Chapter Forty-two

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Stay Away From My Son"!!!

After two days of convincing Ayra to go and live with her Papa and Mama. She reluctantly agreed because of the many promises she made Shyra and her father make.

After dropping Ayra at the airport, Imran and Shyra drove home in silence because deep in their hearts they knew that this was the best for Ayra as it was starting not to be safe for her in this town.

"I know that it won't be easy for us to be without her but..."

"This is for the best. And I know that my aunt and uncle wont hesitate to hurt someone who isnt even involve in the cases against them," Shyra says to him.

Sometimes I wish that I never asked my father for the kitten. He would still be alive here with me and all these problems would have been just another dream. Ya Allah give me the strength that I will need to get through everything that will be coming. I just pray that whatever you bring will be good for me and the people around me.

"Shyra, stop blaming yourself for something that you had no control over. And as for Ayra, she will be fine as long as you receive every call and message that she will made," Imran says to Shyra making her smile.

As they approached the house, they couldn't help but notice that a car was there, and outside was a woman waiting for someone. She was wearing a black hijab and was looking sophisticated and could be searching for someone.

Shyra looked at Imran who just shook his head knowing that this might be one of the people who would ask Shyra to stay away from Samir.

Shyra looked at the woman and immediately knew that she was none other than Samir's mother.

"Here we go again. Imran, I am sorry about this but I dont even know how she found me. That woman is Samir's mother..."

"Shyra, you don't need to explain to me. I understand but you also need to tell Samir about these visits because they are getting out of hand," Imran says as he parked the car.

Shyra knew that he was right but she didnt want Samir to be part of her life because she wasn't someone that had a future with him especially when many people in his life dont want them to be together.

"Time to face the music, Imran..."

"Don't worry, I am here always for you. Besides, she has no right to be here in your home. Samir is a grown man who can make his own decisions and that includes his future. I am sorry for offending you but they shouldnt meddle in his life. I will be by your side no matter what happened," Imran says to Shyra while getting out of the car.

As soon as Shyra walked out of the car, Samir's mother walked toward her and slapped her on the face.

This shocked Imran who used himself as a shield.

"I told him to stay away from you but all he did was think about you. What do you have that the women I picked didn't have? I am telling you myself to stay away from my son or else I won't be held responsible for what I will do to take care of the problem in my son's life," Samir's mother says pointing her finger at Shyra who was holding her cheek with her hand.

"I havent spoken to you son for almost a month I have been here. And I told him to stay away from me so whatever he does it isnt for me but for himself..."

"You ruined your cousin's life and now you want to ruin my son's. Why? Do you want money? How much do you want...?"

"I didnt ruin anyone's life. My cousin raped me and I have proof of everything that he did. Including a medical report," Shyra says removing the copy of the medical file that has everything in it.

"Here, this will explain everything that your friends told you about 'the advantage' that I took from their son," she added leaving the file with her.

Shyra and Imran then walked away from her.

"She must be lying to me. I knew that she wasn't and will never be the woman for my son especially now I have seen with my eyes what Warda has told me about her living with a man. Could they be already married? No, that can't be. If they did get married, then her Aunt would be the first to tell me," she says as she looks at both Imran and Shyra walking inside the house. She then looked at the file that was on the ground and decided to pick it up out of curiosity. Then she skimmed through but didnt want to believe what was written in it.

All she wanted was for Shyra to stay from her son, Samir and she would do everything in her power for that to happen.

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