Chapter Twenty-one

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"We Are Friends, Shyra"

One month later.

Shyra and Ayra started to become close and would do everything together, especially during the weekends. Imran was happy that his daughter had found someone like Shyra even if she was older than her.

It was time for Shyra to go for her sessions. She walked out of her apartment after giving Shadow his food and water and placed him where he couldn't make any mess in the apartment.

Shyra thought she would just take an Uber to Mr. Saalim's office because she thought that Imran would be busy for Ayra's birthday.

She is turning nine years old and she always wanted what Shyra always does on her birthday.

"Asalaam Aleikum Are you ready to go?..."

"Waleikum Salaam. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you plan Ayra's birthday?" Shyra asks him.

"Dad and I have already planned everything and it wasn't hard work because Dad knew exactly what Ayra needs for her day," Imran explained to Shyra.

"Thank you for taking me to my sessions..."

"You don't also have to always thank me for doing this. We are friends, Shyra. Right?" Imran asks her. "Or you don't want to be my friend only Ayra?", he added making Shyra laugh.

"Ayra is my friend and so are you. You two are angels that I needed to heal myself from the deep pain and to try and forgive myself for something that I had no control over." Shyra explained to him. "And yes, I should always thank you because I owe you and Ayra everything good that's happening in my life right now," she added smiling.

They walked outside the apartment building and got into Imran's car. Shyra was thankful for everything that had happened since the time she had been living in this town. And the calmness she thought it was a myth for her heart and soul.

"What are you thinking about?" Imran asks Shyra who seems to be quiet.

"About everything that happened in the past and I couldn't imagine it different. Because I am glad that in a way you helped even though I tried to push you away," Shyra says laughing. "I am sorry about that but I couldn't..."

"I understand how you felt. I got that from my sister on the days that I would visit her. She was distant and didn't want anyone to sit next to her. Dad and I tried to talk to her but he was always there by her side," Imran explained to her. "I wished that I could have tried hard to help her and she would have been here to watch her daughter grew into an amazing young lady," he added wiping a lone tear that fell on his face.

"You know why she chose you to Ayra's father and not that person? It was because she knew that Ayra would be safe with you. She would get the love, care of a father and she was right. Your sister didnt make a bad choice in making your Ayra's father," Shyra tells him. "She is one lucky girl to have you in her life. As her father and as her guardian who will always protect her no matter what or who comes between you two," she added making him smile.

"Thank you for saying that. I appreciate it, Shyra. And sometimes I know that Ayra wished her mother was still alive with us..."

"She doesn't wish for that Imran. She wishes for you to find your happiness," Shyra says cutting him off. "It is because she told me a few days ago. She wants you to find your happiness because it is all that matters to her," she added as they pulled into the parking lot of the building.

"I am happy with what I have now, alhamdulilah. But for Ayra, happiness has a different meaning. She thinks that happiness is about getting married and having a wife/husband. That is completing half of our deen. Happiness comes from within ourselves..."

"You are right and so is she. She wants you to have a companion and you said something different. Why don't you try and explain it to her? She cares about you and needs your happiness to be hers too. Thank you for the ride. I will see after I am done," Shyra says getting out of the car and leaving Imran to his thoughts.

She is right but how can I tell her that I have a plan to ask her to marry me when we graduate? Will she accept? In decision-making, there are always what-ifs and I don't want to be that guy who would regret expressing his feelings for someone like Shyra. But it will be her choice whether to accept or reject my proposal. And I will have to respect whatever her will be.

As Shyra walked in feeling more at ease than the first time she walked in with Imran. The feeling that she had been longing for was slowly coming back to her. But the main question was how will she go back to her hometown and face what she had planned for her cousin.

The weight that she had on her shoulders was slowly lifting and making way for a new beginning for her. But deep inside Shyra knew that she would need to go back, once she was ready to face them. To take back her life and get justice for herself.

"Hey, I am here for my appointment with Dr. Saalim," she tells the secretary who nods.

"Hey, yes. He has been expecting you, you can go right in," the secretary tells her.

Shyra thanked her and walked inside the office after knocking.

"Asalam Aliekum, Dr. How are you doing?" She greeted the doctor with a smile on her face.

Dr. Saalim wasn't surprised to see Shyra's face shining for the calmness of her heart and her soul. She appeared calm without any worries and this made him happy because this is what he wanted to achieve for Shyra.

"Waleikum Salaam. I am good alhamdulilah. And you?" He greeted her back.

"I am good alhamdullilah and it is all thanks to you, Ayra and Imran. Because I met the right people who helped even though I did try to push them away so many times but ..."

He never let go, that is who Imran is. Anyways Alhamdulilah you are okay now. I have something for you to do," he says while handing her a notebook. "Write anything about your day whether good, bad, or even worse. Write it down and make it your daily routine," he added while she took the notebook from him.

"Thank you for this and for the motivation that I will need to do what I need ro get back when it is time," Shyra says to him with a smile on her face.


"But remember to always come to your sessions even though they would be the same as they used to be," he tells her.

Meanwhile, Imran was sitting in the car trying to find a way to tell Shyra about his feelings and he had decided to marry her rather than go into a haraam relationship. But how will he approach Shyra about what he was thinking about?

Why does have to be had to make a life decision? Maybe it is because the decision could be a permanent mark that will always be there. 

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