Chapter Thirty

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"To tell her or not to tell her?"

Two Months Later.

Imran was at the point where he was ready to tell Shyra about the feelings he had for her but he also didn't want her to feel that he wanted to be with her because of what happened to her. But he wants her to know that his feelings are genuine and doesn't want to play with her feelings.

The only people he could go to for advice were his parents and Saira.

But the most important one to go to was Saira as they grew up together and she would give him the advice that he would need to go through what he wanted to do. Imran wants to propose to Shyra and marry her as he has always dreamt of.

"Asalam Aleikum, how are you doing? I know that I..."

"You are here to talk about your feelings for Shyra, I understand and you can come in. So we can talk," Saira says to him opening the door to let him inside the apartment.

Thankfully, Shyra and Ayra wanted to spend the day together and left Imran all alone at his apartment. And they didnt even tell him where they went for the day.

Imran walked inside and took a seat in the living room and then Saira sat on the other side with the cat on her lap.

"You love her," she stated making me look at her before she explained further by adding; "and you are scared that she will not return your feelings or what you will tell her might trigger her bad past."

Imran knew that Saira was right but he didn't want to alarm Shyra with his feelings for her.

"I don't want to hide my feelings for her because..."

"It is getting harder and harder to do especially when you two are always together. I understand what you are going through, I was the same way but I didn't want to tell him because he was in love with someone else who wanted revenge on him and his family," she explained to him.

"I love her and I want to marry her. But what about Samir?" Imran asked her. "I dont want to get in between them. If they love each other then I will have to let her go," he added surprising Saira.

She never thought that Imran would be the guy saying that he would move away when the girl he loves is in love with someone else. Saira thought that these men only appeared in movies and books but not in real life.

"Then tell her and let her decide what she wants to do. She is the one who can decide on her future," Saira advised him. "They will be here in about 30 minutes you like some coffee or tea?" she added getting up and going to the kitchen after Imran told her what he wanted.

What if I tell her right now or maybe I dont tell her and suffer when she chooses Samir? I dont want to hurt but at the same time I will be hurting myself in the process to me she is more important to me..."

"Samir, are you alright? I have been calling you for the last five minutes and you weren't answering," Saira calls to him. "I am asking if you need sugar and milk in your coffee," She asks him again.

"Both, please, and thank you."

Saira nodded and went back into the kitchen to get the coffee and tea for her and Samir.

She handed him the cup of coffee and took a seat on the same chair as before.

"I think it is better if I tell her and then let her decide for herself. And I will always be there to help her in whatever she needs in her fight. And if she decides to push me away then I will go away," Imran explained to Saira who nodded.

"In shaa Allah everything will be okay and I pray that she makes the best decision of her life and future," Saira tells him.

A few minutes later, the door opened revealing Ayra and Shyra laughing and smiling at each other.

"Asalam Aleikum..."

"Waleikium salaam. How's your day?" Imran asked as he saw their hands that had Mehdi on them.

"We went shopping and foundout that there was a funfair in town. So we went there and found that there's someone who applied amazing Mehdi designs," Shyra explained to him. "I am sorry that I didn't ask your permission when I took Ayra..."

"I am not angry, Shyra. It looks beautiful ma shaa Allah," he says interrupting them while looking at their hands that were turning dark red almost black with the Heena stain.

"Thanks, Dad," Ayra says and then hugs her father and then goes and sits near Saira who is with Shadow to show her the designs on her hands.

"Ayra, why don't you help me with bringing out the cake that I ordered from the bakery?" Saira says getting up and Ayra follows her leaving Shyra and Imran alone.


She looked up to find Imran staring at her without looking away. And then he moved closer to her but also gave her space.

"Why is this hard? I love you, Shyra, and I am not going to ask you to choose until you are ready. All I want is to help you in whatever you want in the future..."

"I want to go to a lawyer to start what I have planned on doing then I will decide on the future I want to have," Shyra tells him with a small smile on her face. "I know that might be a lot for you, I understand if you..."

"I have someone in mind and she would help you in what you have planned in future. W e can go and see her whenever you are ready," Imran says cutting her off.

I can do this. I need to get my future and my life back. I dont want to hide in the shadows like a coward while they live happily. He ruined my life and I promise that he will pay for what he and his family did to me. Even if it's the last thing I do alive.

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