept for him when they prayed.

As soon as he started praying, Imran wanted to dedicate the prayer to Shyra for her to find the peace, love, and care she was looking for and deserved.

But what Imran didnt know was that Shyra was watching him and he started the prayer until finished and then he took the Quran to read it.

Imran started reading it in a low voice not waiting to wake up his daughter and Shyra.

Alhamdullilah, that men like him do exist. I pray that he finds the happiness that he deserves and for Ayra to be with a mother who will love and care for her as her daughter.
Shyra went back to her room and decided to also pray for everyone in her life. For Allah to give them peace, love, and someone who will love them for who they are.

She knew that this was the start of a friendship between Ayra and her. And also a healing journey for her to start for herself.

She just needed Allah's guidance to find the right people who would help her in getting there.

No one knows how someone like her feels after such a long time of feeling unclean, but she never gave up hope that one day her prayers will be answered even if they might take a while.

Alhamdulliah. Shyra always says whenever she gets up from bed in the morning because that's the most important thing to start her day with.

Shyra remembered what Aunt Hayat would tell her about prayers. She would say; "If you lose your prayers, you have lost everything important in your life. People might come and go but prayers will always be there for you, in good and even your worst times. Sometimes people would think what they are experiencing is a bad test from Allah but it is a test to show us who will always be there for us. He is the only one who will stand with us. So pray even if you are too tired or sick. Just pray and talk to Him about everything and anything that has been happening to you."

The Healer Of My Soul.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ