Chapter Thirty-three

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Going back home.

It was time to say goodbye to the town that had become her home for the last three years and a half. Shyra felt like she was leaving a part of her behind, which is in front of someone, and that's Ayra.

Imran had made plans for her to stay with her grandparents as he didn't want to leave Saira alone. Thankfully, he had his parents' prayers and permission to go with Saira and to help her with whatever she wanted. And even Dr. Saalim would go when he would be summoned by the court when it was time for him to appear as a witness for Saira.

"Whatever happens, Saira you know that you always have a place to come back to and always remember that our home is your home," Dania says giving Saira a hug and a kiss on the forehead before turning to her son. "Take care of her, Imran. And make sure that she is safe," she added hugging him.

Saying goodbye to Ayra was the hardest for both Imran and Shyra but for Shyra it was different because she might not see her again for a while and Imran, would always visit her during the weekends.


"Why cant I come with you two? I promise that I will behave and do everything you tell me, please let me come with you," Ayra says pleading to her father with tears in her eyes. "I dont have school until next year and maybe this could be a holiday for us and it will be better if I spend it with you and Shyra, please, dad?" She added looking at Shyra who was also trying to hold her tears.

Dania and her husband understood what their granddaughter was doing. And Ayra was right because no one knows how long the trial will be. Not even Janna who is a lawyer knows.

"Imran, can I talk to you?" Shyra says to him.

Imran nods and follows her to his father's study. He almost knew what she wanted from him.

"How about she goes with us, she can stay with my aunt and uncle if you are worried about her safety?" Shyra suggested to him. "Because I know how much she will need you and she is at a point where she needs her father. And I cant keep her from you. We can take her with us but when the school starts i will personally take her back here to her grandparents, in shaa Allah," she added.

Imran knew that Shyra was right about everything.

"Okay, we will take her but she doesnt have to stay with your aunt and uncle, she could stay with me in the hotel..."

"No, not a hotel. I have my parents' house. I figured that we could all stay there. Or not?" Shyra says to him.

This surprises Imran as she didnt have to offer her house but she did.

"Okay, let's go and tell the princess the good news..."

Imran says opening the door only to find Ayra listening with Shadow in her arms.

"Yay!! Hear that Shadow. I am also going. Let's go and tell Nana and Papa the great news," Ayra says jumping for joy, and then walks away to tell her grandparents the news leaving Shyra laughing at Imran's face.

"Don't tell me we are also taking the cat?" Imran asks raising his eyebrows.

Shyra just shrugged and walked away from him.

"Shyra, come on. You know that she will carry him everywhere we go, right?" Imran asks her standing in front of Shyra stopping her from moving forward. "And he will be everywhere," he added remembering the time that Shadow had spent the night in his apartment.


Ayra insisted on having Shadow sleepover but her father wasn't sure about that. After convincing him, he reluctantly agreed and let the cat spend the night in the apartment. But he didnt expect the zoomies that Shadow did in the middle of the night.

Even after feeding him, the cat didnt settle down and started running around the apartment. But as for Ayra, she was fast asleep not knowing what was happening to her father. Imran was always a light sleeper and any type of sound would wake him up.

He didnt want to get angry at his daughter but he was angry at the cat because the next day he had a very important meeting to get to. But when he got into the office, he felt sleepy and couldn't keep his eyes open. He decided to have black coffee with no sugar to keep him from sleeping throughout the meeting. Thankfully, Shyra was there and helped him.

End of flashback.

"How about this?" Shyra says to him. " The cat and Ayra sleep in my room while you take the guest room that far from my room," she added looking at him.

"Fine but how do you sleep through all the zoomies the cat does?" Imran asks her.

"He sleeps with me and when he does his zoomies, I would take him to a different room and put him there but I dont lock the door, I leave it open. And sometimes it happens when he sleeps a lot in the afternoons," Shyra explained as they walked back to the living room to find Ayra happily telling her grandparents the great news.

Dania looked at Shyra and smiled at her. She knew why Shyra wanted Ayra to be there.

She knew how much Shyra missed her parents' love, care, and protection. And she didnt want Ayra to miss any of that with her father Imran because of helping her even though, he didnt have to.

"I will go and help Ayra pack while you go and settle the rent contracts with your landlord and then we will meet at their airport," Dania tells them.

Imran's parents didnt want them to go by car because of their granddaughter.

"Nana, why can't we go by car? Thats better because of Shadow, he might not be allowed in the plane," Ayra says interrupting her grandmother who looked at her.

Ayra was still holding the cat on her lap and didnt want to let him go.


"Ayra, thats a great idea. What do you think, Imran?" Dr. Saalim smiles asking his son.

"I think she is right. Plus, it will be great because Ayra will get to see the amazing views of the mountains," Imran says smiling at his daughter.

"So it is settled that they will be travelling by car but wouldn't Imran get tired?" His mother asks them.

"I can drive too but I havent gotten a car yet. We will exchange when it's time," Shyra says to ease Dania's nervousness.

"Alhamdulilah, now, you two go and pack. And Saalim and I will pack the food and snacks for you to take with you," Dania suggests to them.

They all agreed and went their separate ways leaving Dania and Saalim in the house.

"I pray that Shyra gets what she wants because I can see how much that girl has suffered. I know that you cant discuss her as she is your patient but I want her to be happy even if it is with our son," Dania tells her husband who smiles at her.

"In shaa Allah, she will and as for our son, dont worry about him. I know that his heart is safe," Dr. Saalim tells his wife with a smile.

Confronting fear isn't something that you do on an impulse. You will need a plan that will give you courage and someone to be there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on.

The Healer Of My Soul.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ